
Showing posts from 2021

πŸŽ„πŸŽ„Merry Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

                                                                           Poinsetta & Holly A little more than a week till Christmas day. I hope all of you are ready for the big day! Had your booster? Have Rapid Tests in your cupboard? We don't have any rapid tests and don't know where to even get one, I guess a drug store! We wouldn't even have to wonder about getting any IF everyone had gotten their vaccine and boosters. I truly believe we would be done with Covid if everyone had gotten shots when it first came out.  πŸŽ„ Today is my dear husband's 86th birthday and I have a peach pie make for him and will fix his favorite Orange Chicken and Basmati Rice for dinner. He has h...
                                                                                                                 BOY ON SLED  December is really moving fast. We had a bit of snow Saturday and woke up this morning to a winter wonderland! I took this photo out of our dining room window!  I doubt if it stays around long but kind of pretty for a day! That's all the longer I want it to stay around, though. 🦊 I hope all of you in the US enjoyed your Thanksgiving. We had a very nice fam...

Happy Thanksgiving

 I would like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. If you aren't in the USA, take this day to give thanks for just being alive and for having loved ones. We have all suffered through this horrible pandemic, some losing loved ones, some nursing others and just having to keep trying to protect yourself and your loved ones. So take this day to give thanks. This is the 63rd Thanksgiving dinner in a row I have had at our home. The gatherings aren't as large as they used to be, since we have lost a lot of our loved ones...grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles,, husbands, wives and children.  I am so thankful that so far my family has faired well during this pandemic. Most of my loved ones have gotten vaccinated but a few have not. I hope and pray they will decide that the vaccine is the way to stay safe but I fear that is not the case in a few of them. And maybe some will be forced to to continue working, schooling, etc. The vaccine has proven itself to be safe for all and the fa...

❤❤πŸ’–I'm Back!!! πŸ’–❤❤

                                                                                      Stonehenge Sky  Hi...everyone! I am back...well, partially back. Still have a large padded bandage on my back so makes it hard to sit comfortably but I can feel my legs again! And they don't hurt. The pain now is nothing like the pain before so I am on my way back! Slowly but for almost 83 I am doing very well. Not going to write much right now but wanted you all to know I am back and thanks to all for the good thou...

πŸŽƒ Halloween & Back Surgery πŸŽƒ

                                                                                   Autumn Drive Sounds like everyone is having horrible fall weather! Cyclone Bombs, hurricanes, etc. We had all kinds of weather alerts over the weekend but we were very lucky and nothing strange happened. We always get a lot of rain and wind so it wasn't any worse than normal right here in  "MaDonna Land"! I hope everyone got through whatever they got. It sounds like kids will be able to get vaccinated very soon but so many parents aren't going to get them vaccinated. More than 40% of the patients in our county are children so it will be a hard decision but I think I would have mine vaccinated. I think I mentioned my back bo...

πŸŽƒ October News πŸŽƒ

 Kitties Pumpkin Well, October is well underway. So far our weather has been fair but there is a definite chill in the air. I really dread the cold, cold winter but that goes with living in the Pacific Northwest. And it is so beautiful up here.  I just finished making the above theme and was pleased with how it turned out. I had to do a lot of manipulating of  kittens and leaves to get it to show as many kittens and leaves as possible so I hope you all like it.  I think I mentioned I had been having a lot of back pain the last 1 1/2 year and the last 6 months has gotten a lot worse. I finally got the MRI and it was quite scary looking. Our Primary Dr. called after he saw it and was surprised I was up walking around so well! Saw the Orthopedic Surgeon that gave me my new knee in 2019 and he is pushing for surgery asap. It is just a  matter of when the hospital can schedule it. He is hoping...


                                                             Cutest Fox Ever   Right now I am waiting for my husbands Cardiologist to call me and tell me his surgery is over and all went well. What a horrible time we live in now where you have to leave your loved one at the door of the hospital, go home..and then wait for a call so you can pick him up at the door. I am so upset at people that haven't gotten vaccinated because this is there fault. Right now this is a "disease of the unvaccinated". The first date for his surgery was cancelled because the hospital had too many Covid patients to be safe. A month later there are more patients in the hospital bu...

September Memories

                                                                             An Autumn Flight Can you believe that September is here? Hard to believe that 2021 has gone as fast as it has. It has been a year we probably all would like to forget. And it doesn't look much better for the near future. So this morning I was thinking about the past and thought I would share a little bit of what my life was like 64 years ago. I was pushing buttons on my washing machine when I started thinking about the past and how easy we have it now. πŸ’–  64 years ago I was an 18 year old wife and soon to be mother. We had rented a cabin in the woods for 3 months and paid $50 a month rent. We felt like we were wast...

August Heat and No Surgery

                                                                                       Cabin in the Mist                              Hope everyone is keeping cool. Wow, we have had heat but managing to get through it without air conditioning.  My last post was pretty heated about vaccinations...well I would like to thank all you out there that have gotten their vaccine, and would like t...

Soon to be August

                                                                                 Foggy Hay Field I decided this morning I just had to post on my blog. I don't know how many actually take the time to read this BUT I feel so strongly about something and am so frustrated about it, I am going to put my feelings down. I think it will make me feel better to just type it out. Why on earth are people not getting vaccinated? The proof is there....the vaccine works and its safe. Politics aside....why...why...why? Do you not care about other people or are you so darn selfish you don't give a damn? Personally I think that is a lot of it. They just don't care. They just go about their daily duties and don't give a damn about your or yo...

July Heat

Wet Grass Another month has passed. I am sure everyone is warm enough! We had a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest that was very rare. We don't have air conditioning and have never needed or wanted it until the past weekend. We suffered! My heart was jumping around and I thought I would have to go to the hospital. We ended up and sat in lawn chairs in our tv room which is kind of in the middle of our house, with the ceiling fan and our other 2 fans both going. But there wasn't any cool air to blow around. I had a spray bottle and sprayed us both down quite often. They say that is probably just the beginning. I can't understand why some individuals don't believe in global warming or climate change....whatever you want to call it. We have never, ever had heat like that weekend. We really can't afford to put in air conditioning in our old house so I don't know what we are going to do...just suffer...


Lady Daisy June is almost in our rear view. Hate to see summer go so fast. We are finally getting some warm weather in the Pacific Northwest. I love it here as it is so green and fresh but we could sure use more sunshine. Although they say we are in a drought I don't see it, but that is what they say. I honestly believe that the Pacific Northwest will someday be the food basket for the United States. The lower western states are getting low on water and burning up and I don't see any change in the future for them. The climate is changing! Some people don't see it, but it is happening. If they continue to pave over the Pacific Northwest with cement, houses and apartments there won't be enough farmland to grow food. I hate to see the cities expand out into farmland. I have been fighting that since the early 1990's. A developer  purchased a 550 acre cattle ranch/farm that is to the west and north of our road. H...

🦊 The New Firefox 89! 🦊

🦊🦊🦊 I just updated my Firefox to 89! I love it. I encourage everyone to updater your Firefox. 🦊 It's cleaner and the Home Page is dark and when I right click I get a dark window. It's easy on the eyes.  SO DO IT TODAY! 🦊🦊🦊  

June Updates

🦊🦊🦊 As you can see my blog has changed and I don't like it but I have to go along with the go along! I haven't figured out how to use the new blogger. Someday I will take a day and try to figure it out. Thought I would let you all know that there will be changes for us in Firefox 89 that will come out early next week. Theme looks will be updated and I guess the Home Page or New Tab Page also. I don't know exactly what the New Tab Page will look like but hope it doesn't change too much. I have all my saved sites that I go to all the time pasted on it. And I have noticed that the background on it is now black...which is something I have been asking for. I honestly don't know if my Dark Night Mode extension is causing it or not but it is dark now...I know many of you have asked for that.  I would like to recommend a free Office type program. I have to watch the budget to I can't afford to pay for Microsoft Office. I have been using LibreOffice for many years and...

May your May be Magnificent

                                           Glads & Gerberas  Happy May everyone. I hope everyone is safe and sound. And you got your vaccine! I can't tell you how important this is. Personally I do not understand why some people are so skeptical. It seems the same people that don't want the shot...want the countries to open up. It is never going to happen until we have herd immunity and that isn't going to happen until everyone has the vaccine. I have heard some untrue stories out there for reasons not to get the vaccine. One was told to me by a family member...that your life insurance won't pay out if you died within a year of getting the vaccine! It didn't take me long to find the is a ...

April Fool

Vintage Look for Firefox  Happy April everyone....I hope everyone is getting over the winter blahs and getting vaccine in the arms. I can't say I am over the winter blah's yet because our spring in the Pacific Northwest has been chillier and wetter than usual. Which is saying a lot! We still aren't going out. Except to Doctors appointments. I thought we would start going out with masks to get our groceries soon after we were fully vaccinated but then the local cases started going up soooooo...we aren't.  Our daughter purchases most of our groceries and I place orders for some but I really miss buying our own. But we both feel so lucky that we have family close that will do this for us. I pay her for everything I have her get for us because I am not going to have someone else "buy" them. She fusses about it but that's just too bad. But I miss seeing new items in the grocery stores to g...

Spring will Spring

                                    Blue Birds of Spring o-spring-by-m-donna/ March has arrived with hopes of spring, warm days, flowers popping up and vaccine available!  What a hassle to get a vaccine? First off, our far northwest county was shorted on vaccine so there was a lot of people wanting a little bit of vaccine. I was getting up at 2:30 in the morning to check in and see if anyone had it. Spent hours trying. I actually got us both appointments and then they were canceled because of the stormy weather. We had a northeaster with a lot of snow drifts. So we didn't get any fresh groceries for 2 weeks. But we can eat out of our freezer and cupboards for quite awhile. I actually got us appointments for our vaccine and we each g...

Frustrated February!

A Winter Sunset   February is half over. Seems to me things are getting worse as far as this virus is going. Now we are fighting 3 different variations, probably will be 4 by the time I get this posted. I have been trying to get an appointment for my husband to get his vaccine. I was trying for both of us and finally gave up on 2 since that seemed impossible so now just trying for at least 1 shot for him. So far...not so good. For some reason our little corner of the United States is pretty much forgotten as far as shipments of vaccine go. The big cities like Seattle are getting shipments. Our council questioned the state regarding this and we got a shipment early this week but so far not so good. We were supposed to get more today but I was on line before they even opened it up for appointments and still couldn't get on. Distressing! We have been shut in for over a year, except for a few Dr. appointments an...

Title code for full toolbar designs

                                      Northern Lake   FYI  I was asked to figure out some way to title my themes so you would know right away if the theme filled the entire toolbar. Some users really like the design to fill the entire top toolbar, as do I. So I am going to start adding FT (full toolbar) to the titles of those themes. Firefox limits the length of a title, so it may cause a few problems...but I will try. I will also go back and edit a theme to add FT to the if a title of one of your favorite themes changes, this is why.

Happy New Year 2021!

  2021          Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a safe New Years eve. Us old folk stayed home and watched Netflix! We could hear fireworks going off after we went to bed so ended up and put earplugs in!  What a year we have had. So many people suffering, dead and out of work. We can only hope for a better year. We have a a vaccine now and hopefully most will take it. I honestly can't understand the hesitancy in taking it. We will be glad when we can get ours but it probably wont' be until after the new president is in office and the states gets some guidance. Right now the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. I am trying something new that seems to be helping me keep my energy and mood up. It is Happy Coffee. Have you ever heard of it? I hadn't but it sounds pretty good, right? Well I got a samp...