Friday, December 17, 2021

πŸŽ„πŸŽ„Merry Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

                                                             Poinsetta & Holly

A little more than a week till Christmas day. I hope all of you are ready for the big day! Had your booster? Have Rapid Tests in your cupboard? We don't have any rapid tests and don't know where to even get one, I guess a drug store! We wouldn't even have to wonder about getting any IF everyone had gotten their vaccine and boosters. I truly believe we would be done with Covid if everyone had gotten shots when it first came out. 


Today is my dear husband's 86th birthday and I have a peach pie make for him and will fix his favorite Orange Chicken and Basmati Rice for dinner. He has had several calls from friends. He had to argue with one gal because she hasn't been vaccinated and is griping because she can't find a job! Because she hasn't been vaccinated! She said she would die if she got one, my husband said, "No, you will die if you don't." I wonder how much influence he will have. People are so hard headed about all the misinformation they have received, I think they honestly believe that. If that is the case, they should watch different television stations and get new friends! I know...I know I shouldn't be preaching but I am hoping we can spend our last years not having to wear masks and being able to see great grandkids and give them hugs. But it doesn't look like that is going to be the way it is.


We are just having our kids here for Christmas day. I managed to get enough chicken wings to make our families favorite! Last year I could only find 1 small bag, so I shopped earlier this year. They have to cook for 2 hours and be turned every 30 min. But they are soooo good. We don't have dinner anymore, just snacks and play Uno! So much easier than the days when the grandkids were all small.


I have been getting a lot of emails and comments regarding dark and light Home/New Page. I have NO control over that. I wish I did because I like to keep mine dark. The older you get the light is too hard on your eyes. I did download an extension, Dark Background and Light Text extension: You can give it a try if you like. 


I feel so badly for all the people that have lost their home because of hurricanes, floods, etc. It is so sad to see people looking for photos, etc. around a pile of rubble. And at Christmas time makes it even worse.


I would like to wish one and all a very Happy Holiday season, whatever it is you celebrate. Merry Christmas and please keep safe and well.


Monday, December 6, 2021


                                                              BOY ON SLED

 December is really moving fast. We had a bit of snow Saturday and woke up this morning to a winter wonderland! I took this photo out of our dining room window!

 I doubt if it stays around long but kind of pretty for a day! That's all the longer I want it to stay around, though.
I hope all of you in the US enjoyed your Thanksgiving. We had a very nice family dinner. And the great part of this year's celebration was the guys decided to do the dishes! That was fantastic! And we got to enjoy leftovers most of the next week. 
I can't believe what a difference my back surgery made. I have been able to do sit ups again. I hadn't been able to do even 1 for over a year so when I tried the other night I was very careful and expected pain immediately! Didn't happen! So I did 5 and will start 1 more each time. I am  going to start walking the road again soon but only when it isn't raining, windy, snowing or icy! I think I have learned my lessons on that front!
I wish I could submit my updates faster but I am only allowed to submit 3 at a time. It is going to take me forever. I haven't even gotten through my Autumn designs and to me winter is here.
I was so hoping Congress would vote to let the states that have already approved to stay on Daylight Savings Time actually do it, but they didn't. I am hoping this is the last time we have to change clocks. We still have a lot of clocks that don't automatically change. And turning them back takes longer. Our vehicles are all older, too so they have to be changed. 
 I am also hoping that more people  will get vaccinated, now that we have the Omicron here. I have figured that at my husband and my ages, we will probably be wearing masks for the rest of our lives. We have gotten our boosters but we still double mask when we go out. Which is rare. Only Dr. appointments and every other week to the grocery store. 
 I have made family calendars for years with all our birthdays, etc. on. The program I use is Broderbund Printshop...very old program. When I went to install it in my old, old laptop it said it wouldn't work with Windows 10...but I didn't give up and managed to get it to work! So I have to keep that laptop updated just so I can use that program. And it won't update to Windows 11.
Has anyone updated to Windows 11? I only have 1 computer that will work with it but I am going to wait a bit. I am expecting my desktop to quit one of these days. My grandson (IT guy at WWU) built it about 12 years ago. He has had to replace a few components in it, put a SSD in several years ago but he says there is too much to update it for 11 so it looks like Grandma is gonna have to break down and purchase a new one and I really don't want to, so will put it off until this one won't work anymore. I have my old Quicken program, my old Photoshop Elements, etc. all set up like I like and I am gonna hang in with this one until it won't work! So keep your fingers crossed for my old desktop! Please!
 Going to get back to work, make a few designs, and submit a few more. Have a wonderful week! Stay safe and don't spend too much money on Christmas!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

 I would like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. If you aren't in the USA, take this day to give thanks for just being alive and for having loved ones. We have all suffered through this horrible pandemic, some losing loved ones, some nursing others and just having to keep trying to protect yourself and your loved ones. So take this day to give thanks.

This is the 63rd Thanksgiving dinner in a row I have had at our home. The gatherings aren't as large as they used to be, since we have lost a lot of our loved ones...grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles,, husbands, wives and children. 

I am so thankful that so far my family has faired well during this pandemic. Most of my loved ones have gotten vaccinated but a few have not. I hope and pray they will decide that the vaccine is the way to stay safe but I fear that is not the case in a few of them. And maybe some will be forced to to continue working, schooling, etc. The vaccine has proven itself to be safe for all and the falsehoods that have been posted and whispered are just not true. 

Anyway...I have my cranberry salad (my Mom's recipe) made, the candied sweet potatoes ready to bake (my Grandmother's old fashioned recipe that is so full of sugar it's not good for us, but ....we're gonna eat them anyway! The turkey is thawed...the house is cleaned. (Which, after back surgery is no small fete!)

We faired well through the flood in Whatcom County, Washington...without too much of a headache. Although many, many families have no homes left to celebrate this year. It is supposed to be be a very wet, rainy, windy Thanksgiving but we will have the fire going and the door partly open to keep fresh air flowing. 

Thanks to all of you who read my blog and use my themes. I treasure you all!

Lastly, thanks to Mozilla. They have let me keep my mind busy making themes and allowing me to share them with you. They have been very kind to this old lady for many years.

Friday, November 5, 2021

❤❤πŸ’–I'm Back!!! πŸ’–❤❤


                                                                                    Stonehenge Sky

 Hi...everyone! I am back...well, partially back. Still have a large padded bandage on my back so makes it hard to sit comfortably but I can feel my legs again! And they don't hurt. The pain now is nothing like the pain before so I am on my way back! Slowly but for almost 83 I am doing very well.

Not going to write much right now but wanted you all to know I am back and thanks to all for the good thoughts and wishes.

Also, just a small warning. When I updated Firefox on my big desktop computer that I do all of my designing on, I was asked if I wanted to try Colorways? I thought, why not? Well, I will tell you why not!  You can't get rid of it. Apparently it is for a limited time so when that time is gone, they will automatically take it away. ( I hope!) It is just a mish/mash of plain colored different themes that have no design, just different colors. If you have every used Firefox Color, it is much better and lets you do a lot more. I don't like clutter and now, my Themes are all cluttered with these themes I will never use. So, if you don't want it, don't take them up on their offer! But do keep your Firefox updated!

That is all for today! Have a great week end.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

πŸŽƒ Halloween & Back Surgery πŸŽƒ

                                                                                   Autumn Drive

Sounds like everyone is having horrible fall weather! Cyclone Bombs, hurricanes, etc. We had all kinds of weather alerts over the weekend but we were very lucky and nothing strange happened. We always get a lot of rain and wind so it wasn't any worse than normal right here in  "MaDonna Land"! I hope everyone got through whatever they got.

It sounds like kids will be able to get vaccinated very soon but so many parents aren't going to get them vaccinated. More than 40% of the patients in our county are children so it will be a hard decision but I think I would have mine vaccinated.

I think I mentioned my back bothering me...well I finally got my MRI and the Dr. called and said he couldn't believe I was doing so well after seeing the MRI. It showed, Multilevel spondylosis, Multifactorial severe central spinal canal stenosis at L4 & L5 and complete obliteration of the central canal! No wonder my back has been hurting and my legs going numb! The orthopedic surgeon that did my knee is pushing my surgery up. He has 400 surgeries delayed  because of Covid but I am supposed to go in this Thurs. and get my back surgery. But I just read that the hospital has more Covid patients than they have ever had so I am so hoping they don't delay it. I went for my Covid test this morning. You have to have a test before any surgery. So I am keeping my fingers crossed. 

I am trying to get a lot of stuff done before Thursday. I am doing all of my floors today so they will be super clean, going to make a couple loaves of pumpkin bread tomorrow and get the house all cleaned good.  

I am still working on getting Halloween and Autumn themes updated. I won't finish the Halloween ones finished before this Halloween, though. I can only get so many submitted a day!

This blog must be so boring for people to read and I am sorry. Not much going on here! I was asked to submit a short comment about making my Autumn Leaves theme because Mozilla is going to feature the theme in their  I really didn't know what to write so will have to wait and see what it sounds like. I will post the link when it is live.

I will get back to Firefox themes, updating, designs as soon as I can. And you know it will be soon IF I get the surgery this Thursday.

Have a good week and will be back soon.....

Friday, October 8, 2021

πŸŽƒ October News πŸŽƒ

 Kitties Pumpkin

Well, October is well underway. So far our weather has been fair but there is a definite chill in the air. I really dread the cold, cold winter but that goes with living in the Pacific Northwest. And it is so beautiful up here. 

I just finished making the above theme and was pleased with how it turned out. I had to do a lot of manipulating of  kittens and leaves to get it to show as many kittens and leaves as possible so I hope you all like it. 

I think I mentioned I had been having a lot of back pain the last 1 1/2 year and the last 6 months has gotten a lot worse. I finally got the MRI and it was quite scary looking. Our Primary Dr. called after he saw it and was surprised I was up walking around so well! Saw the Orthopedic Surgeon that gave me my new knee in 2019 and he is pushing for surgery asap. It is just a  matter of when the hospital can schedule it. He is hoping to get it scheduled within the next 30 days because it is getting worse every day. A lot of pain involved but I am keeping going as much as possible and doing quite well for as bad as my back is. I am hoping the Covid patients will go down so I can get in to the hospital. My husband surgery was postponed once so I won't be surprised if it doesn't get done in the next month. So keeping y fingers crossed. Not looking forward to it but has to be done. I will only get 2 days notice. So wish me luck!!!

My husband is doing really well since his heart surgery last month. So all is well there. He has been able to go up in the mountains with one of our great grandsons this week. They both enjoyed that very much and actually saw a cougar. Didn't bring any grouse home but were thrilled with seeing the cougar. 

Going to fix lunch and update a few more of my older themes.

The best to you all.....stay safe.


Monday, September 13, 2021



                                                           Cutest Fox Ever


Right now I am waiting for my husbands Cardiologist to call me and tell me his surgery is over and all went well. What a horrible time we live in now where you have to leave your loved one at the door of the hospital, go home..and then wait for a call so you can pick him up at the door. I am so upset at people that haven't gotten vaccinated because this is there fault. Right now this is a "disease of the unvaccinated". The first date for his surgery was cancelled because the hospital had too many Covid patients to be safe. A month later there are more patients in the hospital but they can't just keep putting patients surgeries off. I have family members that aren't vaccinated and no matter what I say they still won't get that shot. You can't do anything about that, but I tried.

I just called and he is still in surgery! Taking longer than what they said....

Just made some more coffee...probably not a good idea but I have to drive to pick him up so wine is out of the question!

I got all the floors scrubbed super good as that is a good time taker! 

Have updates going but I can only submit so many at a time and the crew that does the reviewing isn't as many as it used to be so it takes longer for them to be reviewed. 

I am going to sign off for now...I am sure I will be getting a call very soon.


    What a horrible day yesterday was! I couldn't get a hold of anyone at the hospital that knew anything. The Cardiologist that did the surgery was supposed to call me after the 150 minute surgery but he got called into an emergency so couldn't call. They had told us the surgery would be 150 minutes and it was 4 hours! I finally got a hold of someone at 6:00 that actually cared and she said she would find out what was going on and call me. To make a long story short...all went well and he is home. But it was a horrible day and I am sorry if I got carried away on my blog. 

I just wish people would get smart and this would all be over. Until that happens...this is going to be our/your world so get used to it. It sounds like kids are smarter than their parents and wanting to get vaccinated and their parents aren't letting them When we were raising our kids I would have done anything to keep them safe and not get sick so I have a hard time understanding their thought process.

Have a good week!


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September Memories

                                                                             An Autumn Flight

Can you believe that September is here? Hard to believe that 2021 has gone as fast as it has. It has been a year we probably all would like to forget. And it doesn't look much better for the near future. So this morning I was thinking about the past and thought I would share a little bit of what my life was like 64 years ago. I was pushing buttons on my washing machine when I started thinking about the past and how easy we have it now.


64 years ago I was an 18 year old wife and soon to be mother. We had rented a cabin in the woods for 3 months and paid $50 a month rent. We felt like we were wasting money renting. There was a house on the Mountain Loop Highway that we kind of wanted and we knew it was being rented out. The owner of the house was a recent widow. Her husband had been killed in a logging accident the year before. I remember it because I was in high school and they came to the school to notify the loggers son that his father had been killed. The widow and son didn't want to live up in the mountains by themselves so moved to town. After we decided to ask her if she would sell, we went to visit her and offered her $3000. It was a 2 story house on 1/2 acre in the wood and not very old. My husband worked for the US Forest Service and was making $4,000 a year! We didn't have any savings at all since we hadn't been married that long. But she knew us and was glad to have a young couple in her house. She talked to her brother and he thought she should ask $3500.00 which was all right with us. She helped us get a loan at her bank...nothing down and $50.00 a month house payment. So, we moved in...I was excited about setting up our own home since that was all I had ever wanted was to be a wife and mother. 

Back to the washing machine! We had purchased a used wringer washer for $35 and it had to sit on our open back porch. By then we had a 3 month old son. I put him in his buggy and put him in the kitchen so I could go out and get the washing machine and roll it into the house. I had to set up a hose from the kitchen sink to fill the washer and rinse the clothes in the sink, and then use the wringer so I could hang the clothes up. It was Feb. and quite cold out. When I shut the kitchen door...I realized I had just locked myself out of the house...our son was safe but in his buggy but I was worried he might spit up and choke. I had on a sleeveless blouse and no jacket available! Our nearest neighbor was 1/2 mile away so I had to run to their house to call the ranger station so my husband could come home and get the house unlocked. (We couldn't afford a phone at that point) He had to climb through an upstairs window to get in the house. Our son was perfectly safe in his buggy sound asleep! But it was something that I will never forget since I was so scared for our baby boy. My husband went back to work and I got the laundry done. No dryer, of course so I had to hang everything in the upstairs. My husband had set up a clothes line for me. So just think how easy it is for you to get your laundry done now. No one realizes the difference in how we lived in the past. We had bills to pay and if we were lucky there was money left for groceries...which there always was but I remember when I checked out if there wasn't enough money, I had to take a few things off the counter to put back on the shelves. 

So the next time you have to to laundry just be glad you have that beautiful washing machine!!!!

More memories another day!

Saturday, August 14, 2021

August Heat and No Surgery

                                                                                       Cabin in the Mist


Hope everyone is keeping cool. Wow, we have had heat but managing to get through it without air conditioning. 

My last post was pretty heated about vaccinations...well I would like to thank all you out there that have gotten their vaccine, and would like to give everyone that hasn't yet a kick in the butt!! Thanks to all of you my husbands surgery was postponed because our hospital is so full of covid cases. Un-Vaccinated of course! His surgery wasn't the only one that was canceled of course but it is his that we were hoping to get through before summer was over. We were all prepared to leave early Monday morning. We had been notified that I could not be with him at all...just drop him off...and they would call me after his surgery and then when I could pick him up. I wasn't pleased about not being able to spend any time with him after his surgery but at least he was going to get it. He isn't on is A-Fib meds right now because of preparing for his surgery.

My sister in law has lost her sister and brother in law to the Covid. And I have a hunch they were not vaccinated because they live in one of the Republican run states that seem to think they are immune. They aren't. To me vaccine has nothing to do with your politics. It is about your health! Enough people world wide have had the vaccine for over a year and it is proven they have immunity. This surge we are having right now is because of Delta. Delta would not have gotten into the communities IF people had gotten vaccinated when it was first approved for use. Delta is going to morph into another version that is even stronger and more contagious. Take my word for that! If this keeps up you will be hearing about that some day soon when you hear the morning news.

Still working on theme updates so have patience if I haven't updated your favorite. Or you can email me and I will get right on it.

Will get back to work. Enjoy the last of the summer but do it safely and wear a mask if you are indoors or where there are a lot of people. Please...

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Soon to be August

                                                                                 Foggy Hay Field

I decided this morning I just had to post on my blog. I don't know how many actually take the time to read this BUT I feel so strongly about something and am so frustrated about it, I am going to put my feelings down. I think it will make me feel better to just type it out. Why on earth are people not getting vaccinated? The proof is there....the vaccine works and its safe. Politics aside....why...why...why? Do you not care about other people or are you so darn selfish you don't give a damn? Personally I think that is a lot of it. They just don't care. They just go about their daily duties and don't give a damn about your or yours...or even their own family! Don't they care about their parents and grandparents? Apparently not.

We haven't gotten to hug some of our grand kids or great-grand-kids for months and months. It hurts. The virus should have been pretty much gone by this time but the way it is going it will never go away. The Delta is going to morph into the next version that is going to be easier to catch and more dangerous....and on and on and on! Until people start taking life seriously that is the future of our county. And the world.

We have the vaccine. It is safe... it works. Other countries would love to have what we have....but we are so selfish we don't give a damn. Me Me Me....That is what some of these people think. I actually heard a man on our local conservative radio station ask if anyone knew where he could get a vaccine without giving his name! Why in hell would he care if someone knew he had been smart and gotten his shot? Is he afraid his buddies will make fun of him! Well, stand up and be man and do your duty. Get the damn shot! Be a hero!

I just had to re-do all our masks with new nose pieces because we are going to have to start wearing them again. Actually we haven't stopped. We did start getting our own groceries but we wear masks when we go in. It looks like we will have to go back to ordering stuff. 

Please think about your family and friends...stand up and get the shot. Help your family, your county, your state and yourself. 

The way things are going my husbands heart surgery will probably have to be postponed next month because of selfish people. Who wants to go to the hospital when the virus is spreading like wildfire?

Well, have a good week! I feel better....and will be happy if this rant makes one person think about his life, his family and his neighbors and gets that shot!

Friday, July 9, 2021

July Heat

Wet Grass

Another month has passed. I am sure everyone is warm enough! We had a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest that was very rare. We don't have air conditioning and have never needed or wanted it until the past weekend. We suffered! My heart was jumping around and I thought I would have to go to the hospital. We ended up and sat in lawn chairs in our tv room which is kind of in the middle of our house, with the ceiling fan and our other 2 fans both going. But there wasn't any cool air to blow around. I had a spray bottle and sprayed us both down quite often. They say that is probably just the beginning. I can't understand why some individuals don't believe in global warming or climate change....whatever you want to call it. We have never, ever had heat like that weekend. We really can't afford to put in air conditioning in our old house so I don't know what we are going to do...just suffer with it, I guess. I can just hope we don't have anything like that again. It was almost 100 ° in our house. 

The arthritis in my back has gotten worse so I am having to limit my sitting at the computer. I wish I could afford to get one of the sit/stand things to put your monitor, keyboard and mouse on but I don't feel I can so I just have to limit myself. That is very hard for me to do. Plus I had to give up my 2 1/2 mile a day walk. Every step brought more pain. I am waiting to get an OK for an MRI to see if anything can be done to help. But it's taking a long time to get that OK!

We have finally begun to go out to do our own shopping. We have both been vaccinated but the Delta variant is in our County now, so we are still wearing masks when we go into a store. Parts of the County are resisting the vaccine. I can't understand that at all but....what does this old lady know?

We found out that my husband has to have heart surgery next month.
After 2020 and all we went through I guess 1 more surgery is nothing! We can only hope and pray all goes well. It is tentatively scheduled for the 16th of August, but that can always change. We have only been to the hospital once since the Covid started and I had to sit in the car in January for 3 hours wile he was treated for high blood pressure. I hope I can be with him before and after.

 My nephew had a liver transplant last week and got through it very well. We are so thankful for that.  He was very lucky to get a liver when he needed it but not so lucky for the generous person that donated it. 

I have to get our masks ironed and the nose pieces inserted back into them. So I will sign off for today. Have a wonderful July and stay safe and cool!

Summer Garden Flowers

Monday, June 21, 2021


Lady Daisy

June is almost in our rear view. Hate to see summer go so fast. We are finally getting some warm weather in the Pacific Northwest. I love it here as it is so green and fresh but we could sure use more sunshine. Although they say we are in a drought I don't see it, but that is what they say. I honestly believe that the Pacific Northwest will someday be the food basket for the United States. The lower western states are getting low on water and burning up and I don't see any change in the future for them. The climate is changing! Some people don't see it, but it is happening. If they continue to pave over the Pacific Northwest with cement, houses and apartments there won't be enough farmland to grow food. I hate to see the cities expand out into farmland. I have been fighting that since the early 1990's. A developer  purchased a 550 acre cattle ranch/farm that is to the west and north of our road. He wanted to put in 2200 houses and apartments and golf course. We fought it and fought it. My husband and I started a group that ended up with over 600 members and stopped it in its tracks. After a two year fight. I didn't know anything about growth management when we started fighting it but learned a lot very quickly. I can remember talking to a person on the phone and was overwhelmed. That developer gave up, but he sold it to another developer from Japan. So we fought them for a couple years. We finally gave in on the golf course, which I hated to do. The developer told us the golf course would be a Scottish golf course and they wouldn't be using water to keep it green! Well, I learned that developers don't tell the truth since the golf course is very green and they do water, a lot! That is one reason I do not like golf. Personally I think it is a big waste of farm land. They keep bringing up developing the rest of it and we continue to fight it. I know they are working on an update on our County Comprehensive Plan this year so am sure we will have to start getting involved again. The lasat wekWow....I got off on a tangent there....


I hope you all got to see your Father's this year. All of our kids showed up for the day. We sat in the shop with all the doors open because it was cooler in there. Had our favorite food nachos! And strawberry shortcake. Our daughter makes fantastic nachos and loves to cook so she fed us! Our son and daughter in law brought homemade shortcake and fresh county we all ate too much but it was great. 


And after the year we had in 2019 I feel so grateful that my husband is here so we could celebrate Fathers Day. We are still working on managing his heart. I have gone back to good old home cooking with no salt and his blood pressure is doing so well. He had a heart monitor on for 2 weeks last month and we go this week to find out what the results were on that and what we can do to keep it going! But he is doing so well for 85. Works harder most days than most men do. I do insist during this warm weather he works a little less, but he got 2 car repair calls already today. He was supposed to give up mechanic work but so many people just don't have the $$ for the expensive car repair shops. Plus a lot of them don't trust them. They seem to always tell you you need more repair work than you actually do. Or at least can get along without. But they trust my husband. 


I am still working on updates and making new themes. I have so many made and so many on line I doubt if I ever finish. Especially if Mozilla keeps updating  Firefox. A lot of people are unhappy with the way themes look now. They don't like the clean looking tabs. Personally I kind of like it but I feel bad for the users that don't. They seem to think theme designers can fix it, but we can't. We don't have that much control! But we try.


Have a super July and I will be back! Hopefully! Love to all!


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

🦊 The New Firefox 89! 🦊


I just updated my Firefox to 89! I love it. I encourage everyone to updater your Firefox.


It's cleaner and the Home Page is dark and when I right click I get a dark window. It's easy on the eyes. 




Thursday, May 27, 2021

June Updates


As you can see my blog has changed and I don't like it but I have to go along with the go along! I haven't figured out how to use the new blogger. Someday I will take a day and try to figure it out.

Thought I would let you all know that there will be changes for us in Firefox 89 that will come out early next week. Theme looks will be updated and I guess the Home Page or New Tab Page also. I don't know exactly what the New Tab Page will look like but hope it doesn't change too much. I have all my saved sites that I go to all the time pasted on it. And I have noticed that the background on it is now black...which is something I have been asking for. I honestly don't know if my Dark Night Mode extension is causing it or not but it is dark now...I know many of you have asked for that.

 I would like to recommend a free Office type program. I have to watch the budget to I can't afford to pay for Microsoft Office. I have been using LibreOffice for many years and it does everything Microsoft does. So you can save yourself some money by trying it at least. You can find it at:

Someone posted that they had decided to get the vaccine after reading my blog. That made me feel so good. If I can encourage just 1 I will be pleased but if I can encourage more to do think about it. If you have already gotten yours, try to get a friend or relative to get one also. We are not going to get back to normal and actually feel comfortable going out until we have reached herd immunity and have a 75% vaccination rate. If you decide not to get the vaccine, please continue to wear a mask in public. Think about your parents or grandparents. Most of us have been shut up in our homes for over a year. We are still not going into stores until the daily rate gets way down in our County. There are a lot of people in the north part of the County that don't want to wear masks or get a vaccine so they are keeping the numbers up. And they aren't wearing masks in shops so no one is safe. 

 Just thought I would pop in and let you know about Firefox 89 that is updating June 1st. 

 Good luck and have a wonderful holiday weekend.  




Sunday, May 2, 2021

May your May be Magnificent

                                          Glads & Gerberas

 Happy May everyone. I hope everyone is safe and sound. And you got your vaccine! I can't tell you how important this is. Personally I do not understand why some people are so skeptical. It seems the same people that don't want the shot...want the countries to open up. It is never going to happen until we have herd immunity and that isn't going to happen until everyone has the vaccine. I have heard some untrue stories out there for reasons not to get the vaccine. One was told to me by a family member...that your life insurance won't pay out if you died within a year of getting the vaccine! It didn't take me long to find the is a false statement that someone out there in conspiracy land figured out would scare people. When you hear these stories and that is what they are, check it out...don't believe it just because someone tells you. Another false story is that there is a chip in the vaccine....not so...and that doesn't take a genius to figure out. And it is so wonderful to hug a son you haven't hugged for almost a year and a half!

Well that is enough of my Sunday morning preaching.

Our rhubarb is thriving again this year. I checked it one day on my walk and the stalks were not as large as my little finger and yesterday they had grown to 4 times the size. You can actually see it grow. If you stand and watch it, the huge leaves actually twitch! So yesterday I made a rhubarb sauce (an old family recipe) and a rhubarb bread. (A new recipe that may become a family favorite)

Spring is finally here and we have had some gorgeous Pacific Northwest weather. I can't tell you how much I enjoy it after a dark, dreary winter. I don't have to put on ski pants to take my 2 mile daily walk. 

 A woman I always run to at Mozilla if I have a problem, sent me an email and said that in Firefox 89  that themes are going to look different. PANIC! At 82 I really hate change and it gets harder to figure out all the changes so I downloaded Firefox Nightly to see how they would look and I don 't think I am going to have to go through all my themes and do some changing. I am "almost" done with the ones I have been updating. I have been in the process of updating for almost 2 years! 

A request I have been getting from users is they want the Home Page to "match" the theme they are using. I have posted many times to the powers that be but haven't gotten much reaction. But I just noticed yesterday that the theme I am using is the Glad and Gerberas and my Home Page was  black which is how I want it. But I don't know for sure if it is a change or because I use Firefox Color to test the themes after I designed them in Photoshop to see how they will actually look that I changed a setting there. Anyway I hope it is something that lasts. I have tried it on my PC and laptop and they are all that way so I am hoping that is a change that users like. My old eyes like dark settings.

Will quit preaching and get back to work. Have a wonderful May and tell your loved ones you love them... 

A Perfect Sunset

Thursday, April 1, 2021

April Fool

Vintage Look for Firefox

 Happy April everyone....I hope everyone is getting over the winter blahs and getting vaccine in the arms. I can't say I am over the winter blah's yet because our spring in the Pacific Northwest has been chillier and wetter than usual. Which is saying a lot!

We still aren't going out. Except to Doctors appointments. I thought we would start going out with masks to get our groceries soon after we were fully vaccinated but then the local cases started going up soooooo...we aren't. 

Our daughter purchases most of our groceries and I place orders for some but I really miss buying our own. But we both feel so lucky that we have family close that will do this for us. I pay her for everything I have her get for us because I am not going to have someone else "buy" them. She fusses about it but that's just too bad. But I miss seeing new items in the grocery stores to give me some ideas for cooking. 

I wish I had some new and exciting news to write about on this blog but I am afraid it is pretty much the same old same old! I do the same things pretty much everyday...but I don't get bored because I am busy. We have a schedule and we stick with it. I have gotten to the point I dread week ends because we aren't on our schedule!

My husband and I both read a lot of books on our tablets. We get some from our local library and  I am signed up for 2 different places to get an email everyday for a list of books with some free! One is Book Bub: and the other is Freebooksy:  You sign up for the genre you like and that is what they send. You can get them from amazon, google, etc. I have almost 3000 books in our library. We are addicted to C J Box books about a game warden named Joe Picket and we have gotten to read all 21 in that series from our library. Free! Except for the library taxes we pay!

I get quite a few people that leave me reviews saying they wish that the Firefox Home Page would be dark if the theme they were using was dark. I wish we had the setting to be able to make the home page match the theme but we don't. I have requested from the powers that be to make that setting available to theme designers but as of now, we don't. And I don't really have any power so if that is something you would really like I suggest you make the request on the Mozilla site at:

I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter and a warm, sunny spring!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Spring will Spring

                                    Blue Birds of Spring o-spring-by-m-donna/

March has arrived with hopes of spring, warm days, flowers popping up and vaccine available! 

What a hassle to get a vaccine? First off, our far northwest county was shorted on vaccine so there was a lot of people wanting a little bit of vaccine. I was getting up at 2:30 in the morning to check in and see if anyone had it. Spent hours trying. I actually got us both appointments and then they were canceled because of the stormy weather. We had a northeaster with a lot of snow drifts. So we didn't get any fresh groceries for 2 weeks. But we can eat out of our freezer and cupboards for quite awhile.

I actually got us appointments for our vaccine and we each got one last week. Couldn't get one for the same day but that was fine. And they made appointments for our 2nd one so am glad I don't have to go back to trying to get appointments.

I am so looking forward to spring as I am sure everyone else is, too. I dislike bundling up in ski pants, scarves, etc. to go for my walk every day. 

I had to re-do our Comcast account. The bill was just getting so high we couldn't afford it, so I really cut it down. So far I can't tell any difference. Slowed the internet down and cut channels back. We only watch a few specific channels so 95% of what we had we never looked at and probably won't watch half of what we have now. So hopefully the bill we be far less. They tell you what it will be, but then they add on fees and taxes so that adds a lot to it. You all know what I am talking about!

 Patricks Horseshoe 

I don't like the new blogger interface at all. I used to be able to make my blog look like I wanted it to and now it is almost impossible. I don't know why they made it so much harder...or maybe it's because I am older.....Probably the latter.

I had a really busy birthday. Lots of calls, texts, etc. Plus that was the day I got my  Covid shot! What a wonderful birthday gift!

Don't really have any news so will just sign off. Wanted to update the blog for March. 

 Wear your mask and stay safe. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Frustrated February!

A Winter Sunset 

February is half over. Seems to me things are getting worse as far as this virus is going. Now we are fighting 3 different variations, probably will be 4 by the time I get this posted. I have been trying to get an appointment for my husband to get his vaccine. I was trying for both of us and finally gave up on 2 since that seemed impossible so now just trying for at least 1 shot for him. So far...not so good. For some reason our little corner of the United States is pretty much forgotten as far as shipments of vaccine go. The big cities like Seattle are getting shipments. Our council questioned the state regarding this and we got a shipment early this week but so far not so good. We were supposed to get more today but I was on line before they even opened it up for appointments and still couldn't get on. Distressing! We have been shut in for over a year, except for a few Dr. appointments and getting a bit tired of it. Ordering from Amazon, Walmart & Costco and daughter gets fresh stuff. We keep a pretty well stocked house. Freezer is always full. If you lived in the mountains like we did for years you always kept your freezer stocked. You might not get to get out to shop for weeks some times. Anyway back when we lived in the mountains. Don't know how it is now.

The weather isn't helping my mood, either. Super cold and northeast wind. Snow predicted so I can't go for my daily walk. Haven't got to hug any of our grand kids or great grand kids for over a year. Will they even remember us?

I am still working on updates! So it looks like I am putting on a lot of themes, but most of them are re-runs! I am still making new ones though. That is the one of the best time of my day. 

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my husband. We keep each other  "up" as much as we can. He was down last week since the Dr. was trying him on a new medication for his AFib and he didn't like the reaction he was having. And I quit taking a medication to help me sleep. I had been on it for over 15 years for Fibromyalgia.I had tried getting off of it many times but always gave up after so many nights of no sleep. But I am doing it this time. Tried Melatonin again and after a few nights the dreams weren't as bad so so far it is working. Not as well as I would like but at least I am off of them!

Watching (or listening with one ear) the Impeachment Proceedings. I don't see how he can not be convicted but....who am I but an old lady?

Sorry this is such a downer but this is how I feel right now.

Hope you all have a great Valentines Day and make it a safe one...

 Waiting Wolves by M♥Donna 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Title code for full toolbar designs

                                      Northern Lake 


 I was asked to figure out some way to title my themes so you would know right away if the theme filled the entire toolbar. Some users really like the design to fill the entire top toolbar, as do I. So I am going to start adding FT (full toolbar) to the titles of those themes. Firefox limits the length of a title, so it may cause a few problems...but I will try. I will also go back and edit a theme to add FT to the if a title of one of your favorite themes changes, this is why.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year 2021!


 Happy New Year everyone!

Hope you all had a safe New Years eve. Us old folk stayed home and watched Netflix! We could hear fireworks going off after we went to bed so ended up and put earplugs in! 

What a year we have had. So many people suffering, dead and out of work. We can only hope for a better year. We have a a vaccine now and hopefully most will take it. I honestly can't understand the hesitancy in taking it. We will be glad when we can get ours but it probably wont' be until after the new president is in office and the states gets some guidance. Right now the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

I am trying something new that seems to be helping me keep my energy and mood up. It is Happy Coffee. Have you ever heard of it? I hadn't but it sounds pretty good, right? Well I got a sample of it and I honestly felt better afterwards. I had more energy and my body didn't seem to ache as much. I will be 82 next month and ride an exercise bike for 25 minutes and walk 2 miles a day. I bundle up in ski pants, wind and rain coats and my headphones and off I go. Now I am just waiting patiently (NOT) for my order to arrive. In case anyone is interested I will post a link! Get a free sample and try it. 

I am so thankful my husband's health issues, 3 major surgeries and 1 heart attack are behind us.  He has done so well it is amazing. He had his 85th birthday last month and works in his shop every week day. He did give up working on week ends which I had been trying to get him to do for years. 

I am thankful for our 3 kids, that they have been able to keep working safely and so far have been able to keep the virus away. I can only hope they continue to be safe. 

I am thankful my brother and his wife got through the virus without any major problems. 

All in all I am hoping for a wonderful 2021 for everyone. I am thankful for all the users that use and like my themes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It gives me joy to read the wonderful reviews. 

Happy New Year to all you Firefox users that help support a safe and healthy internet! 

Country Home Winter


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...