Rainbow Easter https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/rainbow-easter/ It is a beautiful sunny day here on the west coast, but yesterday we had snow. My Mom used to say "If you don't like the weather today, wait until tomorrow." She also taught me to never leave home without a coat because you will probably need it. The way it has been lately, I would change that to never leave home without a raincoat! I have been really busy lately, busier than I would like. I was asked to make a design for a new soap/lotion company that is starting up and I worked a lot on it, but then they changed the name so I had to re-do and it turned out really beautiful. I hope they use it, but we shall see. If they don't I can use it as a Persona Theme anyway. After I re-do it again. I was also asked if East Coast Dye Sub could use some of my wallpaper designs for the items they make such as mouse pads, etc. and I gave my permission for one so far. I am also working on tw...