
Showing posts from May, 2012

June June June

Purple Daisy Flower Well, it is the last week end before June. We used to go camping with the dirt bikes and four wheelers on this week end and it usually always rained! Part of this week end starts out good and ends wet! Well, this is Washington! If you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes and it will change. I posted another flower wallpaper on my blog today. It is called "Purple Daisy Flower" and it is at:   I have really been hard at it this past month and I don't know why. I can't seem to stop work. I even went through my files and deleted some. Once in awhile I will design something and like it and the next day it looks different and I don't like it, so I use the delete button a lot. Mozilla has the daily user counter fixed, or anyway it seems to be so that is good.  Honeymoon Tasting Room bought most of our fresh organic rhubarb so they ha...

Persona Theme Site

I just thought I would drop in for a quick update on the Persona site. I guess they are trying to move some stuff around and the daily active user count has been down for almost a month so we don't know if a design is catching on or not. The Up and Coming site has also been corrupted for the same reason. So the counts you see are not the actual counts.  I have no idea when things will be fixed and where they will be when they are up and running again. A lot of people, especially designers are quite disgusted about the whole thing.  I submitted a really cool theme to both Mozilla and Brand Thunder today and it makes you think of spring and summer.  Summer Sunshine   Have a nice Mothers Day everyone and make sure you call your Mom or spend some time with her. I wish I could spend the day with mine, but she has been gone almost 10 ye...