
Showing posts from October, 2013

Month of Halloween

Black Cats Halloween   October didn't start out very well for me! My husband and I both ended up with some kind of flu or virus that lasted 3 weeks. I haven't felt that bad in years, and it is taking forever to get over. I had walking pneumonia last winter but it was nothing compared to this. I am usually a high energy person and I didn't have any! Energy, that is. I still have to push myself, but then I have to go sit and rest awhile. I lost 5 1/2# and I didn't have any extra to lose so am really trying to eat but don't have an appetite. Our very busy daughter made us 2 kinds of home made soups that kept us going. She made tons so got to freeze it, too. She holds down 2 jobs and don't know how she finds time to help out, but she does. Thank you, Dearest Daughter! Although I know she never reads this cause she doesn't have time! I have been having a good time working on Hallo