Lady Daisy https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/lady-daisy/ June is almost in our rear view. Hate to see summer go so fast. We are finally getting some warm weather in the Pacific Northwest. I love it here as it is so green and fresh but we could sure use more sunshine. Although they say we are in a drought I don't see it, but that is what they say. I honestly believe that the Pacific Northwest will someday be the food basket for the United States. The lower western states are getting low on water and burning up and I don't see any change in the future for them. The climate is changing! Some people don't see it, but it is happening. If they continue to pave over the Pacific Northwest with cement, houses and apartments there won't be enough farmland to grow food. I hate to see the cities expand out into farmland. I have been fighting that since the early 1990's. A developer purchased a 550 acre cattle ranch/farm that is to the west and north of our road. H...