
Joyful Purple Poppies https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/joyuful-purple-poppies/ February is almost over and I am just posting for February! Oh, well, you know I don't keep this up like I should if I was a good blogger. I have had the laser surgery on both eyes now and I guess it was successful. The Dr. said the pressure was down and it should help preventing the common type of glaucoma. I didn't know before this that there was more than one kind. I have had to cut back on computer work, though. I am trying a 20/10 plan but I am not always successful. 20 min on the computer and 10 off. The 10 off is easy because I am going through drawers and closets getting rid of stuff I haven't used for years. The 20 on is harder because I will be in the middle of a design and the darn timer rings. Sometimes I forget to hit the start button, too so have no idea how many minutes I was working. I seem to lose time when I am working. But my eyes are better and...