Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Soon to be August

                                                                                 Foggy Hay Field


I decided this morning I just had to post on my blog. I don't know how many actually take the time to read this BUT I feel so strongly about something and am so frustrated about it, I am going to put my feelings down. I think it will make me feel better to just type it out. Why on earth are people not getting vaccinated? The proof is there....the vaccine works and its safe. Politics aside....why...why...why? Do you not care about other people or are you so darn selfish you don't give a damn? Personally I think that is a lot of it. They just don't care. They just go about their daily duties and don't give a damn about your or yours...or even their own family! Don't they care about their parents and grandparents? Apparently not.

We haven't gotten to hug some of our grand kids or great-grand-kids for months and months. It hurts. The virus should have been pretty much gone by this time but the way it is going it will never go away. The Delta is going to morph into the next version that is going to be easier to catch and more dangerous....and on and on and on! Until people start taking life seriously that is the future of our county. And the world.

We have the vaccine. It is safe... it works. Other countries would love to have what we have....but we are so selfish we don't give a damn. Me Me Me....That is what some of these people think. I actually heard a man on our local conservative radio station ask if anyone knew where he could get a vaccine without giving his name! Why in hell would he care if someone knew he had been smart and gotten his shot? Is he afraid his buddies will make fun of him! Well, stand up and be man and do your duty. Get the damn shot! Be a hero!

I just had to re-do all our masks with new nose pieces because we are going to have to start wearing them again. Actually we haven't stopped. We did start getting our own groceries but we wear masks when we go in. It looks like we will have to go back to ordering stuff. 

Please think about your family and friends...stand up and get the shot. Help your family, your county, your state and yourself. 

The way things are going my husbands heart surgery will probably have to be postponed next month because of selfish people. Who wants to go to the hospital when the virus is spreading like wildfire?

Well, have a good week! I feel better....and will be happy if this rant makes one person think about his life, his family and his neighbors and gets that shot!


  1. Thank you! I appreciate your honest eloquence and for expressing how you feel about those around us who are choosing NOT to get the COVID-19 vaccination. I spent 27 years in the U.S. Air Force (Active and Reserve) and I received numerous vaccinations for a variety of bacterial, parasitic and viral diseases ( malaria, yellow fever, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, influenza, anthrax, smallpox, etc. etc. etc.) throughout my service. Some of these vaccinations were considered experimental and/or were given under the emergency use authorization because the threat of disease posed a threat to the troops and could have resulted in mission failure. I haven’t missed a flu shot since 1987. I've been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 since March 2021.
    Sadly, I have several family members and friends who are refusing to get vaccinated. I told them I would be the guinea pig and let them know how it went. The post-vaccination after-effects were very mild; I experienced a sore arm, muscle aches and fatigue. I took over-the-counter pain medication for the soreness/aches, deferred some activities to get extra rest and the worst of these symptoms dissipated within 36 hours of both shots. I felt fine and was able to resume my normal schedule. Yet, as of today, these family members and friends still refuse to get vaccinated.
    It is disappointing, disheartening and stressful to know that many people could avoid getting sick and/or making other people sick or possibly dying if they would only get vaccinated against SARS-CoV2

    As the latest variant of COVID-19 (Delta) rages across much of the country, I continue to vigilantly practice the 3W’s and avoid the 3C’s while doing the 4L’s and living the 5H’s to cope with the stress.

    Practice the “3Ws”—
    1/ Watch Your Physical Distance,
    2/ Wash Your Hands Frequently ,
    3/ Wear Masks or Face Coverings Over Your Mouth and Nose‬

    ‪Avoid the “3Cs” —
    1/ Closed Spaces,
    2/ Crowded Places,
    3/ Close-Contact Settings

    Even with these caveats, we can safely do the “4Ls" daily:
    1/ Laugh
    2/ Learn
    3/ Live
    4/ Love

    Living these “5Hs” get me through each day:
    1/ Handle what you can, when you can
    2/ Hang in there. In spite of every blessed & cursed thing. Because of every blessed & cursed thing.
    3/ Hold on to what matters most to you.
    4/ Hope for better
    5/ Hug �� (virtually, of course!) ‪ ‬

    1. Thanks, TracyAnne...I am so glad you are vaccinated and safe. All we can do is hope others/friends/neighbors and family members do the same. It is such an easy thing to do to be safe...but now we are back to wearing masks...if we could just get everyone vaccinated we could leave the masks at home.



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