
Showing posts from 2017

Winter Retreat

Winter Retreat Christmas is over and every one can start making their New Years Revolutions! I guess lots of people make them and lots of people break them. I made one last year and broke it the 2nd day of January.  Sounds like most of the US is having winter weather. It has snowed here for several days but just a bit on the ground now and supposed to warm up and probably start raining soon. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday. I feel so lucky and almost guilty about it at times. Christmas eve day was very busy. Our oldest grandson and family came with Christmas cookies and a gift for us. I have always wanted to have the DNA tests done at Ancestry but just didn't feel like we should put the money out. But they gave us each one and we are sending them off today. Am very anxious to get the results. I have worked for years on our family trees and gotten way back to the 1600's s...

Mid December

Country Home Winter Christmas is less than two weeks away. Are you ready? We don't buy gifts anymore but I do write checks to the great grand kids which isn't very Christmasy but they get so many toys and clothes I figure they can put the money in a savings account and use it later. They won't get much interest now but hopefully someday that will go up. I am giving them each an old Christmas ornament from the trees we have had on our trees for many years.  I think we (I) finally got our new internet modem and phone working all right. That was a huge challenge. I did find out that when you fill out a survey for a company they actually read them. When we got our Sleep Number mattress I filled out a survey they sent me and was very truthful on it and several days later they called me and actually sent us out some extra foam to use at no charge. So I filled out the Comcast survey. I actu...

Firefox 57 Updated!

Light Your Firefox Well, I had to update to Firefox 57 and I am liking it real well. It is faster for sure. The reason I finally broke down and update was because the Personas Plus extension quit working so I couldn't test my designs. It takes me a bit longer to test but I guess I have the time! One thing I did find that may help you find a theme you recently had installed is to go to the 3 small lines on the far right, click on Customize. Go to the bottom of the page and you will find Themes. There should be a short list of a few of the recently used themes. That is faster for me to go back to my theme than going through the Persona Plus icon.  I have mentioned before about my extremely dry eye syndrome so I am going to  mention an extension for FF57 that I am very happy with. It is called Owl. You can find it at: You can set webpages to be dark...


Moonlight Rising December is here and 2017 is almost gone. It has been a very interesting year, hasn't it? The United States has lost a lot of its respect in the minds of the world. And I feel very bad about that. I am sure 2018 will be a very interesting year and hopefully better. Sounds like our income taxes will be going up for us that don't make a lot of money. Everything else is going up so I guess our taxes should too. NOT!!! This week has been a very hectic one for me. I decided to save some money and cut the land telephone line. Since we have Comcast triple play but I didn't have a modem that you could connect the phone to, we weren't taking advantage of the telephone part. And I didn't want to pay rent on a modem so I called Comcast to find out which modems were acceptable by them. I ordered the one they said was best and acceptable to them. So, Thursday morning I disco...

Firefox 57

Autumn Mist Well, have you updated your Firefox? If so, how do you like it. I have it on my laptop and am trying to get used to it. It takes me much longer to test a theme when I am making one. So I haven't installed it in my desktop yet because of that. But I will soon, probably. Plus my laptop just installed the latest big Windows 10 1709 update and things have changed on that I am getting used to that. Changes! I don't like change. The user count isn't working at all with the technicians and developers trying to get everything updated and problems fixed. I know there must be a lot of new Firefox users, though because I am getting tons more reviews. I get an email when someone reviews a theme and I always try to reply to a review. So my email tone keeps beeping. But I am glad to have people using my themes. Makes it more worthwhile. Our oldest great grandson went deer huntin...

Quantum Launch Day!

Hideaway Sunset Well, today is the big day for Firefox! The new and faster Firefox is out now. I installed it on my laptop but not my desktop. The way I test my themes is not available on 57 yet and until they fix Personas Plus I won't install it on the desktop. I am working with them so hopefully they can fix it. For anyone else, it will work fine. So try it and let us know how you like it.  There must be a lot of new Firefox users because I am getting so many more reviews than usual. A lot more. I try to answer each and every one so it takes a lot more time, but I think if someone can take time to write a review I can certainly take the time to reply. We were supposed to go to our son's birthday party on Sunday and we thought we did!  BUT when the whole family sat down to watch a was a HAPPY 60th ANNIVERSAY that came up. It was pictures of us, with the kids, grandkids and great grandkid...

Busy November

Harvest Basket I wonder if November has been as busy for everyone else as it has at our house. Normally everyone would think our lives are very boring, but at our age we kind of like boring! But hubby has been busy getting everything winterized and doing some hunting. I have been very, very busy with Firefox. Working on themes and keeping everything updated. The most helpful extension I have is InformEnter and I use it a lot and it saves a lot of time. The developer has been very busy updating it to the new format Firefox will be using when FF 57 is launched on November 14th. He has been updating it several times a day and it is working all right. Not quite as good as the original but that is not his fault. I am very appreciate of all his hard work. If you fill out a lot of forms, etc. this is a must have. You can find it at: Personas Plus w...

Great Week End

Fall Painting We had a wonderful week end. The weather was fantastic for October and  got our shopping done first thing Sat. morning. Had my cell phone on all day so our grandson could text us and keep us up on the Lacross Nationals that our great grandson played in in Florida. They won two games Saturday and lost one. Our son and daughter-in-law stopped in and we celebrated the 2 wins. then our daughter and her son and a grandson stopped in with two Papa Murphy pizzas. A bit later our youngest son and his oldest son came over, too. So it was a super great fun day. And I ate too much... Sunday morning I got up at 5:30 and got my cell phone turned on and let our son and grandson know I was actually up! (We sleep in on Sunday so this was very different for us) The first game was at 6:00 AM our time and they won that one, so got to play for the National Championship at 8:00 our time. They were live s...

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Firefox Quantum A beautiful fall day here in the Pacific Northwest.  I am so excited for our oldest great grandson. He is 12 1/2 going on 16! He and his Dad, our grandson are flying out of Seattle later today on their way to Florida for the IMG Fall Lacrosse Nationals. What an experience for him. The whole team, Time Bandits were able to go. They managed to get enough money to pay for the trip. And every boy on the team is able to go. I can imagine how thrilled and excited they are today...lots of butterflies, I imagine. I have butterflies and am not going anywhere! I am still looking for extensions I can use for Firefox 57. So far I have quite a few yet to find. The new and improved FF is supposed to be two times faster and uses 30 % less memory so other programs you might be using won't slow down. Use Firefox Private Browsing to block ads with trackers for extra peace of mind… and pages th...


Rainy Fall Drive Can you believe how fast October is going? The weather changed so quickly here in the Pacific Northwest. One day it was nice and hot and the next it was cold and rainy. Cold and rainy is here to stay...I put the clothes pins up today because I don't think I will be hanging laundry out anymore this year. My 60th class reunion was last Saturday night and it was so great. One of my best friends from high school was there and I hadn't seen her for 30 years. Like I have said before there were only 5 girls in my graduation class and 2 of those have passed away. But I recognized everyone...which is pretty amazing how much we have all changed.  I am anxious to get Firefox 57 update in...but yet am dreading it. I know things will change and I don't like change! It sounds like a lot of my extensions won't be updated so will have to do work arounds. There are new extensions coming on...

Cold Rainy Friday

Chilly Fall Morning I was so pleased with how the above theme turned out. It is from a Thomas Kinkaid painting. It takes a lot of time to move and rearrange a painting or photo so it will all work together smooth and flowing on a theme. As you all know I love the cabin and farm paintings I can re-work into a theme. Our weather totally changed way too quickly. We had super warm days early in the week. Even yesterday was pretty nice but today is a very cold, windy, rainy day. I don't like it! Put the heated mattress pad and flannel sheets on the bed today. Have to keep warm! My 60th class reunion is tomorrow night and I have to admit I am a bit stressed out. I still haven't decided what to wear and wonder why is it so important that you look really nice for a class reunion! I had ordered an alumni hoodie that I was going to wear. That way I would be comfortable and warm. Well, it hasn...

Grief for Las Vegas vicitms and families!

I just want to post my grief for the families and loved ones of the horrific shooting in Las Vegas. Country music is my very favorite genre so everyone at the concert must have been country music fans. I hope this horrible action will not make our country even more divided than it is right now. But I am sure it will. So much sadness and grief. My thoughts and prayers!

Summers End

October Mount Baker I made the previewed theme from a photo I took of Mount Baker. Hope everyone likes it.  It is almost time to turn over another page on the calendar. We have had quite a year, haven't we? The past few weeks news hasn't been very promising for 2018. Families torn apart by politics, hurricanes, earthquakes and a big chance of an impending war.  Have you ever had a friend that was very close and all of a sudden they aren't anymore? It is a very hard thing to go through. They don't come around nor call. Years and years of love and friendship...gone...poof. It is very hard to understand and it hurts.  The past week we have had beautiful weather and looks like it will be 80 degrees. Now that is my kind of fall weather. I was able to hang laundry out this week. I have spent a lot of time looking for Firefox extensions to replace some of the Legacy ones that will not wo...

Half Over!

Wolf Timber I can not believe that September is half over. We will start seeing Christmas advertisements soon. I am so not ready for fall. I can't get enough summer. What horrible things have been happening in Texas, Florida and the other southern states. I feel so badly for everyone that lost loved ones and homes. Plus the devastation to nature itself. I really don't have anything new to write about, but felt like I should stop in and at least let you all know I am still around. I have been working on themes and submitting quite a few. The one I am highlighting today is the Wolf Timber theme. I was very happy with how it turned out.  I have been checking everyday on the latest extensions that are being posted. I still can't find my favorites. One of our grandsons just got his college degree this spring in computer programming so I may have to break down and ask him to start making G...

Dawn of September

Sun Moon We were blessed with wonderful weather again. We haven't had rain in a very long time. And the forest fires and brush fires are burning up acres of trees and grasses. We had gotten the smoke from Canadian forest fires for almost two weeks and now we are getting the smoke from Oregon fires and eastern Washington. The breeze is off the ocean today so should be blowing it to the east for a few days anyway. We had such a fun week end. We rode down to Olympia with our daughter to visit her kids.  They had bought their first home. I couldn't believe how this house was made for their uses like someone designed it for them. Our granddaughter has a very successful preschool and she has rooms for that. Our grandson makes music with his computer & a bunch of other things...don't ask me how because that is beyond me. But he has his own room for that with soundproofing on the walls, etc. Then o...

Feels like Fall!

Watermill Theme Wow, but it is beginning to feel like fall in the evenings. We sit outside and read for a bit after dinner and we have both noticed the feeling of fall in the air. We have had some really great summer days, though.  Did you get to see the eclipse? Our daughter & granddaughter drove down to Salem, OR to watch it and I guess it was totally awesome from what they have said. We didn't have the glasses or anything so we didn't "watch" it, but could sure feel it as it got cooler and grayer out. We didn't have the total eclipse here but most of it. I can't believe the hype for it.  My husband took the 4 wheeler to the back pasture and picked blackberries so I made a pie. They are a little seedy but make a really good pie. I just updated my Firefox to 55 and got quite a surprise. Most all of my extensions now say Legacy in bright yellow. And that means t...


Image This is a great article on bullying and I hope you will take the time to read it. I was bullied by another theme designer a year or more ago. She made horrible threats to me over quite a period of time. Emails and on the old forum.  A Netflix original show to watch is "13 Reasons". It was about teenagers and bullying. If you have Netflix I would advise every teenager and parent should watch it. Have a good day.

Feels like Fall!

Autumn River Ranch We were sitting out last night after dinner reading and we both noticed how much it felt like fall. I am not ready for that. Have been working on some fall themes. I know I have tons made but I love working with fall graphics. The theme I am posting today is one of my favorites. It is from a painting with a lot of work in Photoshop to move things around and blending. Hope everyone likes it. Had the TV on this afternoon while I was working and saw the Pres stick his foot in his mouth! Wow!  Will write more next time. Am running out of time today!

Scary Times!

Orca View Good afternoon...and it is a good one. Very warm and would be warmer if the smoke from the forest fires in Canada wasn't hiding the sun. It has been smokey now for over a week. Supposed to change a bit tomorrow with some clouds and wind coming from the west. We haven't had any rain for a long time so the forests are tinder dry. Lots of wild fires, etc. We don't water our lawn because it is a waste of water so our front lawn is brown. But it always comes back as soon as it rains. I had the telephone interview last Thursday with the magazine and I think it went pretty well. I will post when/if it gets on line. Down the Road We are living in pretty scary times, aren't we? This goes to show how important it is to vote. When you have two egotistical children running countries...this is what happens. W...


Gerbera Glow Butterflies Whew, we finally got some hot weather but you can't see the sun. The air is full of smoke from the wildfires in British Columbia. The smoke was up high yesterday but today is clear to the ground. It actually looks foggy out but very warm! There are forest fires all around us actually. At least two in our old stomping grounds in the District we lived in when hubby was in the U.S. Forest Service. Oh, how he would love to be able to fight fire. He loved doing it and since we weren't making tons of money working for the government, we loved the extra pay in the check! The kids say they can still remember what their Dad smelled like when he got home from a fire. There was one summer I didn't even get his fire clothes washed before he got sent out on another one. I want to thank David from Virginia that sent me a really nice pocket angel to replace the one I lost. It act...

~~Some of My Favorite Firefox Add-Ons~~

Purple Passion Decided to take a break from housework and theme work. I enjoy the theme work so much more than the housework! But I have so many themes made I really need to slow it down some. So I thought I would take a half an hour to promote some of my favorite add-ons. One I just found over the week end. Since I had my cataract surgery my eyes are more sensitive to light and as I am sure you are aware the computer screen doesn't help that any. So the Mozilla home page highlighted Simple Night Mode. So I installed it. I liked it because I didn't have to restart Firefox and it was easy to put to use. If you are on your computer at night it may be very helpful. You can find it at: This is a before screen shot. This is an after shot.  You can see that it changes the background from white to black and the text is most...