
Showing posts from 2015


Happy New Year to everyone that reads my silly little blog. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thanks for writing the wonderful reviews on my themes at Mozilla. I am taking a little rest today from designing because I am upgrading my desktop computer to Windows 10! I really hadn't planned on doing that today but I thought I would at least download it and do it later like it says BUT after you get it downloaded it only gives you a few days to choose from to install it. I didn't want to do it over the week end, etc. so figured this morning was the best of the worst! I am just hoping all of my programs, etc. will work with it and it doesn't give me any problems. So I am typing with my fingers crossed! We had a very nice, very quiet, warm, loving Christmas day.  All of our kids were here and my husband had picked up Papa Murphy's pizzas so I didn't have to cook. The kids all brought snacks so the table was full of snacks. We snacked until time for pizza....


I just wanted to stop in and wish a Merry Christmas to everyone. Hopefully you are not on your computer today but having a day with family and loved ones.  Our kids are coming today and we are having pizza!  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL

Hubby's 80th Birthday Today!

Winters Bright Birds Today is my husband's 80th birthday and of course he is working on an old car for someone! He shouldn't be because he had a very bad night and didn't get much sleep. But this guy needs his car fixed. I worry about him so much.   We had his birthday party Sunday and all of the kids, grandkids and great grandkids were here. It was so special and we took a lot of pictures. Everyone (21 of us and 2 little dogs) were sitting in the living room talking and laughing and my husband started talking about his life, growing up during the depression with 9 kids and no money, his years working for the US Forest Service, fighting fires, etc. Everyone was listening and learning. Our oldest great grandson came over and sat between us and at one point put his head on his Great Grandpa's shoulder. I feel so very blessed that we have this wonderful family surrounding us with love...

Christmas M & M's

Christmas M & M's from Google Store I just noticed my M & M Christmas New Tab Theme design was on the Google store now so am posting it. I took this morning off from designing and worked on our County Comprehensive Plan again. The County Planning Commission didn't accept the City's recommendation to leave our area out of the City Urban Growth Area. Which didn't surpise me when I saw the names of the Commissioners. They are known to be Pro-Growth. I can't understand why people think that growing big is something good. Pretty soon there won't be any farm land left. Cities have to start growing up, not out. I will fight being put into the city till my last day on earth and may come back and haunt them after that! Mozilla still hasn't fixed the user count yet, either! Oh well, no one is perfect. Have a good week and take some tim...

Can't Believe it is the Last Month of 2015!

M & M Christmas I decided since I had taken so many hours putting Santa hats on Minions I might as well take some more time and put hats on M and M's so that is what I did most of the day yesterday. Oh, I did go out and help my husband in the shop put a transmission in a car he is working on for a lady. He wants to retire from cars, but these women call him that can't afford to go to a shop to get their car fixed and he can't say No. He doesn't have heat in his shop anymore. He has a big old wood stove our son made for the shop years ago, but we don't have enough wood left to use it for the shop, is cold out there.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to be with family. Our was very small this year. So we had tons of left overs. My daughter in law made up a left over casserole from the bigger dinner a couple weeks ago, so she did it for me on Thanksgivi...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Minions Christmas Tree Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? I guess I am. We have had one beautiful Thanksgiving dinner already at our son's home and I will cook our smaller Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving. When a family grows it gets harder and harder to get everyone together for one day so we stretch ours and have several! This Thanksgiving dinner will be the smallest I have ever made in the 57 years of cooking Thanksgiving dinner so I am going to have to downsize all of my recipes.  So that will be a challenge! Brand Thunder  just notified me that my Minions New Tab theme is on line now.  I had so much fun making them and they were a lot of work. This shows some of the scenes I made for the design. My Donkey Kong New Tab Theme is available, too. ...

Veterans Day and New Tab Themes!

Wolves New Tab Theme This shows some of the scenes from the Wolves New Tab Theme.  This theme is the one I am most proud of. I love working with wolves and when Brand Thunder asked me to make this I was really pleased. The design that is on the first tab was made with Photoshop brushes and a fade. I hope everyone will like it that tries it our. You have to use Google Chrome to use this and since I am a true Firefox user I can't use it. Wish I could. Black Ops III Tribute New Theme Halo 5 Tribute New Tab Theme   I just submitted 13 Christmas Minions New Tab  Themes to Brand Thunder and will post the link as soon as they are on line. They were a ...

November, Start of Busy Season!

Majestic   I have been working on holiday themes.  Brand Thunder asked me to make a set of Minion Christmas New Tab Page themes for them so I have started those. Lots of work putting hats, holly, scarves, etc. on those little guys. But I love a challenge. The only problem I am having is with my hands. Especially my right hand. I have Reynaud's so as soon as the weather starts cooling down I get cold. I dress for inside like most people do when they are outside, but my hands still get cold. Plus using the mouse so much for placement making themes makes them hurt more. I woke up the other night and my right hand hurt so bad I couldn't get back to sleep. It looks like the local election turned out the way we wanted but we have to wait until the final tally for sure. One proposition and one council member didn't look good yesterday but that changed after yesterday's count so I am hoping it st...

Changed your clocks?

Hope you all remembered to turn your clocks back an hour. And hope you all had a nice quiet Haloween with not too many tricks and lots of treats.

My Zelda Tribute New Tab Theme for Chrome

Zelda Tribute New Tab Theme

Super Mario Tribute New Tab Theme for Chrome

Super Mario Tribute New Tab Theme

Harry Potter New Tab Theme

Harry Potter Tribute New Tab Theme

World of Warcraft Tribute New Tab Theme

World of Warcraft Tribute New Tab Theme

Mickey Mouse New Tab Theme

My Mickey Mouse Tribute New Tab Theme

Grand Theft Auto V Tribute New Tab Theme

Grand Theft Auto V Tribute New Tab Theme

Minions New Tab Theme

Minions Tribute New Tab Theme This is another one of my New Tab Themes I made for Brand Thunder.

Brand Thunder New Tab Themes

Game of Thrones New Tab Theme I have been working on some new themes for Brand Thunder and I just found this link that actually shows the way it works.   Assassins Creed Unity New Tab Theme  Minecraft Tribute New Tab Theme I will post more of these as I find them.  I submitted a theme for the new Assassins Creed Syndicate theme and as soon as it is live I will post the link here.  Have a great Halloween if I don't get back before 

Columbus Day or First People Day?

Faces of Halloween There is a little controversy going on right now about what we call Columbus Day.  Should we celebrate a day when an Italian sailor found a country with Native American people living happy, full lives and then those people were almost destroyed? I guess the small amount of Native American blood I have,  says No, we shouldn't. So last year when I made my 2015 calendar I didn't put Columbus on my calender, I put a proud Native American brave on a horse, holding a spear. But the funny part is when I flipped my calender over to October, I couldn't remember what holiday the brave on a horse was for! Until I looked at a regular calender and it brought it all back to me. Several cities in WA state have changed the name of the holiday to something different to celebrate the proud Native Americans.  Brand Thunder has some of my Chrome New Tab Holiday themes on line and the...

October is Here!

Three Black Cats by MaDonna It is hard to believe that October is here already. Yesterday, the first day of Oct. was beautiful. In fact in has been beautiful all week until today. Andtoday it is cold, wet and clammy. I want to go to our great grandson's football game tomorrow but if it is cold and rainy, I doubt if we do. I have been busy making Halloween themes for both Firefox and Brand Thunder so have had lots of fun. I love working with the ghosts, spirits, haunted houses, etc. I guess that is when the "dark" comes out in me. I don't know! But they are fun. And now I have begun Christmas ones for Brand Thunder. Kind of having a hard time getting into the swing of Christmas, though! Jacks on the Fence My husband had another AFib attack Monday night so off we went to the ER. We would have wai...

First Day of Fall

October Sunday Morning Fall is here for sure. Maybe not officially until Wed. but it is in the air.  Our oldest grandson's 35th birthday is today. I remember the day he was born so well. And it doesn't seem like it was 35 years ago. I had never thought I wanted to be a grandmother until the very day our oldest son and daughter in law told us they were pregnant. I was so excited and I think I started making flannel diapers the month after we knew. They didn't have those expensive throw-a-way diapers back then! These you had to make your own to get really good flannel diapers! I am so proud of the man he has become. His parents did a wonderful job of raising him. He is a good husband, father and provider. And what more can a grandmother ask for? I have been working on Halloween wallpapers and themes since last week and have been having so much fun.  I can't say I am a big Hallo...

New Themes on Brand Thunder

Just thought I would let anyone that uses Chrome browser that some of my new themes are on now. I just finished a bunch of Minions that have a new theme for each tab you open and I believe these two new ones do also. I still use Firefox because I like it so well and am used to it, so I can't check them out! Game of Thrones Tribute New Tab Lord of the Rings Tribute New Tab Hope you like these. There are a lot more designs within the one shown. Have a great week end. We have our 5 year old great grandson and the sun is shining so what more can you ask for?

Won the Battle But Will we Win the War?

Down the Road We had a freaky wind and rain storm over the week end. It was something else! It started Sat. morning. We were one of the lucky ones and didn't lose power, but the majority of the county lost power at one time or other. Some still don't have any 4 days later. We were headed south for our great grandson's first football game. We went with our son and his wife so we didn't have to drive. We could see power poles broken, lines down and tree limbs everywhere. We had been so lucky with the best summer weather in history and then hit with this storm. We had the warmest August on record and the wettest! The week end storm brought the wet part! I so dread the cold winter weather! The game was really fun to watch but the other team's boys were so big. I can't believe that 10 year old boys can get that large! He had fun, we had fun so that was all that counts. It brought ba...

First Great Grandson's Football Game!!!

I am so excited about getting to see our oldest great grandson play football tomorrow. It sounds like it is going to be pouring rain but I have rainpants, coat and umbrella all ready to go and sprayed my boots with water repellent! So this great grandma is ready for some football.  I know the forest really need the rain so I will suffer through it and hope the fires will get under control. My Hawks haven't been doing very well this year so that has been a disappointment but they will get better. I have been busy sorting files this week. I have a bunch of my themes in a OneDrive folder and I deleted it! So had to figure out a way to get them back. I went to OD's recycle bin and restored them all. BUT that restored all the ones I had submitted and removed from OD. So I had over 750 files I had to go through and see which ones I had submitted already. What made it difficult and time consuming was the fact I had changed some of the titles when I submitted them. Took ...

Flag at Half Staff

My husband put our flag at half mast this past week for the firefighters we lost in the forest fires in WA. The fires are so bad and so dangerous for all the men and women that are trying their best to save the forests and homes of people that live in those communities. It has brought back a lot of memories for me and my husband. And I can tell he wishes he could be there. He even said to me that he could volunteer to sharpen tools, etc. And he could do it, but at his age, I doubt they would let him. Over the past few days he has talked about a lot of the fires he was on. The kids can remember how he smelled when he got back from a fire. He smelled like a camp fire but a hundred times more. Back then, there weren't support people to wash their clothes, showers or food stations. They wore the clothes they took with them and ate K rations a lot of the time. Or food that could be dropped in by planes. My brother and his wife worked for the past 10 years pulling a portable show...