
Showing posts from 2013

Christmas Scrooge

Scrooge put a crimp in our Christmas. My husband had a heart attack and had to have a stent put in. This is pretty rough on a man that has gone full bore all his life. The Doctors and hospital have been great but he is still not his healthy self. And what we would do without our wonderful children and grandchildren, I don't know. They are always there when we need them and so supportive. But we have decided to stay home Christmas eve and rest and we have to miss a great grandsons birthday party and a family reunion. These are all in a 1 week period, plus Christmas Day. But our kids will be here Christmas day and we are having pizza! Not your traditional Christmas dinner, but it will be good because we will be together. I wish you all a Happy Healthy Holiday season and a Happy New Year. Till next time.

Update for December

Adam Cole is a post grad student at York St John University in York and is studying for a Masters in Music composition. He recently asked me if he could use one of my autumn designs for a piece he has composed called Autumn Transparency. I told him he had my permission to use it. He sent me a link to his sound clould page and you can hear his composition. I listend to it and found it very relaxing and different from the usual kind of music I listen to, but I enjoyed it and thought I would put a link to it on my blog. If you are interested in hearing it, you can find it at: . If you enjoy it leave a comment for him as I am sure he would like to know what listeners think. I am trying to cut back on working on Christmas since I have so many already made, but I keep going through my graphics and find something and start a new one. It is warmer out today and looks like it may warm up some more but when it does that, it rains! Hav...
Christmas Holly Berries December is here already. I know I keep saying how fast time goes, but it does. I have the family 2014 calendars finished and the Christmas cards ready to go out. I don't do a lot of decorating anymore. Since I stopped having Christmas eve with all the kids and grand kids, I don't see any point in it. Plus I work on Christmas themes from Halloween so get a bit tired of decorating! My decorating will be on your computers. I will put up some things that my Mom made and a small tree. I gave the nativity manger that my husband made years ago to our oldest grandson and his wife to use. My Mom found the pattern for a rustic manger in a Family Circle magazine 50+ years ago. My husband made us each one out of cedar from our wood shed. I remember the first creche figurines I bought were from the .88¢ store. Our little dog kept eating the sheep, though. She never touched anything...

Thanksgiving Month

Happy Fall Friends It is so hard to believe that Thanksgiving will be in a few weeks. I haven't made a lot of Thanksgiving themes but am working on Christmas. a lot of Christmas designs. I made a logo for a company and they seemed to be very pleased with it, so hope it works out for them. Have another book cover I am working on for an author. Have it pretty much finished just have to get her final approval. Halloween was fun. We had Puss N Boots, a lion and the cutest little lady bug you ever saw. We live on a dead end road so don't get many trick or treaters. But 3 great grandkids got to get treats, anyway. Years ago when our kids were small our road was full of kids and they would all go out together and have tons of fun and get tons of treats. My husband and I used to go through the bags and pick out some treats we liked! We will get two Thanksgiving dinners this year. One at our son's ho...

Month of Halloween

Black Cats Halloween   October didn't start out very well for me! My husband and I both ended up with some kind of flu or virus that lasted 3 weeks. I haven't felt that bad in years, and it is taking forever to get over. I had walking pneumonia last winter but it was nothing compared to this. I am usually a high energy person and I didn't have any! Energy, that is. I still have to push myself, but then I have to go sit and rest awhile. I lost 5 1/2# and I didn't have any extra to lose so am really trying to eat but don't have an appetite. Our very busy daughter made us 2 kinds of home made soups that kept us going. She made tons so got to freeze it, too. She holds down 2 jobs and don't know how she finds time to help out, but she does. Thank you, Dearest Daughter! Although I know she never reads this cause she doesn't have time! I have been having a good time working on Hallo...

Dreary Dreary September Day

Kitten Prayer Last week was just gorgeous. This week has started out dreary and rainy and just plain yukky! The Seahawks kicked butt yesterday, though so that was good! But I hope the little kitty above is praying for more sunshine. Mama needs it!   I have been working all morning and was getting kind of down so I started my music and that always makes me feel better. I get most of my music from Amazon, one song at a time. Just got the latest Sheryl Crow song, "Easy". Really like it, too. Most all of my music is country, but since Sons of Anarchy is my favorite TV series, I have downloaded some, but not all of the music from the show. Some of it is too 'hard rock" or whatever they call it now.  We just finished watching all 5 season of the show again. Can't wait till next August when Season 6 comes out. I keep telling my husband, I have to live long enough to see the final episode of SOA! ...

September 11th

Where were you on September 11th 2001? I think everyone remembers exactly where and what they were doing on that day. My husband and I had ridden our motorcycles to Winthrop, Wa and stayed in our favorite little cabin, Mountain View Chalets. We didn't turn the TV on that morning so when we went out to get on our bikes to ride home, the other visitors were talking and said to us "What a horrible day." And I remember saying, "What do you mean, it is a beautiful day?" So they filled us in and we couldn't believe what they were saying. So we went back in to the cabin and turned the TV on. The reception wasn't very good but we could see the towers falling, etc. All we wanted to do was go home, so we got on the bikes and left for home. It is still unbelievable in a way, that our country, where we feel so safe and secure could be attacked in this way.  A few days later a guy asked me to make a Persona theme so I did. At that point I didn't know much abou...


Wheat 2 Harvest We actually got rain in the past few days. In some places too much rain! The big news is that we have a new little boy in our family. So now, we have 4 great grandsons and 1 great granddaughter. Boys run in  my husband family so we weren't too surprised. But he is healthy beautiful addition to our family and we are very proud. Can't wait to meet him. I have never been afraid of bees and we have had a lot of them this year. But I think I will be a bit leery of them from now on. We were at our daughter's house last Sunday and sitting at the picnic table in the lawn. All of a sudden I got stung on my big toe and it really hurt. I have gotten stung this summer by yellow jackets and they hurt a bit but not much. Well, this one hurt a lot and by Monday my foot was swollen and red and it started getting 2 little blisters on the top of my big toe and foot. By Tues. morning it was 1 huge...

Feeling of Fall!

  The morning and evenings are sure feeling like fall. I am enjoying working on fall designs as you can probably tell by what I submit. But I am getting tired. I am actually thinking about not making designs anymore. I have felt like this before and gotten over it, but I get frustrated at times. I find out from others that one specific designer is actually commenting or reviewing her own designs giving them 5 stars, etc. Personally I think this is wrong but if she has to do that to make herself feel fulfilled, I guess that is her right, but making up a new "name" to do so is just not right.  Mozilla finally got the "lost" designs back on line, but I just went to edit one of my latest designs:  Shadow of the Moon   because I made a typo and it says shadow of thr Moon! And it won't let me edit it. So I won't put the link for it on till I can actually spell it right. I love this type ...

Autumn Favorite

Morning Light in Autumn Forest   Morning Light in Autumn Forest wallpaper Yesterdays favorite submissions.

Updated for Autumn

When Leaves Fall   Thought I would take the time and update the blog. It took me quite awhile to make the new deer bunny graphic for fall. Then had a hard time getting the frame just right. But I like it, so hope you all do, too. The wallpaper to match is at: Mozilla is having problems again! A lot of our designs just disappeared! Even my Sunset Over Water is gone. They are working on it and the missing designs are supposed to show up soon so hope they do.  Our tomatoes and strawberries are doing really well. My husband planted some ever bearing strawberries and we have fresh berries all summer. And they vine themselves out and make more plants so it is really great. We had fresh strawberries and whip cream last night and it was soooo good. I don't have much time to write now, because I have to send a note to my high school girlfri...


Wolf in Fall Wow, what summer weather we are having this year. I know we need rain, but once it does that will be it. It already feels like fall in the mornings. I love this warm weather because I don't hurt as much! Selfish, I know. Last winter is one I would just as soon forget.  I am showing the above design because I love the artist work. Peter Williams has such great art with animals and I asked him if I could use his work and he was nice enough to let me. I added the fall leaves and shading but it is his wolf! I wish people that submit copies of someones work on Desktop Nexus would be so nice. I have had to file 4 or 5 reports on people that use my designs, and submit them as their own. If I use someones work I try to add their name to the design. I am working on the fall update for my blog but it isn't finished yet, so will work on that more and change the interface.  We have had two birth...


Violet Pansies What fantastic July weather we are having in the Pacific Northwest. Today is the 14th and we haven't had ANY rain. We don't usually get a July like this one.  I am using the design I posted above today. I love the colors and they are perfect for summer. The wallpaper to match is at: I sold my motorcycle and I cried when it left. I know I couldn't ride it anymore as my strength isn't what it used to be. So I decided I just had to sell it because my husband was having to start them at least once a week to keep them lubricated, etc. and it was just getting to be a hassle for him. Summer isn't near as much fun as it used to be, though. That was what got me through the winters, was knowing I could ride when the weather got nice. But the funny thing is, the first week it was gone, I dreamt I was riding 3 nights that week, so I gu...

June Almost Gone

Garden of Wildflowers and Dragonflies It has been over a month since I have checked in. This summer is going way too fast for me. I have heard others say the same thing. It is late in the day so don't know how much I will get written, but I will return. Almost time to prepare dinner for my hard working husband. I have really enjoyed hearing from so many new people from all over the world. This technology that makes it so I can design something on my computer and share it with the world is pretty cool. I could never have imagined this twenty years ago. Fact of the matter is, 20 years ago I was heard saying, "I will never have a computer in my house!" I thought it was the beginning of the end! Then a friend brought an old one of his and hooked us up to a free internet, that was never working! But it got me hooked. I really like the look of the design I used for today's hea...

Frustrated with Mozilla

Corner of the Garden    I am frustrated with Mozilla so decided I would quit designing for a bit and work on my blog. None of the designs that we have submitted since March28th (when they closed the site for submissions until they migrated the themes to the new site) show any users and we all know that is wrong. I have posted on the forum about it and others have also but apparently we don't speak "techy" well enough to make them understand. I just posted again on it, so hopefully someone will look into it. It has been almost 2 months. You take hours working on designs and then it looks like no one is using them. It is kind of disheartening. Oh, well, enough rant! I wrote about my high school girlfriend who's husband was diagnosed with cancer a few posts ago. Well, he didn't make it. I feel so badly for her. I have no idea what she is going through. I am thankful she has lots of good fri...

User Count

Book of Nature Thought I would pop in real quickly and let you know the user count is down and has been down for awhile on Mozialla Add Ons. I have been making a few designs for spring and summer, but haven't been submitting as many. But I have taken quite a bit of time to get My Collections updated, which I will never get them all, I know. So now when a new one is on line I will add it to a collection and you can check out the latest ones I have available.  It is time to clean the computer up and put it away for the night! And my body away for the night! Have a good evening.

Theme Site Up and Running

Sweet Ladybug Thought I would stop in and let you all know the Mozilla theme site is up and running. I don't think it is perfected yet and I know the number counts are wrong, but we are submitting again and not too many glitches. So far we don't have a page for each designer, but I am going to add each new design to my profile page so you will be able to find my latest designs without hunting for them. I am trying to put some of the older ones on also but since I have over 8,000 designs on I will never be able to get them all on my own page by doing it myself. Right now you can go to: and I am adding categories to My Collections to make it easier. I should have made one just Flowers and Butterflies, but I put them under Nature. Glories of Summer So check it out and see i...

Theme Site Back Up

Purity of White Appleblossoms   Well, the "Persona" theme site is up and running so we can submit designs again. But our old designer page that would have ALL of our designs on is not there anymore. I am hoping they will make that available but I kind of doubt it. So for now I will try to post more often and add more designs on the blog.    Butterfly Lily Valley     Colors of Sunshine   From Brand Thunder  Fine Fractal Flower   I have to say I kind of enjoyed the "vacation" from submitting designs. It takes quite awhile to do each one and the new sy...

Fools Day

Angel of Light Brand Thunder Angel of Light April...can you imagine it is April already? March went out like a lamb here in the Pacific Northwest. What a beautiful day it was! It was warmer than it is half the time in the summer. But it is going to spoil us so badly. Because it will get cold and rainy again and I will hate it.   The old Persona site is down and will be gone soon. They are moving Persona themes to the Add On Mozilla site so designers  can't submit any new designs until it is set up. We have always submitted our designs to the original Persona sight so I am sure there will be a total mess when the new site is up and running. The site will be at: . Each designer is supposed to have their own page so I will post mine as soon as it is up and runnin...


Rainbow Easter It is a beautiful sunny day here on the west coast, but yesterday we had snow. My Mom used to say "If you don't like the weather today, wait until tomorrow." She also taught me to never leave home without a coat because you will probably need it. The way it has been lately, I would change that to never leave home without a raincoat!  I have been really busy lately, busier than I would like. I was asked to make a design for a new soap/lotion company that is starting up and I worked a lot on it, but then they changed the name so I had to re-do and it turned out really beautiful. I hope they use it, but we shall see. If they don't I can use it as a Persona Theme anyway. After I re-do it again. I was also asked if East Coast Dye Sub could use some of my wallpaper designs for the items they make such as mouse pads, etc. and I gave my permission for one so far. I am also working on tw...


Daisies Surprise  Brand Thunder   Thought I would change my blog a bit. Spice it up some. My timer is going to ring soon, since I have to set the timer when I am on the computer so I don't stay too long. If I sit too long, my back starts hurting and it doesn't help my eyes any, either. So I set the timer for only 20 minutes to work and 10 to 20 minutes off. It really limits me, and I hate it, but... Had my 74th birthday so I am really getting up there. I can remember when I was 30, I thought 70 was "really, really old"! Now, I think 90 is old! 73 was not good to me so I am hoping 74 will be better. I have only made a few Saint Patrick's Day designs and a few Easter ones. Have a few more ideas for Easter but am finished with Saint Patrick's Day. I think my favorite ones to make are spring. We are all tired o...


Joyful Purple Poppies February is almost over and I am just posting for February! Oh, well, you know I don't  keep this up like I should if I was a good blogger. I have had the laser surgery on both eyes now and I guess it was successful. The Dr. said the pressure was down and it should help preventing the common type of glaucoma. I didn't know before this that there was more than one kind. I have had to cut back on computer work, though. I am trying a 20/10 plan but I am not always successful. 20 min on the computer and 10 off. The 10  off is easy because I am going through drawers and closets getting rid of stuff I haven't used for years. The 20 on is harder because I will be in the middle of a design and the darn timer rings. Sometimes I forget to hit the start button, too so have no idea how many minutes I was working. I seem to lose time when I am working. But my eyes are better and...

Happy Valentines Day to All

Mozilla Firefox Add Ons Brand Thunder   Valentines Day. A day to  remember the one you love and celebrate that love. I hope the design I chose for this posting will be enjoyed by all. I think it is kind of cool. January is on its last leg and it has been a wet one here. I am surprised we don't have moss growing on our bodies. But at least it isn't ice and snow. I have had to slow down a bit on designs. I didn't even turn the desktop computer on over the week end at all. And that is a first for me, in many, many years. My ophthalmologist diagnosed me with narrow angle glaucoma last week and I have to have some laser eye surgery next week. I already have optical nerve damage in one eye so I am hoping it doesn't get any worse. If this surgery is successful then they will do the other eye.  I was pleased t...

Putting Christmas Away and Opening 2013!

Happy New Year 2013 Mozilla Brand Thunder Decided to update my blog and put Christmas away. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and haven't made any New Years resolutions you will break. I found out many years ago not to make resolutions because you are just setting yourself up for failure. And who wants to do that?   I can't believe I will be 74 next month. I must say 73 was not a great year for me. I am beginning to feel my age. Getting slower to get up which really irritates me since I have always been someone that moves quickly, works quickly and gets a lot done. Health wise I can really tell it, though. My eyes are beginning to give me problems which makes working on the computer a bit more difficult so I need to take some breaks. Which I find  hard to do. I don't like to quit working when I am in the middle of s...