Friday, December 22, 2023



                                                   Singing Gnomes


That time of the year, my friends! I have been so busy making new themes this year and having so munch fun. And it seems like people are liking them! Thank you for all the wonderful comments and wishes. 

We celebrated my husbands 88th birthday last Sunday. He is doing really well. Working hard but taking it easy at times, too. Not working out in the weather at all. But our winter has been amazing this year. It has only frozen a couple nights. Last year we had a northeaster at this time and it was 9 degrees out! So this year it is a blessing.

We are done with all our vaccines and check ups for the year! My new medication has really helped my Fibromyalgia and my back doesn't even hurt as bad. It's never going to get any better! You can't cure old age! Yet, anyway!

We feel so blessed this Christmas. Our family is all doing so well. Our grandson that had the horrible brain injury is doing better than anyone expected. The main thing that is bothering him now is his ear. They did surgery on it when they replaced his skull cap but he still can't hear well. It kind of comes and goes so they may have to do another surgery. He actually passed his written and driving test. Apparently you have to go through testing after a massive brain injury. Our oldest son (66) is retiring in March. He has worked so hard his entire life but then the whole family have been hard workers! We raised them to be workers. They worked at home and started picking berries as soon as they were old enough! They all worked during the summers, instead of running around and getting in trouble.

Looking forward to Christmas day. We are doing less food this year. I have to make my chicken wings and they take 3 hours to cook! Going to play killer Uno and enjoy being together. 

I would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday and enjoy your family and friends. Give someone a call you haven't talked to for awhile. I didn't send out Christmas cards this year and I noticed a lot of people must have decided the same thing because we have only gotten a few.

One of my oldest and dearest friends passed away a few days ago. I hadn't seen her for a long time and the last time we talked was during Covid. She was in a nursing home and her family, etc. couldn't visit her so she was lonesome. But she was real hard to talk to on the phone because she was hard to understand. But I am so sad for her children and grandchildren. She lost her husband, who was our best man and my husbands friend all through his 12 years of school, over 30 years ago.

Didn't mean to put a sad ending here but I type what comes to mind.

I would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday and wouldn't it be great to have people get along and not have such a divisive country. Let's face it, next year is not going to be pleasant! I just hope we can all do what is best for our wonderful country and keep us safe. But I have to say I am glad I am in the part of my life where I probably won't be around. We must keep this wonderful country what is has always been. A wonderful country. But I worry!




Tuesday, November 28, 2023

πŸŽ„Late NovemberπŸŽ„

                                                       A Red Barn

Wow, I didn't get anything written for a long time. But it is a real busy time of year. Right? 

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Most of our kids and a grandson and 1 great grandson were here for for dinner. My daughter in law actually cooked the turkey and the pies, etc. She really helped out. At 84 it is just too much to do it all myself. This was the 65th Thanksgiving dinner we have hosted. I keep saying I am going to hand it off but since I am doing so well, I will keep at it. Without my daughter in law I wouldn't be able to, though. I have a single built in oven and it is not big enough for everything. I made the candied sweet potatoes and dressing and that filled the oven!

On Saturday evening I listen to a computer guy on the radio and someone asked him which browser to use, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. I was pleased to hear him say that Firefox was the most secure! 

Some of my computer equipment is getting so old it is starting to go bad. In the past 3 weeks I had to buy a new battery back up and a new printer! Merry Christmas!!!

I have been making more themes than usual for some reason. The one I posted on this blog is one of my favorites. I am an old, old farm girl and love old barns. I thought this theme turned out especially good. And some Christmas winter gnomes!

My husband is replacing our outdoor lights with motion LED lights at our front and back door today. One is up and it looks great. 

If you read my blog a few months ago about my grandson that fell off the roof. He is a miracle child! He is doing so well for someone that had to be brought back by the EMT's. He had the surgery to put the cap back on is skull and work on one ear that he is having a problem hearing with. He takes his drivers test in a few weeks. He is trying to decide what he wants to do for work. He is not going back to house repairs! He has a degree in Japanese and was going to go to Japan to teach English but Covid hit and that kind of put  that though to the background. He is talking about working a the rehab place he has been going to for a lot of his rehab. We feel so blessed that he is so well. He told us that his neurologist said that he was doing the best of any of his patients for what he went through.

I wish you all a wonderful winter and a Merry Christmas. I doubt if I get back on before the new year. Being an old great grandma I really don't have a lot to blog about.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

πŸŽƒπŸ¦ŠEnd of OctoberπŸ¦ŠπŸŽƒ

Preview of Autumn River House by M♥Donna

Autumn River House

It’s almost the end of October so I am getting slow in my old age! I just didn’t have much to write about. Cold weather hit here today. We have had a really nice fall. Warm and sunny. It’s still sunny out but the NE wind is blowing and we had our first frost last night.


Have been having so much fun making new themes. I finally broke down and got Photoshop Elements 23. Mine was 12 but it worked all right. I can do more with this version so have been making way too many themes. Halloween is such a fun holiday to work on, plus fall is my favorite season to make themes for.


I have had Fibromyalgia for 40 years and not one Dr. has ever prescribed any specific medication for it. But with my back I was sent to a Pain Clinic. When I went back after the 2nd shot in my back which didn’t help much he prescribed a medication that has been out for years for Fibromyalgia. You have to work up to a certain amount to get used to them but they have actually helped. He prescribed it because it helps the nerves and that is what is causing a lot of my back & leg pain. They are generic so they aren’t expensive! The last ones he prescribed had to be compounded and our insurance wouldn’t pay for them and there was only one pharmacy in town that did compounding. I tried it for several months but it didn’t really help.


This year is going so fast. We have our local ballots ready for us to fill out our votes. So have to get those filled out and sent in. Local elections are almost more important than federal. It is the local people that have more impact on your life than the federal. Which the federal government is in such a turmoil right now, it is sickening. They are sent there to work for us, but the one party is not working, period!


We have gotten all our shots for the winter. Got the flu shot first, then the RSV and got the Covid one yesterday. First time my arm has gotten sore was from yesterdays. We have never had any reactions from any of the vaccines. We were quite surprised when we went to get our RSV shot though. There was a $40 co pay for each shot. Our insurance pays for all out preventative care so I had to fill out a bunch of papers for them, take them to the pharmacy and have them fill out a portion and mail it off. That shot is $400.00! So I hope I got the paperwork all filled out correctly to get the $80.00 back. That would pay for 2 weeks of our groceries! But at least we are as protected as we can be.


I was so surprised that a theme I made several years ago was the top of the Trending themes. That rarely happens so I am feeling pretty good about it. I just love working on themes and trying to find something different. I know a lot of mine are similar but I love nature and old barns, etc.


I hope you are all keeping your Firefox updated. Every update keeps your computer just a little safer.


Have a wonderful Fall and Happy Halloween. And thanks so much for reading this and using my themes. Keeps me going!


Tuesday, September 12, 2023



 Hello, September. Fall can definitely be felt in our area. I am back in hoodies already. But I can't complain about our summer. Compared to the rest of the US the PCNW was really great. We are still in a drought so fire fires are still burning. The smoke hasn't been near as bad as last year, though! 

                                        Power of Orange

Our grandson was scheduled for his brain surgery this morning in Seattle so everyone had booked hotel rooms, etc. to be there for support, etc. They got to the hospital and his skull cap (they had removed that after the injury and stored in another state!) had not arrived. The place that was caring for it, forgot to send it! I was so frustrated but he took it like a  trooper and thought it was funny! We were so hoping that this would be the last of the surgeries, etc. It was to make sure everything in his brain was ok and in place, reshape his head to replace the skull cap. Plus he was having ear surgery at the same time by an ear specialist because his hearing was not right in his right ear. So now we have to wait for another date, etc. 


I had cortisone shots in my back last week. They decided to put one in each side this time, It hasn't helped as much as the first time 4 months ago. I doubt they can give me anymore because they don't like to give you cortisone very often. I didn't realize it but it actually cuts your immunity so you have to be more careful. Covid, flu and the RSV are hitting our area so I am sticking pretty close to home. I can get my Covid and flu shot in two weeks and then will get the RSV. You don't want to get that one at the same time as the other 2, or so they say.


I am missing all our fall tv shows that we watch! Watching a lot of Netflix, etc. But watching a lot of really bad movies!


We are pretty much prepared for winter. Propane tank is full, got the trees that we cut down, all cut and piled in woodshed, plus we bought a pallet of presto logs. I hate the thought of having to have fires but I can't be cold so. The furnace doesn't keep me warm enough....or I should say we can't afford to keep it high enough to do so! I am fairly comfortable at 78°.


I have decided that this winter I am going to start posting about how my life was 70 years ago and how lucky people living now are. I have to admit, it was a hard working life but times were so much simpler and safer. I am going to sign off for now. I hope you all have a wonderful September! I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore so I may just be wasting my time!







Friday, August 11, 2023



We are having some of the warm weather other parts of the country have been contending with! But not near as hot. To me it is perfect but some don't like it. The Farmers Almanac says we are in for a lot of snow up here in the PNW so that is not good.

Have been busy all summer which is a good thing for me. I have to keep busy. Been making a lot of new themes which I probably shouldn't be doing but I just love making them. I love the little bug in my featured theme this month. After my husband retired, actually even before he retired we worked on VW's for people in the community. Car repairs are so expensive and so many people just couldn't afford to take a car to a shop and my husband is and always has been a mechanic, too. Our youngest son bought a bug and we painted it, etc. and since "bugs" needed a lot of work to keep them running...we started a 2nd job. We both worked in the shop after he got home from work and once he retired we worked in the shop all the time. On many,  many people's bugs and vans. In fact, when I had the cortisone shot in my back in June one of the nurses asked me if we were the ones that used to work on Volkswagen's! It was so funny because it had been many years since we did, but she said we kept her on the road. But she remembered!


A neighbor gal and I are giving a baby shower for another neighbor so I worked for several days making and designing the invitations. They turned out really well and I was pleased. We plan on having it on our patio so hope it isn't raining or too hot! Our patio furniture is a tad old and nothing matches but it should be fun, anyway!


This Sunday is our yearly pickling day. Only going to do 40# this year. My daughter, grand daughter and I get together every year and make dill and bread and butter pickles. I cut every cucumber, my daughter packs the jars and my grandaughter works on the brine and putting them in and taking them out of canner. Last year it was only a couple months since I had broken my right shoulder and it wasn't completely healed so I did have to give my knife to a grandson for about 10 minutes, but was right back at it. We have such a good time doing it, more laughing and a few glasses of wine. The guys sit around and chat! Looks like it is going to be a super hot day so we will have to have fans going. No air conditioning!


We haven't gotten our last Covid shots yet but are going to wait until the newest version comes out, hopefully mid Sept. A lot of new cases around here so we are back to wearing masks if we go out in public. Also have to get our flu shots and the RSV shots next month! Not going to get them all in 1 day, though.  It has been April since we had our last Covid shot so are overdue but want to wait till the newest one comes out. Hopefully it won't be too late.


It seems like summer has gone so fast and that kids are thinking about going back to school. We have had a really nice summer with not enough rain and are in a drought here in the upper corner of the state. But I am enjoying every bit of the warmth! Hope all of you have had a good summer. I know lots of areas are having pretty tough times and I feel so badly for all those people in Hawaii that have lost everything, including lives. You just never know when you get up in the morning if that is your last day!


Gonna sign off on that sad note! Hope everyone has a good August and got to do everything this summer they wanted to do. 


Saturday, July 8, 2023


                                                        Summer Drinks

Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day. Ours was very quiet. We had been to our oldest great grandsons graduation party on the 1st so saw everyone. Had a wonderful time and  we are so proud of him. He had received a full ride to a college with his Lacrosse playing, (all over the US), but the last 2 games he played, he received concussions! The Dr. said no more sports! so there went his college. But he has been working all during high school and was offered a job at a Welding Company. The owner chose him while watching at his Welding Class at school. So, he started full time a week after graduation. 


The week before that we had family reunion on my side of the family. We had planned one in 2020 but then Covid hit and then two years later, my brother had planned one at the park they live at during the summer. But they got word that their son needed a new liver. So they got the call they were hoping for a couple days before the planned reunion and had to fly back east so that was called off, too. But it was so wonderful seeing family members we hadn't seen in many, many years. We are all getting old!


I am still making themes and still updating as you can tell. I am working on "sayings" right now. Sometimes having a note at the top of your screen keeps you going! I  know I should quit making them because the people that use themes has changed a lot since I first started making them An entire new generation and they probably find most of my themes totally not what they want! Oh, well, hopefully there are a few out there that like to see some nature scenes, etc. on their screen. 


I have a cyst on my kidney that was found when they did the CT scan at the hospital but the Dr. didn't think it was anything to worry about, but to check in out this summer. So I go Tuesday morning and have a CT scan. Have to get up at 4:20 and drink a pint of barium! and then drink another pint at 7:20. Hopefully I can get it down! I am not worried about the results so hopefully everything will turn out all right.  


While we were taking care of my mother the last 3 months of her life (She had ovarian cancer) my husband made rings out of silver quarters. My Mom wanted one so he made her one and she wore it on her little finger until she passed away. My husband and brother took it off before they came to pick her up and I put it on my little finger and wore it for over 20 years. With all the back problems, etc. I lost a bunch of weight, which I didn't need to. To make a long story short I lost it! It came off my finger once in the house and I found it right away and I could have had my husband fix it so it fit better but I just failed to do so. Two days later I noticed it was missing and I knew I had lost it outside. And approximately where! But we couldn't find it. My son brought his metal detector over and we searchd and searched. Even tore up a rose bush because I had been messing with it. Actually ruined the 56 year old bush and my husband had to pull it out! But we never found the ring. I still get upset if I think about it. My hope is, that it will show up someday. It has no money value but it is irreplaceable to me. I have only lost 2 things in my life that really upset me. One was a pocket angel I had carried in my pocket for many, many years. Never found it, either. But a wonderful man that happened to read my blog sent me one. It wasn't the same as the one I had lost but I have carried it every since he sent it to me. But this ring can never be replaced. It was my own fault. I am not one to put things off, but this I did.


I really don't have much new to say. So I will sign off for now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Sounds like the heat is really bad in the south. Our weather is pretty good. We had 1 day that was over the 80's but that was great for me. Luckily I don't have to work out in it so I felt for the people that do. 


Have a wonderful summer and enjoy your family and friends.



Monday, June 12, 2023

πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’–Summer Time😘😘

                                           Future F_Fox Designer

Time to write an update, I guess. Weather is beautiful today. The Pacific Northwest is beautiful but the weather is really strange. It can be 85° one day and 65° the next day. You never know what to wear somewhere because the weather can change in an hour. My Mom taught me years ago to never leave the house without a jacket! Lesson well learned! 


First off my appts. with the Pain Clinic were time well spent. They figured out where the "spot" was that was causing the back pain and numbness in legs. So I got the cortisone shot in that exact spot. They use XRay to make sure they get the exact spot. Took a few days for me to notice any difference and after 3 weeks it has really helped. But I have found that sitting is not good for me, so I stand all day. I only sit down for our morning coffee break and lunch. And finally someone took Fibromyalgia seriously and put me on a med that has to be compounded so insurance doesn't cover it! You start out taking 1 capsule a night for the first week, the next week 2, and the third week 3. To find out which dose is the one that helps. I read the entire Mayo clinic study on it so am really hoping it is successful. Haven't been taking it long enough to know but I haven't had as much burning in my legs as before keeping my fingers crossed.


Had to call 911 for my husband the early morning after Memorial Day. His brother and nephew came and cut down 2 huge birch trees that were dying and would fall on our house if they blew over. He worked 3 days solid on that, cutting up logs, etc. And it was just too much. He is 87! He came out of the AFib without shock this time, which is really good. They are trying him on a different med, too. Getting old is really not a lot of fun!  Actually we are doing very well for our age so I should not complain!


We are having a family reunion for my family this Sat. and am really looking forward to it. We haven't had one for many years. One was planned 3 years ago, but Covid that got called off. Am looking forward to seeing my sister and brother since I haven't seen them for ages. Just hoping for sunshine and I dread the ride to get there. My back doesn't do well with riding in cars. But it will be worth a bit of pain!


Our oldest great grandson graduated from high school Friday night. We couldn't go but we got to watch it live on the TV so probably got a better view than if we had gone. 


Gotta start dinner so will sign off for this time. I am so tired of this political "junk". I can't imagine how deep down and dirty the 2024 election will be like. I wonder which party started digging the dirt. It doesn't start with a D!

Enough! Over and out till next time!


Origami Fox



Tuesday, May 9, 2023

πŸ‘“ MAY πŸ‘“

Lovely Spring Lilacs

The lilacs are blooming and smell so wonderful. I  just wish they lasted longer. The sun is shining today and looks like we are going to finally have some summer heat this week end. 

My first news is that our grandson is doing wonderfully. He is home with his twin brother, who is taking 5 weeks family leave to take care of him, put him through his PT, etc. He has an appt. with a neurosurgeon the end of this month to make the surgical appt. to have the part of his skull put back on. He doesn't remember the accident, which is probably a good thing. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes for him. He is our hero!

I have been having so much fun making themes using AI images, etc. I know some people probably don't like them but I find it fascinating. I hope most users will like them.

I finally got my appt. with the Pain Clinic and will be getting an injection in my back next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will aleviate the pain in my back and legs. The Dr. said a lot of my leg pain is that the Fibromyalgia kicked back up when I broke my shoulder last year. I was quite confident that was part of it. So I am keeping my fingers crossed. I don't sit at all during the day. I stand up and do everything possible. Also wearing a back brace, but I am still riding my exercise bike every morning. I did have to quit walking but am hoping I can get back to at least a mile a day!

I have been looking for low sugar recipes for muffins, etc. for my husband. Found several we really like. It is very hard to cook with no/low salt and low/no sugar! But I love baking so I keep looking and keep trying. 

Going to get back to work. Hope you all are having a great spring. Keep your Firefox up to date! Keep Windows updated to keep your computers safe and in good health!

       A Light in the Night

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

🌧🌦April Showers🌦🌧

                                      Fluffy Spring Kittens

Happy April everyone. Been working on spring and Easter themes, plus still getting old ones updated so they work better with the latest Firefox.

March wasn't so great for our family. One of my grandsons was working on a 3 story roof and fell. He was unresponsive when the ambulance arrived (in only 3 min.) but they revived him! Thank God! They had to remove a part of his skull to relieve the swelling and if all goes well they will be putting it back. So far all the signs are looking hopeful. He hasn't come out of it yet but is in Intensive Care and they are taking very good care of him. He has a twin brother and they are so very close, so he has been spending as much time as he possibly can with him. He works for a contractor that works for Microsoft and they have rented office space for him that is 5 min. from the hospital and giving him all access to GrubHub! What a fantastic employer he has! His older brother is the IT guy for WWU and they are letting him work in Seattle for at least a week. His Mom and Dad are spending as much time as they can in his room. But they are only allowing 2 immediate family members at a time. Any and all prayers will be accepted! So far everything is going better than can be expected and we all know it is going to be a slow process.

 I ended up in the ER a couple weeks ago, too. Apparently I have a pinched nerve in my back and it causes horrible pain and numbness in my right leg. It came on so sudden in the middle of the night and after 4 hours my husband took me in. Like all ER's I had to sit in a wheel chair in the waiting room for 3 hours before I could get in, but once I got into the back, they did MRI, CT scan and all kinds of blood tests, etc. Now the problem is getting into the pain clinic. They are so backed up I may have to go the the County south of us, but haven't heard. It only bothers me at night and slowly gets better as day goes on and I am fine. Had to quit my daily walk...But am getting all my work, etc. done during the days. And it isn't every night that is good.

We have had such cold, rainy weather, even snow at times. I am so anxious for warm weather.

My husband's blood sugar was up so now I have had to change all my baking and cooking. I love to bake so I am finding lots of recipes for muffins, etc. that are sugar free.  

Our 65th wedding anniversary is tomorrow. We like to go up in the mountains for a drive on our anniversary but there is still so much snow we won't be able to do that tomorrow.

I have been fascinated with AI images lately and have been using a lot of them for some of my themes. 

Looks like our past pres may not get by with all of his past "mistakes"! Nothing more to be said!

I think I mentioned that we are getting our groceries delivered free from WalMart, plus if you sign up now you get Paramount Plus free. It's great to have them delivered and we love Paramount Plus. So I am going to add a link/code that I can get $20.00 off a delivery if someone signs up for this great service that will make your life easier. Just add this code when you sign up. 

I thank anyone that does this. You won't regret it!

As I said earlier, all prayers for our grandson will be accepted and our entire family will be appreciative.

Let us all hope for a better May. And thanks for all the support. I appreciate and am thankful that you are using and enjoying my themes.

Monday, March 6, 2023

πŸ’šπŸ’šMerry MarchπŸ’šπŸ’š


                                                   Patrick's Gnomes on the Farm

 March came in like a lion here in the Pacific Northwest. But I guess we can't complain because it sounds like everyone is having bad weather. So sorry for all of us! I am sure we are all ready for summer. 

My 84th birthday was last Sunday and the kids were over. Had a really good time, but then we always do

After being at the Dr. last week about my back I decided I would try to borrow an inversion table from someone, but couldn't find one, so ended up and had to use Amazon. It was here when we got up yesterday morning so that was yesterdays project! Oh, my many part it has. We decided it was too much so texted our youngest son to see if he was busy and it was just starting to rain so he couldn't burn the piles in his field so he came over and they got it all put together and got it set up for my height. I used it too long the first time and my back hurt the rest the day. But we moved the back heat massage "pillow" this morning and it is in a better place. They call it a pillow but it is too hard to be called pillow!

We got our last Xfinity bill and I just about freaked out. So called them and got our "package" put down. We have the lowest package that has mainly just the networks on. I do miss CNN and MSNBC but the bill just got too high. I honestly don't see how people can pay the enormous amount they charge anymore. Something should be down about it...The next thing will be cut the cord  completely, I guess. But you have to have internet anymore. Our homeowners insurance went way up, too. I know everyone is going through the same thing. So I shouldn't complain! Everyone is going thrugh the same things. Sorry!

I will sign off for now. Still working on themes and updates. 

I can't believe we are actually hearing about the next Presidential election already. I think maybe we were smart cutting half the cable.

The sun is shining this morning and all is well!

Have a good week, a good month and be well.

Monday, February 13, 2023

πŸ’–πŸ’–Fantastic February πŸ’–πŸ’–

                                                     Gnome Valentine

 I will start updating my blog but will have to finish tomorrow since the day is running out on me. But Valentines Day is tomorrow and it is hard for me to believe. 

Will get back to this tomorrow or there won't be any dinner for my dear hubby!

I am back. Just got back from my walk. I managed to save enough to buy a pay of heated gloves to wear. My hands would get so cold. The first pair I ordered only kept the top of my hands warm so I returned them and found another pair. This pair works wonderful. I wear snow pants, scarf and heavy my heated gloves now. 

 Had a new ex-ray of my back and it isn't good. It has only been a year and half since my surgery but my spine is deteriorating quickly. I sure don't look forward to another surgery and haven't made an appt. to go to Dr. The longer I don't go, the longer I don't have to make any decisions. I don't sit at the computer at all. My stand up desk works great.

Made a bunch of gnome valentines and didn't even get them all submitted so will carry over till next year, hopefully.

You know, I am getting so I hate to hear the news. I am anxious to hear it but dread it, seems like. You don't hear any good news anymore. The left hates the right and the right hate the left....war...earthquakes, floods, snow storms, UFO's, balloons, etc.

Kids all came over to watch Super Bowl. I was the only one in the bunch that wanted the Chiefs to win, so I was happy! We had Papa Murphy's pizza, and lots of snacks. Daughter in law made apple crisp and homemade ice cream. Fun day, but sitting that long didn't help my back any!

I am so looking forward to warmer weather. If our kids didn't all live within 5 miles of us, I would want to go to AZ but then again, we couldn't afford that so that is a pipe dream!

Got our income tax finished so hope that goes well. 

I have decided since I didn't sign up for any incentives for themes that I will  accept Amazon gift cards for any amount. That is easy to do....all you need is my email address to do so. I would appreciate any amount since we do a lot of our shopping from them. Haven't been as happy with their service lately because it seems like it takes them much longer to send out a shipment than it used to. I haven't received anything the next day in months like we used to. 

I hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day. I am cooking my hubby a special dinner and that is about it. 

My 84th birthday is coming up in less than 2 weeks. Seems like time goes too fast. Our oldest great grandson will be 18 this Sunday!

Going to sign off for today and start dinner. 

I want to let you all know that I appreciate the wonderful reviews and comments. I read each and every one and always try to answer.

Have a great rest of February!



Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A New Year Begins

                                                                 Jumping Fox

Wow, can you believe it is 2023?  Amazing that we made it through 2022, but we did.

We had a bad storm the week before Christmas. No mail delivery for a week, no package deliveries, etc. We live on a dead end road and the County never plows it. Luckily one of our 5 neighbors has a Bobcat and plowed our road the first day but we had such a bad NE wind that comes down from Canada that it blew shut within an hour or more. When it finally quit snowing, he plowed it again so you could at least get down our road. Then it started raining and everything turned to ice and you could not walk outside! Our snow drifts because of the wind so we actually had bare spots in our front yard that were skating rinks. So glad that is all over....for now anyway. My brother and his wife flew up from AZ for Christmas but with the weather so bad we didn't get to visit with them before they flew out. I was so disappointed but you can't fight the weather!

The kids could get here Christmas and we had a really nice, homey day. We couldn't get out but I had my daughter pick up 10# of chicken wings at Costco so I could make our chicken wings. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without them for us. The kids all brought lots of stuff so we had plenty to eat. As soon as dinner was over we played Uno for hours. Our daughter in law makes up new wild cards so our Uno is a Killer! Gets pretty wild but all in good nature. Our daughter works at a grocery Corporate Office and they get lots of sample products in so she had been collecting some for a gift bag, so whoever wins gets to go through the gift bag and there is always something everyone wants! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and got to be with family. At least we didn't have to mess with airlines! 

We are such stay at homers, we even quit going out for groceries. WalMart had a special where you if you joined WalMart+ you got Paramount+ free, so that was all I needed to join. We had been doing WalMart pick ups for months. But this is so nice....having your groceries brought to your door! Plus we had been wanting to get Paramount+ for a long time but just didn't feel we could afford it. We are old timers and like western type shows. We had joined the free month last summer just so we could watch 1883! But had canceled after 2 weeks. So now we are looking forward to 1923. But are going to wait until the season is over and watch it back to back. Plus we are looking forward to Yellowstone coming on Peacock. We have the economy pack from Comcast and get Peacock free. But our cost is going up in January by $13.00 and just found out our power is going up 12+% so there goes our "big" retirement raise! 

I hope you didn't get tired of my gnome themes! I fell in love with them and am working on all the holidays. 

Our son and his wife brought a Nordic Trac they couldn't use anymore for my husband (he turned 87 in Dec.) to use. But after being in the shop during that winter storm we had, it won't work. They went through it yesterday and mechanically it is fine so it has to be in the panel so my husband is checking that out today.

I am still doing my walks, but I don't go out when it is super cold and windy. Hoping to be able to get out today.

I wish you all a Happy, Healthy New Year. Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

                         4 Gnomes New Year


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...