
                                                        Summer Drinks


Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day. Ours was very quiet. We had been to our oldest great grandsons graduation party on the 1st so saw everyone. Had a wonderful time and  we are so proud of him. He had received a full ride to a college with his Lacrosse playing, (all over the US), but the last 2 games he played, he received concussions! The Dr. said no more sports! so there went his college. But he has been working all during high school and was offered a job at a Welding Company. The owner chose him while watching at his Welding Class at school. So, he started full time a week after graduation. 


The week before that we had family reunion on my side of the family. We had planned one in 2020 but then Covid hit and then two years later, my brother had planned one at the park they live at during the summer. But they got word that their son needed a new liver. So they got the call they were hoping for a couple days before the planned reunion and had to fly back east so that was called off, too. But it was so wonderful seeing family members we hadn't seen in many, many years. We are all getting old!


I am still making themes and still updating as you can tell. I am working on "sayings" right now. Sometimes having a note at the top of your screen keeps you going! I  know I should quit making them because the people that use themes has changed a lot since I first started making them An entire new generation and they probably find most of my themes totally not what they want! Oh, well, hopefully there are a few out there that like to see some nature scenes, etc. on their screen. 


I have a cyst on my kidney that was found when they did the CT scan at the hospital but the Dr. didn't think it was anything to worry about, but to check in out this summer. So I go Tuesday morning and have a CT scan. Have to get up at 4:20 and drink a pint of barium! and then drink another pint at 7:20. Hopefully I can get it down! I am not worried about the results so hopefully everything will turn out all right.  


While we were taking care of my mother the last 3 months of her life (She had ovarian cancer) my husband made rings out of silver quarters. My Mom wanted one so he made her one and she wore it on her little finger until she passed away. My husband and brother took it off before they came to pick her up and I put it on my little finger and wore it for over 20 years. With all the back problems, etc. I lost a bunch of weight, which I didn't need to. To make a long story short I lost it! It came off my finger once in the house and I found it right away and I could have had my husband fix it so it fit better but I just failed to do so. Two days later I noticed it was missing and I knew I had lost it outside. And approximately where! But we couldn't find it. My son brought his metal detector over and we searchd and searched. Even tore up a rose bush because I had been messing with it. Actually ruined the 56 year old bush and my husband had to pull it out! But we never found the ring. I still get upset if I think about it. My hope is, that it will show up someday. It has no money value but it is irreplaceable to me. I have only lost 2 things in my life that really upset me. One was a pocket angel I had carried in my pocket for many, many years. Never found it, either. But a wonderful man that happened to read my blog sent me one. It wasn't the same as the one I had lost but I have carried it every since he sent it to me. But this ring can never be replaced. It was my own fault. I am not one to put things off, but this I did.


I really don't have much new to say. So I will sign off for now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Sounds like the heat is really bad in the south. Our weather is pretty good. We had 1 day that was over the 80's but that was great for me. Luckily I don't have to work out in it so I felt for the people that do. 


Have a wonderful summer and enjoy your family and friends.




  1. I'm ailing with arthritis and post-COVID-19 issues but I want you to know that you bring a smile to my soul. I've been using your themes for many years and appreciate your technical aptitude and artistic ability. Aging is truly "for the birds" as my Nana used to say.
    I'm glad your shoulder has healed, that your family is healthy and well but saddened to hear about the loss of your mother's ring. I wish you well. Take care, be safe and stay well.

    1. Thanks so much, Tracy Anne. I was happy to hear from someone. I feel that my blog doesn't get read very much and have started wondering if I should just drop it, but I like to keep in touch with users and this is about the only way I can. I am sorry about your arthritis. I think that is the part of aging that isn't much fun and hard to deal with. Sorry you had Covid. We have pretty much become hermits because of not wanting to get it. At our age I kind of feel it might be the end of us so we are super careful. Have a wonderful week end and hope you are feeling better soon. I really appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and comment.

  2. Hello, I like you, I love firefox since 2007 too! I used "Personas" and then your themes that I find the best ever! Congratulations!!
    I’ve been an artist since I was a child, so I really admire your style!
    Best wishes and success for your beautiful backgrounds!


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