~~Happy Independence Day~~


Happy 4th to all Americans...Republican, Democrat, Independent or whatever. We are all Americans.

The last two weeks have been really bad at our house. My husband is having a couple health issues so have been taking him to appointments,  2 trips to ER, another by ambulance, etc. He has at least 2 surgeries to look forward to! He worked way too hard on the wood from the trees we had blow down this winter. And that brought one problem on. But because of the tests they found he has cancer in his kidney. He has one surgery before they do the kidney, though. The Dr. seems to think the cancer has probably been there for a couple years and hasn't spread, etc. But it is going to be a long summer for him.

We had a sit down at the table meeting with our kids and told them what was going on and they are so supportive. I know we will have all kinds of help and support. But it is going to be a long summer. I hope the weather is nice so he can be outside as much as possible because he hates sitting in the house.

I just thought I would pop in to the blog and wish everyone a nice holiday.

Be safe and leave the fireworks to the experts!


  1. I hope you guys have a happy 4th, but most of all I hope your husband will be alright and make it through this okay! Cancer is always frightening news...but it's amazing that it hasn't spread in all this time. There's still hope!

    1. Thank you, Aeron. If he can just get through the next surgery all right. They had to do emergency surgery on him July 4th...and he has to get strong enough to get through all this.


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