Monday, July 22, 2019

Home Now!

Well, the worst is over, I hope, for my husband. He is recuperating, trying to get his strength up. He managed to have a minor heart attack after we got home from the hospital the first time. So I had to call the EMT's again. What great men we have! When you need help and the room is covered with blood it is time to call 911. I have had to call them 4 times in the last 2 to 3 weeks. Three times they took him in to the ER and 1 time I took him. These gentlemen were so caring and helpful to both my husband and myself. I can't really say the ER in our area works very well, though. One time the EMT's took him in and the ER people put him in a wheelchair and set him by the door. When I got there I expected to find him in the back in a bed. Well, he could tell when he was going to start bleeding and he told me he didn't want to scare the little kids in the waiting room, so I pushed the wheelchair out into the receiving area and he bled all over the cement! I put the blanket (covered with blood) back over his legs and wheeled him back in. I told the nurse there was a lot of blood out by the door so I guess they finally decided it was a little more important they took him to the back rather than all of the people that were waiting that had a tiny cut or sniffles! Most of them should have gone to the aftercare or their Dr. during the day. That was the worse experience we had during the entire 2 weeks but that was one we won't forget. They performed emergency surgery on the 4th of July. There were two days when I didn't think he was coming home but he is strong and made it through. The only thing is, he has at least 2 surgeries ahead of him and perhaps 1 more if they decide he needs another stent. Of course, none of the surgeries will be done if he doesn't get a cardiologist to sign off and say his heart is strong enough. He had 3 transfusions while he was in the hospital the 2nd time after the surgery and 1 iron infusion at the first hospital stay. About all I did during that time was check emails before I got to the hospital at 7:00 and home at 8:30 or so. Check emails and quickly submit a theme or two. It helped me so much to get my mind off of things.

I can't say enough about family during something like what we just went through. Our kids practically held me up the day of his surgery. I was bundled up in 2 hooded sweatshirts and still cold and shaking. The entire 2 weeks is all a kind of blur in my mind but our kids were always my side. And so helpful...bringing us food and picking up groceries, mowing lawns, etc. And the grand kids. I just feel so very lucky that I have my husband of 62 1/2 years back home by my side and the kids and grand kids close. 

Thanks to all of you that have given me your thoughts and best wishes. I really appreciate them and appreciate them. Firefox themes have been therapy for me. I get lost in making them and sometimes getting lost is very good.

Will try to be better at posting but time is kind of short.

Have a great week! Keep cool!

Lots of Bright Colors

Friday, July 12, 2019


I am sorry I haven't been able to post anything. My dear hubby is in the hospital and I spend all of my days with him.

I am trying to keep updated on reviews. Thanks for your patience.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

~~Happy Independence Day~~


Happy 4th to all Americans...Republican, Democrat, Independent or whatever. We are all Americans.

The last two weeks have been really bad at our house. My husband is having a couple health issues so have been taking him to appointments,  2 trips to ER, another by ambulance, etc. He has at least 2 surgeries to look forward to! He worked way too hard on the wood from the trees we had blow down this winter. And that brought one problem on. But because of the tests they found he has cancer in his kidney. He has one surgery before they do the kidney, though. The Dr. seems to think the cancer has probably been there for a couple years and hasn't spread, etc. But it is going to be a long summer for him.

We had a sit down at the table meeting with our kids and told them what was going on and they are so supportive. I know we will have all kinds of help and support. But it is going to be a long summer. I hope the weather is nice so he can be outside as much as possible because he hates sitting in the house.

I just thought I would pop in to the blog and wish everyone a nice holiday.

Be safe and leave the fireworks to the experts!


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...