
Showing posts from June, 2017

Getting Prepared

Lily of the Valley Butterflies Well, I am getting preparing for tomorrow's cataract surgery. The first one was successful so hope this one will go all right, too. You have to put two different kinds of eye drops in 4 times a day and it goes on for weeks so I have graphs taped up on the bathroom cabinet so I can mark off that I got the right drop put in the correct eye. You have to mark it down when you get as old as I am or you wouldn't remember which drop went in which eye. Oh, getting old is fun! My husband isn't very happy about getting old, either. He has always been so active and is not doing a very good job of cutting back. The only good part of it is that we are doing it together. Last Thurs. after we got home from the hospital, he was sitting in a chair on the patio in the sun. Our oldest grandson dropped in to eat his lunch here before he went to a meeting & he said he k...

Bad Morning!

Poppy Season Well, today started out horribly but could have been much worse. My husband woke me at 6:30 and said he thought he was having a heart attack. It was worse this time than the AFib attacks he has had before because he had heart pains with it, so I called 911 as I was so shaky I couldn't drive so I rode in the ambulance. They were ever so nice and supportive to me and wonderful to my dear husband. We were lucky this time again. It wasn't a heart attack...and they were able to shock him and get his heart back in rhythm with one shock this time. After the 2nd blood test that showed no heart attack, our son brought us home. I am to the point I keep a go bag ready to take with us when this happens. But I didn't take a sweatshirt or jacket because it was supposed to be hot. Luckily our son had a big heavy hooded sweatshirt in his car and I put that on. It went to my knees but they were col...

Summer Coming!

Romantic Cats I think Summer arrives tomorrow! Hope you all had a nice Father's Day week end. We had a really nice one. Went to our son's camping site at Birch Bay for a lovely lunch and fun with grand kids and great grand kids. The 5 great grand kids got to go in the swimming pool and had a ball. Our oldest grandson jumped in and joined them! It was so neat to see the kids weren't afraid of the water at all, but then they have all taken swim lessons. The weather wasn't very warm but the water was and they had a ball. Our youngest son and one of his sons (the one that built my computer)  came and installed all new LED lights in my husband's shop. So he has lots of lighting that will last a long time and cost a lot less! Our week end weather was not good at all. Cold and yucky, especially Sunday. Today is supposed to be better but the TV weatherman says we are in for a cold ...

Happy Fathers Day!

Purple Bird & Butterfly I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Fathers Day. Since we will be at the beach tomorrow I hope the weather will be warm. I got the patch off my eye yesterday and everything was still pretty blurry. But that is normal they said. I have to wear a protective pad that has tiny holes in it over my eye at night so I won't accidentally hit or scratch it. This morning when I woke up I automatically looked at the clock and instead of seeing a blurry blue thing I could actually read it. So it must have worked! Now I will have to decide if/when to get the other eye done. Don't have much to write about today, so I will get back to work. Call or visit your Dad if he is still here and if not, think loving thoughts about him. I know I will my Dad.

One Down One to Go

Soaring Eagle Well, I had one cataract removed this morning and will see how much better I can see before I decide on the second one. It was really quite easy. The only problem I am having now is my glasses don't fit over the patch very well and my depth perception is not there! I go to the Doctor tomorrow to get the patch off and will see how it goes. I was hoping I could work on themes today but I doubt very much if I can. Just can't see that well! Doubt if I can read, either so don't know what I am going to do to keep busy. I just can't stand not having something to do! Made a pie yesterday so can't do that.  I hope everyone is getting ready for Father's Day. We are going to our son's camping place on Sat. so we are hoping for good weather. Will probably be at our daughter's on Sunday sometime since her kids are coming up to spend part of Sunday with their father....

The article with video is up!

  Bright Light Lines    Well, the article/interview with me a couple weeks ago is up so I am posting the link. You can see how I live and what I do. I think they did a really great job of making the video with the little bear WELCOME we have by the front door and the flag flying in the background at the end.  So here is the link: Spring Summer Best Have a great week, everyone!

Fathers Day!

White Wolf Mates When I updated my blog for June I totally forgot about Fathers Day! My Bad! Had a very nice week end. Weather was pretty good. Yesterday was a beautiful day and we got to see our great grandson play lacrosse and watch them win 5 - 0! I really love watching him play, especially if the weather is nice. The first game we went to this season was very cold, very rainy and very muddy!  Our daughter is going through a very hard time right now. As I mentioned in an earlier post, her best friend/cat would be 19 in August is going through the slow process of her body shutting down. Our daughter is very tender hearted and emotional. So she spent the week end at home taking care of Sammy. And it was hard for her to leave home and go to work this morning. On that sad note I will get back to work. I hope you all have a wonderful week.  Goldfinch Butterfly Theme https://a...