First Tuesday in April

April Showers

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the lilacs are almost in full bloom. It is a month early for the lilacs. I believe in global warming!

We had a really busy Saturday. Had to go in and do our shopping and it poured rain! I had to roll the bottom of my jeans  up because they were dragging in the puddles! Looked really cool!!

Then in the afternoon we went to our daughter's house. Her daughter was up visiting and it was so good to see her. We had taco's and talked and laughed and laughed together. I feel so lucky to have at least one daugher, one grandaughter and one great grandaughter. Girls in my husband's family are few and far between. 

Yesterday we had Doctor's appointments and that is always fun! We are both pretty darn healthy. So the Doctor says! Did some shopping afterwards. 

Been catching up on work today. Already working on Mothers Day for the blog. Doubt if I make too many Mother's Day themes, though. 

Gotta start dinner so will sign off for now. Have a good evening and I will get back soon.

 Lavender Lovelies


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