Marching into Spring!
Spring Fresh by MaDonna
Can you believe it is March 2015? I can't. I remember when I was a kid time didn't go very fast. Remember how long it took your birthday or Christmas to get here? The older you get the quicker the time goes. Which shouldn't be the way it is, but...
Our weather has been so great. We are going after another load of wood this afternoon so thought I would update the blog for March. Put a little bit of green in it!
We went to our oldest great grandson's basketball game yesterday. Took our daughter in law with us since their was no reason for us both to drive down. It is so much fun to watch these kids play. They put all their heart and soul into the games. He also plays lacrosse so he had a lacrosse game in the morning and the basketball in the afternoon. That seems a little bit too much. Most kids don't get enough exercise so it is great for them to get some, but it seems our kids, grandkids and great grandkids certainly get their share.
Same goes for work. Our 3 kids are workaholics! Both boys are blue collar workers, except their blue collars get way too much work. Both are working 6 or 7 10 hour days. Our daughter works over time a lot and some Saturday's. I wish they didn't have to work so hard so much. Wish we were rich so they wouldn't have to, but that train passed the station a long time ago. Both sons work in industries where welding is involved, a lot of welding. They can't get good workers. They need welders so badly and I wish highschools would push this kind of work a little bit more. They seem to think everyone is going to college. They aren't. Plus half the kids that go to college can't get a job. Maybe they should take some welding classes and become a certified welder and they could get a good paying job. They may have to get their hands dirty but dirty hands is what built this country and our boys wouldn't have to work so many hours.
I am so glad that we live close enough to our family that we can be a part of their lives. My husband worked for the U.S. Forest Service and to really get ahead you have to move a lot. As I have mentioned before, my family moved a lot when I was a child and I hated it. When we got married we lived close to a ranger station in the mountains for the first 10 years. And we all loved it. It was a great place to raise kids. Our water came from a creek and the kids grew up in the woods. When my husband had his first chance for a higher paying job, it was in Alaska but with 3 little ones we didn't want to be too far from a Doctor, so we didn't take it. I had said I would move once because I didn't want our kids having to change schools all the time like I did. So when the chance came for him to get an "upgrade" and it wasn't too far from our families and we found a home in the country we liked, we took it. And now we can be part of our kids, their kid's and their kids lives. We never made the money we could have if we had moved around the country. But money isn't everything as far as we ae concerned. We have learned to be pretty self reliant and that helps. So we are just one big happy family. The little one's get mixed up with so many grandpa and grandma's I am sure. But they will learn!
I had better get my work gear on and so some logging!
Have a great week and be back soon.
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