Friday, October 17, 2014

New Venture

Stunning Pathway to Fall

Cold, dreary fall Friday. I am already tired of it. Ready for 85° again.

I told you about making my own laundry detergent several months ago. I have used one whole batch now and am loving it. I can't believe how much money it saves. It gets the clothes clean and that is what is important. I have learned to make my own fragrance crystals to match the detergent and that works every bit as well as the one on the store shelves. Now I am going to "try" making my own liquid hand soap. I have some ingredients on the way from Amazon and picking up the rest at our local community co-op. I will let you know how it works out. I have decided to try the foaming dispensers because it makes the soap go father and isn't as messy. I have researched a lot of recipes on line and have put my own together so we shall see.

 Harvest Pumpkin House

The theme above has been doing very well. It was a lot of work. Had to add all the little critters, etc. but think it was worth it. 

It is funny about submitting a design. I "never" know what will be popular and what will flop. Several I have put on I think are not very good and for some reason they will catch on and be quite popular. I guess it is good everyone doesn't like the same thing.

Well, I am going to get back to work. Friday is a busy cleaning day for me, so back to work.


  1. I love your Harvest Pumpkin House design! I had been using your wallpaper and now am happy to see there's a Persona to match. It brings a smile to my workday. Thank you for sharing your designs and vision with the world!

  2. So glad you like it. And thanks for reading my blog.



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