Great Week End

High Mountain Autumn

Hope everyone had a great week end. We certainly did. I actually hated to see Monday come, which is unusual for me. The weather was fantastic and I really hate to see it leave, but the forest fire danger is really bad, especially with lightning forecast.

We spent most of the week end outside. We always have a breeze at our house and with lots of trees we can find a cool spot somewhere. Got to spend time with some great grandkids, grandkids and kids so was especially nice.

 My Mom's birthday was yesterday and I seem to miss her more and more. There are so many things I wish I could ask her, but it is too late.

I helped my daughter get her computers updated so she could sync Firefox. She used to help me with the computer and now I am helping her! She was one of the recently unemployed for several months and luckily she got a really good job and is hoping she doesn't have to get a second job to meet her house payment, etc. It is unfortunate that women don't make as much as men do, but that seems to be the way it is now.

 I think a lot of Mozilla's employees are on vacation because the user count has been broken for almost 2 weeks now. I hope they get it fixed soon. You can't tell if a design is being used or not because the count does not show up.

What a mess this world is in right now! Religion seems to be the cause of all the fighting, disagreements, etc. I think it is fine to have a belief in somthing but I do not think it is right to try to make everyone else think what you believe is the "right" way to believe. And then to kill others because they don't believe like you do is just wrong!



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