December, December
A Purple Christmas Delight
It is really hard to believe but the last month of 2011 is here. Where has the year gone? I have worked so hard on Christmas and winter designs and have a bunch more made to submit so I should quit making them, but I still have some good ideas and will probably work up until Christmas eve. I have more spirit for Christmas this year and it will be so much more fun with toddlers around. I had a great time doing some shopping for them this year. I personally do not like going to town to shop so love Amazon. The things come right to me and I don't have to get frustrated with crowds!
I have made quite a few designs for Brand Thunder and they are being used, too. I think I mentioned that they were going to feature me on their site and I was so surprised that they actually did. The link to see it if you are interested is: So many places say they are going to do something and never do, so I was kind of pleased. Brand Thunder is having a contest for the best browser theme and the winner gets an IPad. Wow, I would love to win, but I don't have the social networking it takes to get the word out. I had to sign up for Twitter to submit the designs so I do have a Twitter account but my sis is the only follower, so it isn't too popular. I really wouldn't know what to tweet anyway!
There are so many good designers anymore and I am amazed at some of their work when I have time to look which isn't often. I did notice that animated designs are becoming the big thing. I doubt if I ever try to make one, though. If it comes to the point where that is all users want, MaDonna will retire! Again!
My favorite thing to make, though is the wallpapers. They are so much easier to really get all the graphics into because of space. And I am getting so many fans it makes me feel very good. For this old lady it is kind of neat. I got to thinking the other day about designing and came to the conclusion you have to have an imagination to design anything. And I have always had an imagination, ever since I was a little kid.
Well, I am going to sign off for today. I don't have much new to report so will say good bye and if I don't get on before Christmas, have a merry one. But I will try to get on before, I swear.
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