Fall in Love

I can't believe it has been so long since I checked this blog. I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time to keep it up, and I feel bad about that! (If anyone out there actually reads it.)  
I had the idea for this Persona over the weekend. I saw the words fall in love and thought, "what a neat idea for a design!"  My head is so full of ideas of things I want to do, but then there are things I have to do so the things I want to do, don't get done! But that is life. We have responsibilities and we should be glad we do, I guess. But I did take the time to work on this design this morning. And I am proud of the way it turned out. 

I will try, (I said "try") to check in at least once a week and I thank all of the people that support my Persona designs and wallpapers. And I wish you all a good week. Enjoy the last days of summer because winter is just around the corner.


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