Spring Swans by M♥Donna


 It is beginning to feel like fall out. Forest fires still burning but so far our county has not had any major fires.

I am still getting over the mini stroke I had. I forget things a bit. Sill things, like where a certain key is on the keyboard or a specific brush on Photo Shop. But keeping at it!

I am going to put on some cell phone wallpapers today. My grand daughter loves them so am hoping some of you will, too.

Sad Bunny

Drinking Mouse


 Old Farm House

                          Bedtime Mouse                              

Wish I could put a link on for you to download but at this time I don't know how, so you will just have to copy it and put it in your Photos on your phone.
More later!






  1. Glad to see you are doing OK. Keep creating!

  2. praying for your health, thank you for everything you've done MaDonna :)


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