September is coming in like a cold shower! It makes you remember we live in the Pacific Northwest. It was cold and rainy yesterday and today. But the weather people say it will be in the 80's next weekend, but I have to see it to believe it. This has been the coldest summer up here in a long time, seems like. Or maybe my bones just feel it. I am still working on themes and wallpapers and having more fun with AI making cell phone wallpapers, too. I really don't know if anyone is using them or not, but I am. My great grand daughter likes them, too! I make some for her that are the team she plays fast pitch and volley ball for. Sometimes I start to think maybe I am just wasting time, but then again I am enjoying it, so I guess that is not wasting time! I have been cleaning out drawers and closets and getting rid of stuff that should have been gotten rid of years ago. But it is hard to do that, especially when no one really wants some of the old stuff. I treasure the things my g...