Sounds like everyone is having horrible fall weather! Cyclone Bombs, hurricanes, etc. We had all kinds of weather alerts over the weekend but we were very lucky and nothing strange happened. We always get a lot of rain and wind so it wasn't any worse than normal right here in "MaDonna Land"! I hope everyone got through whatever they got.
It sounds like kids will be able to get vaccinated very soon but so many parents aren't going to get them vaccinated. More than 40% of the patients in our county are children so it will be a hard decision but I think I would have mine vaccinated.
I think I mentioned my back bothering me...well I finally got my MRI and the Dr. called and said he couldn't believe I was doing so well after seeing the MRI. It showed, Multilevel spondylosis, Multifactorial severe central spinal canal stenosis at L4 & L5 and complete obliteration of the central canal! No wonder my back has been hurting and my legs going numb! The orthopedic surgeon that did my knee is pushing my surgery up. He has 400 surgeries delayed because of Covid but I am supposed to go in this Thurs. and get my back surgery. But I just read that the hospital has more Covid patients than they have ever had so I am so hoping they don't delay it. I went for my Covid test this morning. You have to have a test before any surgery. So I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I am trying to get a lot of stuff done before Thursday. I am doing all of my floors today so they will be super clean, going to make a couple loaves of pumpkin bread tomorrow and get the house all cleaned good.
I am still working on getting Halloween and Autumn themes updated. I won't finish the Halloween ones finished before this Halloween, though. I can only get so many submitted a day!
This blog must be so boring for people to read and I am sorry. Not much going on here! I was asked to submit a short comment about making my Autumn Leaves theme because Mozilla is going to feature the theme in their I really didn't know what to write so will have to wait and see what it sounds like. I will post the link when it is live.
I will get back to Firefox themes, updating, designs as soon as I can. And you know it will be soon IF I get the surgery this Thursday.
Have a good week and will be back soon.....