Full Moon Haunting
I am trying to figure out the new format for the Blogger so excuse what it looks like till I get it right. At almost 82 years old, it gets harder for me when things change. They don't try to make it any easier for the older folks!
A couple weeks ago we got a call from our daughter in law and our oldest son was hurt. He works on a commercial berry farm in the Maintenance Dept. He is like his Dad and can figure out how to make things work, fix them if they don't work, etc. He was working on a split tooth harrow (Google it to see what it is if you don't know) and something shifted and it fell on his leg and one of the spikes went into his leg. He grabbed the grinder and cut the spike off himself! Anyway our local hospital couldn't do anything so he was taken to Harborview Hospital in Seattle That is the main trauma center for the Pacific Northwest. The x-rays and CT scan found that no major damage, except it did poke a hole in his heel bone so he can't put any weight on it for 6 weeks and they think it will heal all right. I will post the picture of it so if you are squeamish you may not want to look at it.
He got to bring the spike home! So he is healing at home. Farming is a very dangerous job. I remember one time my Dad got in late from the field and he didn't put the disc in the farm shed. Mom went out after dark to check on the chickens and fell on it. She came into the house with her dress (back then women wore dresses) all ripped up and she was cut up and bloody, her glasses were broken.
This Covid has got everything hard. Not being able to see someone at the hospital is tough. Besides just the normal. But I still don't think people are taking this whole thing as seriously as they should. Yes, some people hardly get sick and some not at all. But that is not saying they aren't going to have health problems in the future. I hate being sick! I even hate having a cold, so we are being super careful. And no matter who says the virus is going away. IT IS NOT! There were more cases reported yesterday than any time in our country. And it sounds like other countries are having the same problems. So I hope that all of you out there that happen to read this silly blog, BE CAREFUL! Put that mask on and stay as far away from others as you can.
We are having our first Northeaster today. I got a text from my brother in AZ and he said it was finally in the low 80's. Oh....that sounds so nice.
I am gonna sign off. I am sorry about text size. It is not easy to figure this new format out. I guess they thought it would be better! IT'S NOT!
Have a super week end and Happy Halloween!