Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tomorrow is the day!

Pansies and Lavender

Well, tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for. In June when they said end of August or September, we thought it would never get here. And it has been a good thing to wait because in the last two weeks since the bleeding stopped he has been able to get some energy back and bring his blood level up some. They will probably give him a transfusion either before or during surgery...but we shall see. They are doing his surgery robotically so he will have less blood loss and quicker recovery and we had to wait over a month for the room with the equipment in to become available. We were originally scheduled for Sept. 3rd but since he was on a cancellation list, it got moved up to Aug. 30th. They have said at least a 5 hour surgery so it is going to be a long wait...

Now to one has been able to figure out why some of the themes work with Android and some don't. I am wondering if it could be that the Android software is different in different phones, tablets, etc. so the themes may work in some and not others. I have no way of checking that out, but they don't work with my Android 8.0.0. 

Going to finish getting our "Go Bag" packed up and ready for tomorrow.

Thought I would post a pic of the pickles, myself, daughter and grand daughter put up this year. It is a yearly thing for us to do.  We have so much fun, laughs and wine while we work.

Well, got to get to work. Wish us luck!

Autumn Morning Serenity

Monday, August 26, 2019

Problem with theme and Android?

Autumn River Ranch

Are you having a problem with some of the latest versions of a theme on an Android cell or tablet? Well, you are lucky if you aren't. No one can seem to figure out why but I have asked the tech experts to try to figure it out! My Running Foxes has been very popular and worked just fine. But a user asked me to change the far left part to be darker because on larger screen the dark gray didn't show up as well. So I did just that and resubmitted it. Then a user sent me a note saying that had been their favorite theme and used it for several years BUT all of a sudden it was plain white and when they tried to install it again, it was still white. So I asked a "higher up" about it and they didn't I have posted a question on the forum and hopefully someone will figure out why the new themes don't work well/if at all on Android. I have figured out a workaround though. If the theme you like quit working, scroll down to See Older Versions and install Version 3. I have posted the instructions on the theme itself and don't be afraid to use it. It won't hurt anything. I had to do that on my cell. When/If I get an answer I will post it here. 

I will write more later this week. My husband's surgery is scheduled for Fri. so will be pretty busy after that. Have a good week. 

Summer Falling

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Autumn Poppies & Bird

Just when I think things are starting to go well....I get an education in what doesn't happen!

Last Friday I took my husband to the Urologist for a routine check and everything seemed to be on schedule, with the robotic surgery scheduled for August 30th. But later that afternoon he started bleeding really bad and clotting so it was a bad week end. No sleep, etc. So called on Monday and they said to start flushing to keep the clots out so we have been doing that every few hours. That is a messy, messy thing to have to do. And no fun for either one of us, but much worse for him. I don't know how he is supposed to get his strength back when he keeps bleeding so badly. He has no appetite so has to force food down because he knows he has to to keep his strength up for the surgery. Luckily the weather has been pretty good so he can sit outside (he hates being inside) and get some rest. I seem to have the washing machine going non stop and a lot of cleaning house.

I still find time to work on themes, though. That is when I can get lost and forget about things I don't want to think about. I really don't know what I would do if I wasn't involved in Firefox and working with Photoshop. You can only clean and cook and wash so much....Plus I still have hundreds of themes yet to update.

So I thank all of you that are using my themes and write such wonderful reviews. It keeps my mind busy with good thoughts.

Apparently some of the new themes don't work with Android. I don't know why and can't do anything about that so am sorry. I have a message into a Mozilla tech so maybe I will find out why and will let you all know.

Time to get back to work. Have a great week and don't forget to let your loved ones know you love them. Take care!


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...