Cold Dreary Saturday

Another cold dreary day. Could snow this evening but we shall see. Did our shopping this morning. We are looking for a new mattress. Oh, but I hate shopping for a mattress! How on earth can you tell if you like it and can sleep on a mattress by laying on it a few minutes? We tried the Sleep Number and think we like it but not sure. We haven't bought a new mattress in years, just keep buying 3" foam toppers from Costco every couple years for $100. But with age, etc. our backs are hurting all the time so we don't think the foam topper is the way to go anymore. We shall see. The sale ends on the 16th so we have to decide pretty quickly.

I found a new artist's work and have been using some of her work to make themes. The Moon Spirit theme above is one.  

I have been so depressed since the election I don't know what to do. I voted but that didn't seem to do any good. I am so afraid of what can happen in the next 4 years.  I don't want this to be a political blog so won't go into my thoughts any more. But I must say I am worried. I believe any person better be. Their Social Security and Medicare is all at risk. They have paid into it their whole life and their Medicare could end up and be vouchers that may or may not pay the bills. Probably not, if you have looked at any medical costs lately. Especially prescription drug costs. I remember the days when you could advertise liquor and cigarettes on TV but not pharmaceuticals! I actually think liquor and cigarettes would be better advertisements than pills, etc. Have you ever listened to what those pills can do to you? Most of them actually say you could die! Well, it takes a few years of using liquor and cigarettes to kill you. And then there is the possibility of war looming over every country. Twitter is no way to rule a country! That is what seems to be going to happen. If some country angers you, just Twitter and it will go away! Oh, my.....scary world we live in these days. I remember when my kids had to practice getting under their desks at school in case of a bomb! As if that would do any good!

I had the time to write a bit so just thought I better update this although I really don't have anything to say, except I am tired of winter and politics and the high cost of meds!

Have a good week end!


  1. MaDonna,
    I'm on Twitter as you have a Twitter account as well? If you do, feel free to follow me and I will also follow you.

    Helen Chambers

    1. Hi...Yes I do have a Twitter account. MaDonnasPersonas. I will see if I can find you on Twitter.


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