
Showing posts from January, 2017

Wallpaper Link is fixed1

  Wolf Spirit of the Moon    The wallpaper link is fixed now. I have been watching the protests against the person that was elected President of the US. I keep wondering where these people were at during election time. I am quite sure half of them didn't even get out and vote.  I am glad and proud they are making themselves heard now. A little late but they are making their voices heard and seen. I saw those cute hot pink knitted hats and I want one. I used to know how to knit and follow a pattern but I doubt if I could anymore. I found some on line but my goodness, they were like $30. Have you noticed the uptick in theme submissions? One person has learned how to make the easy designs from Photoshop Patterns and is really submitting a lot of themes. This type of design is so easy and quick to make. You just one click and the design is made. I have submitted a few from the Pattern...

Link to my wallpapers is broken!

This is just a quick note to let you all know that the link to my wallpapers is broken right now and should be fixed within 72 hours. If you happen to click on the wallpaper link from the theme page, you will get this big red warning!    Don't worry there isn't anything scary. And the problem will be fixed. But I have to admit when the link came up, it is worrisome.  I also got a notice from the people that make my blog designs are going to be gone in a few months so I will have to do some research and find another site. It took me a long time to find plumrose lane so  it may be awhile.  Be back soon! Lion King

Womens March

This is a short thank you to all the people that are marching today in protest of Mr. T,  his beliefs & how he has treated women over the years. I am so proud that women are standing up for all women everywhere. I was astonished when I heard that there was marches all over the world.  We went in to do our shopping this morning and there were people on the side walks and every street corner with signs on their way to the march in our small city. I honestly feel guilty that I wasn't one of them. My heart was. He and his minions are setting our country back to the 1950's. We should be going forward not backward. Perhaps he wants us to sit in the background and keep our mouths shut. No way. Something is happening today and I just hope the spirit of the marchers stays strong. 

Hard weekend

Sisterhood of Lions Our weather is starting to warm up so it is going to rain!  This past week end was a bit hard. Friday morning my husband came in from the shop and said his heart was acting up again. He was having an AFib attack. This is the fifth attack he has had in the past 4 years. I gave him his aspirin. He knew he had gotten out one of the pills he is supposed to take when he goes into these attacks but he couldn't remember if he took it or not. He couldn't find it so I was afraid to give him one in case he had taken the first one. When he started having pains in his chest I grabbed my "Go bag", handbag and keys and off we went to the ER. They gave him 3 IV doses of the medicine that hopefully puts his heart back in rhythm. After the 3rd dose it worked but his heart rate stayed very high and they called it something like A Flutter, (which I never heard of). But they couldn't...

Really bad night

Oh, my what a horrible night I had. Anyone that has had Fibromyalgia as long as I have has probably not checked out the symptoms for a long time, either. I had been having more and more problems with sleep, which makes you more tired and makes you hurt more. And then the burning sensations started in. Last night I got absolutely no sleep and it wasn't because my Hawks won their play off game!  I tried sleeping on everything we had you could sleep on and nothing worked. So I look like death warmed over this morning. So this morning I looked at all the symptoms again and....well, that was everything I had, aches, burning, headache, fatigue, sleep deprivation. In the middle of the night I had made up my mind I was going to go to the Dr. but then remembered what I read in the paper about all the flu so I decided I didn't want to go to the Dr. and get sick! I know what the problem is again and will deal with it. I will have to go back on the medication I had been on for many, many ...

Cold Dreary Saturday

Image Another cold dreary day. Could snow this evening but we shall see. Did our shopping this morning. We are looking for a new mattress. Oh, but I hate shopping for a mattress! How on earth can you tell if you like it and can sleep on a mattress by laying on it a few minutes? We tried the Sleep Number and think we like it but not sure. We haven't bought a new mattress in years, just keep buying 3" foam toppers from Costco every couple years for $100. But with age, etc. our backs are hurting all the time so we don't think the foam topper is the way to go anymore. We shall see. The sale ends on the 16th so we have to decide pretty quickly. I found a new artist's work and have been using some of her work to make themes. The Moon Spirit theme above is one.   I have been so depressed since the election I don't know what to do. I voted but that didn't seem to do any good. I am so afraid...