
Showing posts from August, 2016

First Blue Jay!

Just saw the first blue jay of the season today. It is very warm outside, which I love, BUT it is beginning to feel like fall in the mornings. If you read my blog at all, you know I do not like winter so fall is the beginning of the bad! For me, anyway. I love the fall colors and have made many, many fall designs so that is about the only good part of it as far as I am concerned. Footprints in the Sand We had a big garage sale last week so got rid of years of "stuff" but ended up and had to take a pick up load to Value Village.The weather was in the 90's so we didn't have near as many customers as we usually would have. What a job, though! Going up into the attic and finding boxes of stuff I had put away, lots of sewing laces, fabric, etc. that I can't use anymore. So it was nostalgic but cleansing. Luckily our daughter-in-law was here the whole time and really helped out....

Class Reunions!

  My 3rd Grade Class (I am the far lower left) I was listening to the radio today and the commentator was talking about the class reunion he had just attended. It brought back memories of my 50th class reunion. I got the invitation in the mail and realized my husband had a hunting trip planned for the same time. So I just figured I wouldn't go. But the more I thought about it, the more I really wanted to go since my class hadn't had a reunion for 25 years.  I grabbed the phone and called our oldest grandson, who was 27 at the time and asked if he would like to be my date for my class reunion! He is a people person so I knew he would be a great date! He drove us down to the reunion and everyone loved him. When we got there, I told everyone I had brought a younger man as my date! It was great fun for me and I think he had a good time, too. If you have read any of my older blogs you may remember I talked about clamp on skates and how we wore skate keys around our nec...

100 years ago an angel was born!

My Mother was born 100 years ago yesterday. So she has been on my mind more than usual. She passed away in 2002 from ovarian cancer. By the time she was diagnosed, it was too late to do anything except let her leave the hospital and pass on in the comfort of her own home. My brother and his wife, my sister, my husband and myself took care of her the last three months of her life. We each took turns staying with her. We would move in for 3 or 4 days. Hospice helped us so much. Someone would come every few days to check in on her and help us know how to take care of her.  Mom knew how much she was loved and died in peace. She said it was taking too long, though. I remember her saying that quite a bit toward the last and she wanted me to help her leave a little quicker and I told her I couldn't do that. Mom was a keeper. Not a hoarder but she kept things that meant something to her. Letter, cards, etc. I spent many afternoons sitting by her bed reading old letters to her. She...

Worry about loss

White Wolves Winter Any of you that read my blog know that I have been married for a very long time. We will have our 60th wedding anniversary next year and have been together for 61 years! We still hug each other many times during the day and the last thing I say at night is "I love you!" If either one of us did not wake up in the morning, I want that to be the last thing I say or that he hears. I know that sounds silly, but that is what I have done for many, many years and will continue to do so. I honestly don't know how I could go through one day without him and I worry about that every once in awhile. I can't help it. It will just pop into my mind and I have to get it out of their so I get busy doing something!  Enough! Our summer, here in the North Sound has not been a very good summer. Anyway, I don't think so. Last year was a great summer. But this year we have ...