Saturday, October 31, 2015

Changed your clocks?

Hope you all remembered to turn your clocks back an hour. And hope you all had a nice quiet Haloween with not too many tricks and lots of treats.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Brand Thunder New Tab Themes

Game of Thrones New Tab Theme

I have been working on some new themes for Brand Thunder and I just found this link that actually shows the way it works.  

Assassins Creed Unity New Tab Theme

 Minecraft Tribute New Tab Theme

I will post more of these as I find them.  I submitted a theme for the new Assassins Creed Syndicate theme and as soon as it is live I will post the link here. 

Have a great Halloween if I don't get back before 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Columbus Day or First People Day?

Faces of Halloween

There is a little controversy going on right now about what we call Columbus Day.  Should we celebrate a day when an Italian sailor found a country with Native American people living happy, full lives and then those people were almost destroyed? I guess the small amount of Native American blood I have,  says No, we shouldn't. So last year when I made my 2015 calendar I didn't put Columbus on my calender, I put a proud Native American brave on a horse, holding a spear. But the funny part is when I flipped my calender over to October, I couldn't remember what holiday the brave on a horse was for! Until I looked at a regular calender and it brought it all back to me. Several cities in WA state have changed the name of the holiday to something different to celebrate the proud Native Americans. 

Brand Thunder has some of my Chrome New Tab Holiday themes on line and the link to find them is

This is one of the themes for Chrome at that site. But I also have the wallpaper and you can find it at:

I have really enjoyed making a lot of the wallpapers and themes for Halloween so I hope you will like them.  I will post more Halloween themes next time. These are a few of my autumn designs.

Fresh Autumn Apples
 But my favorite is Deer Season by MaDonna

Have a great holiday today and call it whatever you want to call it!

Friday, October 2, 2015

October is Here!

Three Black Cats by MaDonna

It is hard to believe that October is here already. Yesterday, the first day of Oct. was beautiful. In fact in has been beautiful all week until today. Andtoday it is cold, wet and clammy. I want to go to our great grandson's football game tomorrow but if it is cold and rainy, I doubt if we do.

I have been busy making Halloween themes for both Firefox and Brand Thunder so have had lots of fun. I love working with the ghosts, spirits, haunted houses, etc. I guess that is when the "dark" comes out in me. I don't know! But they are fun. And now I have begun Christmas ones for Brand Thunder. Kind of having a hard time getting into the swing of Christmas, though!
My husband had another AFib attack Monday night so off we went to the ER. We would have waited a bit longer but he had pains in his chest, too so we didn't wait around for the meds to work. He didn't have a heart attack so that was wonderful and everything got back into rhythm on it's own. But they were all set up to shock him if needed.  I have an actual "go bag" packed all the time now and it is ready to go on a minutes notice. It has toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, energy bars, water, tablet, and just about anything else I might need. When he was in the hospital after his heart attack I didn't leave his room because I was afraid I couldn't find my way back. I know that sounds dumb, but I have no sense of direction at all. You know how hard it is to find your way around a hospital! I didn't have a "go bag" back then but our son brought some home made deer sausage he had made for his Dad to try and if I hadn't had that in my possession I would have starved. They kept taking my husband for another test, etc. so I sat by his empty bed and would take a bite of sausage to keep going!  I didn't eat it all, so he got to sample it, too. And it was very good.

This morning when I was doing laundry I was spraying pre-spray on my husbands shirts and work pants and used the bottle up. I use a lot of laundry pre-spray so put it on the list for town. Then I got to thinking if I could make my own laundry soap, why couldn't I make my own pre-spray so got on line and found about 6 different recipes and made my own up using different amounts, etc. from the on-line recipes. So took it off of my shopping list. I posted the recipe on my Google+ page. So if you want to try it, you can find it there. I will see how good it works and let you know.

My husband will be 80 in December and I want to have a family birthday party for him. Nothing spectacular because we are simple people and not into that, but just kids, grandkids and great grandkids. BUT it is such a busy time of year for everyone I think it is going to be hard to find a day to do it. And then I start thinking about the stress of doing it and put it off and I can't do that anymore. I am going to have to just set a date and hope, I guess. And this week end is my deadline because I want everyone to make it and not make plans for that day.

It was fun making the header on my October blog, so I hope everyone likes it. I have been trying to make a new one for each month.

Will sign off for now. Have a wonderful week end and I will get back next week, hopefully!

 Bounty of Fall Leaves by MaDonna


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...