Sunday, November 30, 2014

December December

Warm and Cozy Holiday
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Day. Our kids and some grandkids were here for dinner and some of the grandkids and great grandkids stopped in to visit. So it was wonderful. I have a lot to be thankful for and I am. This was the 56th Thanksgiving day dinner I have fixed. The first one we couldn't afford turkey so we had deer meat from the Ocotber deer hunt. But my parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle and nieces and nephews were all there. Our daughter was born the next week! 
I will finish updating this tomorrow. Getting tired!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Keep Warm!!

Wonderful Winter Wonderland

I hope you are all keeping warm. I feel so lucky that we just got cold weather and no snow like the eastern part of the US.

Mozilla still hasn't fixed their user counts so hopefully they will get that fixed soon. I see on the forum a lot of the designers are complaining about it. They have had several updates on Firefox lately and one update really screwed up both of my computers. I lost Personas Plus, my weather and about 3 or 4 other add ons I had installed to help me work on designs. And of course I couldn't remember the exact name of them, so had to search. I even lost my GMail Notifier. 

I have been having so much fun working on winter and Christmas designs. I love the little cottages with lighted windows. 

I must have the greatest fans because I have been getting such nice emails and reviews. I feel so blessed that I can still work on designs and have people really like them and use them. So thanks to all of you that have become followers and use my work. I love getting the reviews & I try to answer each and every one.  I know how busy everyone is and it does take you time to write a review so an extra thanks to you.

I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. It has been almost a year since my husband had his heart attack and he is doing very well.

At this time of year I always miss my brother and sister. I wish they could be here and spend Thanksgiving day with us but they will be with their family's. Family changes so much over time. Siblings have children and then they have spouses and children and then the children have spouses and children and it just gets harder and harder to all spend time together. And I miss our old Thanksgiving's when the house was full of food, love, people and laughter. But as you get older you don't have the energy or strength to do it all, plus everyone has somewhere else they have to be. But I still miss it.  I feel blessed that all of our children will be here this year.

I worked on updating my blog after Thanksgiving, getting ready for Christmas. I will do that next week so hope you will like it.

It is time for my afternoon coffee break. So keep warm and have a wonderful happy Thanksgiving. See ya next week.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Baby, it's cold outside!

Autumn On the Farm

Well, it is definitely "almost" winter. It came in with a blast, didn't it? We have a northeast wind blowing but no snow, so far! If you live to the east of us you probably have some snow and cold.  My poor husband has been trying to keep up with the leaves and the wind. He gets them cleaned up one day and the wind keeps blowing so he does it again the next day. I am ready for the wind to quit blowing and I know he is.

 I decided to write on the blog and quit designing for a bit. Firefox is having some problems again! The user counter and Up and Coming have been "broken" for almost a week now. I don't check in on that enough so didn't realize it until yesterday when I was checking on something and it looked like no one was using any of my recent designs so checked in on the forum and find out it is down and they don't have anyone working on it yet. 

The election is over and I am very unhappy with the results. I am afraid we are in for some hard times. Older people that are on a fixed income are going backward instead of forward. And I don't see any improvement on the way. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer! How many times have we heard that phrase? Well, it is sooooo true.

I see I have some new followers and I would like to thank you for joining. Check in every once in awhile. I don't update every day like a lot of bloggers do. I am lucky if I get on once a week but I have been better this year than previous years.

A Light in Autumn Forest

Night Flight

I used to crochet a lot and thought I would make myself a hat. Well, I found some free patterns on line and since I hadn't read a pattern for awhile, I didn't even remember what some of the terms were. So I started watching a few You Tube's to see how to do them! I can't believe how hard it was. I kept pausing it an then trying it and another pause and try again. Well, right now my yarn and hook are sitting on the floor where I threw them. I will try again but I doubt if I have a hat before next winter IF I can figure the pattern out.

I am not submitting designs to Brand Thunder anymore since they closed it for submissions. But I check on their blog and see many of my designs are being featured every week. So that made me happy. Thank you, Brand Thunder!

I got out some of my old family recipes, getting ready for Thanksgiving. My sweet potato recipe was my Grandma's and she didn't have recipes! She just told us how she made it and she didn't really measure anything. She was a fabulous cook. I used to stay with my grandparents a lot and felt so cherished! I guess that is the best word for how Grandma made me feel. She made the best baking powder bisquits you ever tasted. (That was what she called them) She would put handfuls of flour and a pinch of this, pinch of that, etc. and then roll them out and cut them. They were so good and they had their own honey and that was what we put on them. I have never had a better biscuit in all my life. And they always turned out perfect. I miss her. 

Well, that was dumb because it just made me hungry so will sign off for now. Have a great week end, everyone. 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Turkey Month

Deer in Winter Woods

November is here and it doesn't seem possible. 

I updated my blog over the week end. Took Halloween off and got November on. Hope you like it. Not realy pleased with the winter part but couldn't find another fall one I really liked so we got a little bit of snow on the blog for November. I am enjoying keeping my blog updated. I used to only get on about once a month and it was never up to date.

I am working on winter designs already because you have to be one step ahead of the season it seems like. I have seen Christmas advertisements on TV and that is just wrong! But I guess with money the way it is for most people, you have to start early. When we bought gifts for all the kids and grandkids, parents, etc. I started the week end after Christmas for the next year. Then we got smart and only bought for the grandkids. Now we are just down to great grandkids for gifts and since they get so much from so many, we just give them money to put in the bank.

Today is election day and I hope you voted. In WA we have mail in voting and I don't understand why all states don't do it that way. It is so important for people to vote and the Republicans are trying to make it hard for us to vote in some states. I think voting may be one of the things my great grandfathers and great great grandfathers fought for.

I have made quite a few designs with wild animals in them lately and have really enjoyed making them. The one above is one I was happy with how it turned out. Several are below. 

 Early Winter Moose

Fall Black Bear

 Autumn Morning Serenity

I spent hours last week watching You Tube trying to learn a crochet stitch to make a scarf and how to work with Masks in Photoshop Elements. I got the Masks figured out but the crochet stitch I am not so sure about. But I looked for yarn on Sat. and decided it would be cheaper to try to find a scarf already finished. I enjoy crocheting, though so we shall see.

I wrote about trying to make liquid hand soap and it worked pretty well. I used almond for the fragrance and it smells wonderful and feels more like a lotion when you go to use it. I put it in foam pumps so it comes out like a foam. The only problem I had with it is that is separates, but it doesn't see to make any difference, it still works fine. 

Well, I have wasted enough time so will get back to work. Hope you are enjoying the fall weather and are ready for winter. I will never be ready for winter but I don't think that will make any difference in the long run! It will still arrive!

Have a super week and I will come back on soon.


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...