May too fast!

Elk in the Wild

I just can't believe how fast May has gone by. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. We went to brunch at our daughter's house and had a great time. Her kids were here for the week end, too and that is always a treat when we can spend time with grandkids. Lots of good food and love to go around. Our oldest son and his wife came by with a beautiful basket full of beautiful flowers. He has been working 6 10 hour days a week. Our youngest son called. He had been working 7 10 hour days a week. One thing I can say about our 3 kids. They are hard workers. I wish they didn't have to work so hard but they were raised as outdoor kids and neither one of the boys could work in offices or want to.

We went to our first lacrosse game this Saturday. Have never watched or been to one but it was really fun to watch. Our oldest great grandson is playing lacrosse this year and we got to see him make his first score or point or whatever it is called in lacrosse!

Don't have much to say today so will get back to work!

Have a good week.



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