Pansies and Sweet Peas
Another cold, cloudy day. The sun usually comes out about this time of day, but I doubt it will today.
I must say I am frustrated with people using my wallpapers to make theme designs. They never ask for permission. I have had a problem lately with people actually copying some of my themes even! I have so many designs it is hard finding the one they copied because they use a different title. To report them you have to show the one they copied and it is really time consuming to hunt through all my designs. I have so many with flowers and butterflies it makes a search really difficult. But I can usually pick a copy out pretty quickly IF I see it. Another thing I have noticed lately is one
designer finding one of my designs that is popular and making one very
similar, but not an exact copy. Some designers are reviewing each others designs to get more stars even. I guess I am not a good player because I only play in my own sandbox!
I guess it shouldn't bother me, but sometimes I will take an hour or more working on just 1 design so it fits perfectly in the corner, and everything shows I want to show. So, it is irritating when someone copies it!
I am trying to take time away from the computer now because my back started hurting again. I don't know if it is sitting too long or what. The last time it got this bad I timed the computer work to 20 minuntes on, 10 off, so have been trying to do that today. It is hard for me to stop if I am in the middle of a design I am working hard on, though.
I just re-read this and wow, what a complainer I am today. I should just delete the whole thing and write another day, but...
I hope you all have a great week end and the world is good to you. Till next time............