
Showing posts from May, 2014


Pansies and Sweet Peas   Another cold, cloudy day. The sun usually comes out about this time of day, but I doubt it will today. I must say I am frustrated with people using my wallpapers to make theme designs. They never ask for permission. I have had a problem lately with people actually copying some of my themes even! I have so many designs it is hard finding the one they copied because they use a different title. To report them you have to show the one they copied and it is really time consuming to hunt through all my designs. I have so many with flowers and butterflies it makes a search really difficult. But I can usually pick a copy out pretty quickly IF I see it.  Another thing I have noticed lately is one designer finding one of my designs that is popular and making one very similar, but not an exact copy. Some designers are reviewing each others designs to get more stars even. I guess...

Feeling Down

What a cold, chilly, rainy Sunday it is here for the Memorial Day week end. I am thinking back to all the great Memorial Day weekends we had in the past. My family was really in to dirt biking so holiday weekends were for camping out and doing as much riding as we could. My Dad, Uncle, Aunt, brother, sister-in-law and tons of cousins and their spouses rode, plus our boys. So we would load up the truck and bike trailer and head for Cle Elum, WA where there were big coal piles to ride on and lots of trails. We all camped out together in the woods and had a big campfire that we sat around at night, drank wine and told about the falls we took, the trails we rode and the hills we climbed. The hills seemed to get higher each time the story was told and the trails harder! We did that for all 3 big holiday week ends every summer for years. We went from a small tent to a small camper so really felt like we had gone up in life style! We would head for the eastern side of the mountains because ...

May too fast!

Elk in the Wild I just can't believe how fast May has gone by. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. We went to brunch at our daughter's house and had a great time. Her kids were here for the week end, too and that is always a treat when we can spend time with grandkids. Lots of good food and love to go around. Our oldest son and his wife came by with a beautiful basket full of beautiful flowers. He has been working 6 10 hour days a week. Our youngest son called. He had been working 7 10 hour days a week. One thing I can say about our 3 kids. They are hard workers. I wish they didn't have to work so hard but they were raised as outdoor kids and neither one of the boys could work in offices or want to. We went to our first lacrosse game this Saturday. Have never watched or been to one but it was really fun to watch. Our oldest great grandson is playing lacrosse this year and we got to see ...

Missing Mom on Mother's Day!

The Bridge   My sister sent me a card after our Mother passed away with this poem on it. It means so much to me and the words are so true. The older I get and look in the mirror I see my Mom and my daughter says the same thing when she looks in the mirror. I had Mother's Day dinner for our family for years and years and continued to do so up until the last year of my Mom's life. I don't think you ever get over missing your Mom. Questions only she could have answered, secrets you want to tell her, how much you appreciated all she did for you, how hard she worked her whole life. I miss you, Mom. I would give anything if you were still here so I could honor you with another dinner. She always enjoyed having someone else do the cooking!  I wish all of you a Happy Mother's Day and if you can't be with your Mom, give her a call and let her know you love her. I will tell my Mom and I know she can hear me. ...

Some Firefox 29 Fixes!

Little Green Bird in Cherry Tree   Wow, we are having summer weather in April and May! We can handle it, but what a difference.  I have been working on getting my FF 29 where I am liking it again. I got my Add On bar (the bar on the bottom) back, got my tabs back on the bottom soI can actually find things again. I will post the link that really helped me get things back. Go to: There are links at the bottom of that article that will get the Add On Bar and tabs on bottom back, among other things. I like Colorful Tabs to make each tab you have open a different color and it doesn't work with 29 very well. I have always liked rounded tabs so disabled Colorful Tabs until Colorful Tabs updates to the rounded tabs. An update on the washer/dryer! We finally broke down and really went shopping and found one we liked and could af...