Monday, February 3, 2014

Seahawks Superbowl Champions

Chickadees in Spring Lilacs

Well, I can honestly say we have the best football team in the world! Seahawks! I have heard some people say it wasn't a good game and I admit it was one sided. BUT to me, it was a great game. I think the team deserves to be world champions and I hope they can do it next year. 

The theme I have posted today is the one I am using right now. I can smell the lilacs and I am SO ready for spring. The northeast wind is blowing today and I can feel it in my bones. 

I am going to post the link for the announcement of my 10,000th theme. If you are interested you can check it out at:

For some reason I just don't want to design today so thought I would post on the blog. Don't really have much to post about, but what the heck!

A lot of you have asked how my husband is doing and I can report good news, he is doing very well. The only problem is trying to keep him from working so much. He has been pretty good about coming in a little early. We don't watch daytime TV so he will read. I have been finding a lot of books for the both of us from a great site I read about. It is FreeBook Sifter:
You can sign up and they send you an email everyday with hundreds of free books. They are on Amazon and I have found some really good ones. Right now I am reading book 1 of a trilogy by Matthew Bracken, called Enemies Foreign and Domestic. It is soooo good. One of the best I have read. I know my husband will like it, too. I didn't want to start reading it until I got all 3 of them, so I put the other 2 on my watch list on Amazon and checked the list everyday and actually got all 3. If you have an e-reader, check it out. 

Gonna get back to work. More later.

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🍀🍀Saint Patricks Day🍀🍀

Back again with a few more cellphone wallpapers for users that like to change the wallpaper often!     This should keep you busy for awhile....