Marching Early
His Majesty
I really am not in the designing mode today so decided to update my blog. I know it isn't March yet, but since I had already worked on my March picture for the blog, I figured why not just do it!
We have been watching the Olympics every night till 11:30 and really enjoying it. BUT I am so frustrated with the hourly news on the radio. I have a progressive radio station I listen to while I am working and they don't give you any notice that they are going to give any medal results, so I have to hurry and turn it off, or cover my ears and sing real loud so I won't know what the results are before we see it! That really spoils the fun of watching!
I was sent a letter from "ask" telling me my Sunset Over Water browser theme had been chosen as a finalist for best browser theme for 2014. I wasn't able to find out anything more about it, but I will post the badge they sent me and the link:
So that is about all I know about that!
On the last post I told you about Frog Pond School, so thought I would tell you about another school I attended. I don't know the name of the school and have no one to ask. But we lived in rural WA near Arlington on a small farm back in the woods. And it was back in the woods! We were surrounded by big trees. It was a small farm and I know my Dad worked somewhere else but I don't know where. I have pictures of him with a tractor he built. Anyway, back to the school. I had to walk to the road to catch the school bus and this was when I was in 1st grade. To get to the road I had to walk a narrow one lane path through thick woods by myself. I knew there were bears back there because they would get in our orchard at night and you could see where they scratched the trees and left their poop! I would start out walking but I swore I could hear bears in the woods and would end up running to get to the road!
I don't remember anything about the school or anything else except being scared of bears.
My Mom passed away in 2002 and I have so many questions I wished I would have asked. I think when you get older you need to know more about your youth, your family, etc. Luckily I had gotten interested in genealogy long before Mom got sick so was able to get a lot of information, pictures, etc. from her. But I still have a lot of questions I wish I would have asked.
My paternal grandparents lived close and we got to visit with them a lot and luckily they lived to meet my children. But they never talked much about their past and after doing a lot of research I can understand why. They had it pretty tough.
I think I will wait till next time to tell you about them.
Have a good week!
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