Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Precious Peonies

Precious Peonies

I hope summer is going well for everyone and you aren't having droughts or floods. It is almost scary to listen to the news anymore. At least our summer is neither. The thunder and lightning we have had I do not like, though.

I have really been having fun designing lately. I love finding new graphics to work with and I am learning more and more with Photoshop every day. I will never be able to do even half the things that you can do with it but it is fun to try. Although sometimes I do get frustrated. 

As I have said before the getpersonas site where everyone has been getting their theme designs from is going to be changing and moving everything over to the  AMO site: so I will have to learn a whole new system of submitting, etc. And I am not one that really likes changes.

I was with Personas when they were the new baby on the block and had hoped and tried my best to keep it a sight that had class and you wouldn't be afraid for you child or grandchild to come across. But over the years they have changed a lot of their guidelines and really lowered their standards . Anyway that is this old great grandmothers opinion! And who listens to great grandmothers anyway? Right!

Just thought I would pop in and say hi and hope all is well with everyone. Thanks again for using my designs and writing. I love hearing from you and need the kudos every once in awhile.

Have a good one!

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πŸ€πŸ€Saint Patricks DayπŸ€πŸ€

Back again with a few more cellphone wallpapers for users that like to change the wallpaper often!     This should keep you busy for awhile....