
Peony Pride
How is everyone doing? Enjoying the summer? It sounds like the eastern US is have a really hot spell. After thinking about it, I think I like our cooler summer better. The heat can just sap the strength out of you and as you get older you notice it more. The problem  the Pacific Northwest has is that it can be 60° one day and 85° the next and that is kind of hard to take. My Mom used to tell us kids to always take a coat because you never knew what the weather was going to do.

I have been working away as usual and enjoying it so much. I like making the wallpapers almost better than the Personas, though. You have so much more space to work with. I usually make a wallpaper first and then "try" to get most of that into this little tiny space at the upper right corner of the header and sometimes it is nearly impossible and sometimes it is impossible. Then I feel kind of like a failure...

For some reason I have been making a lot of Oriental designs lately. I think it is fascinating how I become fixated on one type of design and then go off onto something else. 

The design above, Peony Pride has become quite popular and I love making the floral/butterfly designs. But then, what compares to the beauty of flowers and butterflies? 

The one problem I seem to be having now is naming the design. Mozilla doesn't accept a title if another one with the same name is already on line, which in a way is rather dumb. What would it hurt to have two or three designs with the same name? Desktop Nexus doesn't bother with the names. 

I recently made a Persona to honor a local football player that was wisely chosen by the Tennessee Titans to play this year. He is a very talented athlete that could have played pro baseball or football but he chose football. I don't think we missed watching any of the college games he played in that was televised. The local newspaper even had an article in our daily paper about the Persona so I have made the big time! But it did please me.

A few weeks ago I wrote about  how playing music helped me out of a depression...and I am still doing it. If I find a song I like, I can play it over and over all day long. The latest tune I enjoy was sung on the television show THE VOICE. Blake Shelton and Dia Frampton sang "I Won't Back Down" and did it even better than Tom Petty. Listen to it sometime and let me know what you think. I have to say the title pretty much says how I have lived my life. I don't back down. My Dad told me over and over that you have to watch out for yourself, because you can't depend on anyone else to do so. Maybe next time I will tell you how my husband and I started a group that fought a development on a 500 acre farm across the road from us. But that is for another time....

Have a good week everyone and tell your loved ones you love them as you never know what is going to happen. I tell my husband I love him every night before we go to sleep.


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