Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Background

Sakura Pink
 MaDonnas Sakura Pink
I made a beautiful wallpaper and it has become very popular so thought I would try using it as a background for my blog and it seems to work fairly well. So I posted the link for both the wallpaper and the Persona. I made this because cherry blossoms are most noted for Japan and since everyone is wishing the best for that country, I made these to show our support.
Today it actually looks like spring could be around the corner. 

Wishing you all a good week. And again, thanks for writing and letting me know you are using and enjoying my work.


  1. Your Blog looks beautiful in "Sakura Pink" MaDonna.

    From what I have read, the Cherry Blossom (Sakura) Festival Season would be beginning to reach the Northern regions of Japan during April. Maybe will still find a way... I hope so.

    I feel what you have done here is a very special way to express positive support for Japan's speedy and safe recovery.

    Your "Sakura Pink" Wallpaper and Persona Creations have wonderful Energy.

    May this not be an inappropriate inclusion... but, Oh MaDonna, I am having a wonderful time browsing and choosing from your Wallpapers... I loved your Personas... but I am finding I love your Wallpapers even more. Thank you very much.

    With appreciation, and my good wishes included for Japan, from Magda(Australia)

  2. Thanks, Magda...your comments are greatly appreciated. I love making the wallpapers and for some reason all of a sudden they have become very popular and I am getting all kinds of comments on them. They are actually more fun to make because you have so much more space to work with than Personas. Persona's only allow 200 pixels wide and that is not much space to try to add any graphics to. Still fun, but the wallpapers are more fun to make.

    Thanks for your comments and you blog is great. Isn't it wonderful what us "elderly" can do? Have a great week end.


How about some more cellphone wallpaper?

  I know I just posted the blog but I thought I would make some more cellphone wallpapers and I wanted to share:   I am changing my wallpape...