Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Violets and Pink

Happy after Easter Tuesday...I am breaking a record here posting two days in a row. I wanted to update my main picture, though and have worked all day trying to figure out what to put on. I like this one, called Violets and Pink. It is a wallpaper I added today and it is: 

Violets and Pink
The Persona isn't on line yet, as they are a bit slow reviewing this week so I will add the link when it is available.

I hope you all have a good week and will pop in again soon. So, until then....

Thursday...April 28th...Well, the Violets and Pink Persona is on line at: 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Checking in from the chilly Pacific Northwest!

Fall Autumn

I know, it isn't autumn (yet) but it feels like it. We got spoiled on Saturday with a beautiful spring day. We also got a chance to visit and play with our three beautiful great grandsons for awhile, so it was a very precious day. The babies are growing up too fast, though. I would love to post some pictures but I don't feel I should. I do have a Persona on line of our oldest great grandson and it is called The Littlest Cowboy. It is several years old and only shows his back, so I will post it. 

 I have written about him before and his love of bull riding. He gets to go to a PBR event this week end and is very excited about that. 

I hope you all had a great Easter. Our weather was not kind to us but we had a good dinner here with part of the family members and we had a really great time.
My parents used to have the family Easter dinner, and after my Dad passed away in 1999 Mom carried on the tradition by herself. I remember the last Easter she had dinner for everyone in 2002. She was 86 years old and fixed so much food you wouldn't believe! But you could tell she was tired and told us, that it would be the last Easter dinner she could fix. And sad to tell, it was. She found out a few weeks later that she had ovarian cancer and it was terminal. My brother and his wife, my sister, myself and my wonderful husband put our lives on hold that summer. Mom got to be in her own home and we took turns taking care of her with the support of Hospice. Without Hospice we wouldn't have been able to do it, but Mom got to spend her last days at home with her family. I am sitting here, a 72 year old lady crying on the keyboard as I remember those last  days with her. I miss my Mom. I have some other stories I will tell about those last months next time, but just can't right not.

This started out to be a small note about our weather and ends up being a sob story. But since Mother's Day is coming up in a few weeks Mom is on my mind a lot. So, if anyone out there is reading this, think about your Mom, give her a call if you can't be with her. You never know when she won't be there and then it is too late. If you have questions you want answers to, ask as you may not get another chance.
Till next time....have a good week.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14th and Spring in the Northwest!

What we woke up to on this beautiful April 14th day!
I just had to take this photo this morning. It isn't anything to brag about, but I just posted a few days ago that it was feeling more like spring out. Well, this is what spring looks like in the Pacific Northwest. I am sure there was actually more snow earlier but we did get to sleep in a bit this morning and neither one of us could believe our eyes when I pulled the shade! If this keeps up the Easter bunny is going to get frost bite when he hides Easter eggs for the little ones.

I hope it is nice and warm where you live....have a good day!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Background

Sakura Pink
 MaDonnas Sakura Pink
I made a beautiful wallpaper and it has become very popular so thought I would try using it as a background for my blog and it seems to work fairly well. So I posted the link for both the wallpaper and the Persona. I made this because cherry blossoms are most noted for Japan and since everyone is wishing the best for that country, I made these to show our support.
Today it actually looks like spring could be around the corner. 

Wishing you all a good week. And again, thanks for writing and letting me know you are using and enjoying my work.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Supposed to be Spring

Poppies for Spring
Well, it is supposed to be spring but we had hail and some snow yesterday which is NOT spring weather! Plus it was 30 degrees last night!  And the forecast doesn't sound very good for the week end. Guess I will just keep dreaming of warm weather and working at making spring, Easter and summer designs. The above picture is very springy and I have a Persona to match it at: https://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/389335
The new header picture is one I worked on a long time and am pleased with it. Of course it is nature at its finest. The wallpaper is at: http://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/634891/ and the Persona is called The Enchanted Forest Two at:  (https://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/393769). The reason I called it Two was because the first one I made didn't show the deer in the preview and to me that is the best part of it.

Now to my updating to  Firefox 4. I did it last week and after a few minutes of making my own adjustments I like it real well. My very favorite extension called Sxipper is not available anymore so am learning to do without it. Apparently the author of Sxipper isn't going to upgrade it for FF4, either. I use a bookmark toolbar for easy access to the pages I check a lot and I have the tabs on the bottom, but everyone likes their screen to look the way they want it.

There are several other extensions I liked and used and am hoping they will become available for FF4 soon.

It is spring break and we got to have our oldest great grandson for an overnight visit and we had a great time. The only problem was it rained the whole time so we didn't get outside very much. But we all had fun and on our 54th wedding anniversary we took him out for breakfast! 

We have had a great 54 years, actually we have been together for 55 years because we dated for a year before we got married. So, I count my blessings every day. 

Easter Eggs Pink

This seems to be  one of people's favorite of my Easter designs. I have made quite a few, though, so if you don't like this one, just put Easter in the search bar and there are many there, mine and other designers. Of course I am hoping you choose mine, but everyone likes something different.

I wish you all a Happy Easter and will be back soon.


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...