Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas Chickadees and Thoughts!!!

Christmas Chickadees 2
Well, I finally got back to my blog. I have been very lax on posting again. I just get so busy with work and life that I fail to get on like I should. But then again, I think I warned everyone in the beginning I might not keep this up like I should

I have been very busy with designs. Making many, many in advance. I have started putting on Thanksgiving and Christmas designs. Even a few spring ones. I am ready for spring already and we haven't even had our first frost here. I had to let my grandson (computer genius that actually made my desktop) take it home with him to update it. The hardware is getting a bit tired and this last week Explorer started crashing. I know I work too fast, copying and moving files around, but that is me. I just work fast. My husbands favorite words are "Slow down!" But if I slow down, I am afraid I might not start up again! I am always finding bruises and can't even remember hitting myself or running into something! So maybe my memory is going also! Oh, well. On to the next thing to do. 

I don't have  Photoshop in my laptop so won't be making any designs this week so by the time I get the desktop back my head will be so full of ideas and scratch pads filled with my scratchings that  I probably can't read them. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just go in and get some new hardware for ourselves? When you are my age that sounds like a really good idea.

Never fear, I have whole USB drive full of designs ready to submit this week so you will still find new designs at my design page.

My favorite birds are chickadees so thought I would share one of my Christmas Chickadee designs with you. I just submitted it today so hope everyone will like it.

I have received some wonderful letters this week from people and I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to write. Magda from Australia wrote me the most wonderful letter this week. She has a way with words that make you think of beauty. Thank you, Magda, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me on my designs. And I am glad you are using them. If people don't use them, I would quit and find something else to do.

I have finally started feeling like my old energetic self and the horrible head aches have quit. Hopefully I will be better about getting on the blog and writing.  

You all have a great week end and enjoy life.


  1. I am so glad you are feeling better. I love the chickadees. I haven't heard back from you so I get worried again. Love you dear creative sister. Love your work.

  2. Well, I just realised that a lot of my favorite personas are from you! So I decided to take a look at your blog and found a lot of beautiful things there, too...
    Thank you for your work and sensitivity!

    Estelle from France

  3. Thank you both. Dear Sis, I am feeling much better now and sorry if I made you worry.

    Estelle...thanks for your comments and glad you like my work. I really enjoy hearing from people from all over the world that like my designs. that is what keeps me working.



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