Saturday, September 25, 2010

Surprise Visit!

Puppy with No Name

I got a surprise visit from my sister this week and she brought her brand new puppy. As of right now it has no name, so that is what I called the Persona I made for her. He looks just like the dog we had for a long time and was so very much loved. I still miss him and just can't find it in my heart to get a new "best friend". It just hurts me too much to lose something I love and just can not go through that again. But I can enjoy her puppy and know it has a wonderful home and will be loved by a good family.

My sister is a very creative person and her head is full of ideas for "things", too. She has a blog you might be interested in reading. She challenges other creative people and is much better at writing every day than I am. You can check it out at:

I have done a lot of designs this past week, many of them fall oriented. I guess it is because of the beautiful warm colors it brings into our lives. Also some desktop wallpapers that turned out pretty good.

An old friend (that actually gave me my first computer) sent me some of his beautiful photos from Alaska and Puget Sound. He is a fisherman so gets to see the fantastic sunsets we get. And thankfully he takes photos and now more people can enjoy them. He sent some of Grizzly bears that I can't wait to get started on. They are like something you see in National Geographic. So thanks, Dylan.

Now I will get back to work. Have a good week end and stop by soon. I love hearing from you.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rays of Beauty
As you can see I am not very good at signing in and posting, but I see I have more followers so thank you all.  I hope I don't disappoint you.
This is one of my favorites that I have made lately in Photoshop. I have a desktop wallpaper to match it and have that link posted with the Persona. It is a kind of between summer and fall theme I guess you would call it.

If you read my blog last week I was hoping to get a sunset shot of the river. Well, it didn't happen. I was wrong on the month. It was early October of last year when I saw it, so have to wait and hope there is sunshine during that week!

 Firefox Personas is getting very popular. There are almost 200,000 designs on line. When I first became a part of Personas group I had an idea in mind of what I hoped it would be. I wanted it to be a place where you could individualize your Firefox with class. I am a bit disappointed with some of the "stuff" that is available to use, but I guess if that is what you want to see on your browser that is OK. I don't have to look at it,  right? But I am trying to make designs that are pretty much family oriented. that won't shock your child or grandmother if she saw it!

So I hope you all have a good week and I will get back to work designing.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Seasons in Order

I am in kind of a funky mood today. This is the first day in ages where I haven't even "tried" to work on a design. Which is ok as I have many ready to submit. The above design is one I submitted today. It is a collage of the 4 different seasons. Wouldn't it be great if the seasons were actually like that? Beautiful and colorful! 

We are in the in-between seasons here in the Pacific Northwest. Which is about all the time, actually. Today the sun is supposed to come out, but so far it has kept itself hidden. I found a spot on the river last fall about this time of year where a beautiful sunset picture could be taken, so I am hoping the sun comes out so I can actually get that shot! If I do and if it turns out, you will see it, either as a Persona or desktop wallpaper and if it turns out really good, both. But you can take 100 photos of 1 thing and sometimes, if you are real lucky, you may get one good one.  Anyway with my inexpensive digital camera that is how it seems.

Another thing I am finding very funny. I can make a design that I think is just perfect and really like it, but it won't catch on. Then I can submit one that is so-so and people seem to like it. So I never know if what I submit is going to be one users will like or not. It is kind of fun to see what happens. And I do like requests from people. I am not up on the "what is hot" TV and movies, so when someone asks me to make something for them I always try. So, if you have any requests, please ask and I will see what I can do. 

Well, I just thought I would check in so hope all is well for everyone and have a great week. If the sun is shining where you are, enjoy it for me!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Missing Mom

Dolphin Dance

This is the  latest design I have on line. I made a wallpaper that matches it using Photoshop.  Using the layering is a challenge for me. I don't think I am using it correctly, but it seems to work out in the end, although sometimes it takes me twice as long.

This is a sad week for me. Eight years ago this week my Mother passed away. I just read my sisters blog and she is feeling it also. Our Mother was someone everyone loved. You didn't meet her and not love her. I wish I were more like her, but I am afraid I have a lot of my Dad's traits. Stubbornness for one. My wanting to create things came from my Mom, though. She was always doing craft work or sewing. Always! Up until the very end she was having me help her put things together. As I was dusting our bedroom today I dusted 3 different things that I helped her make. One should be thrown out because it is getting very discolored, but I have a hard time doing that. I will have to, though, soon.

When I started writing today I had no intentions of being all blubbery. But that is what is on my mind today.

All in all I have had  a good week  though. I have made some pretty good Persona designs and since I try to make a wallpaper to go along with it, it takes me a lot longer. You can check out some of my wallpapers at:

I also did some sewing this week which I dearly loved doing. Since we have one new great grandson and another one on the way in December, I made some tiny little tee shirts and sweatshirts. I used to sew constantly for my grandkids, 6 boys and 1 girl. But because of Fibromyalgia I had to quit. I am not one that can do something half way. If I start doing something, I do I want to work on it all the time.

I want to thank my followers of both Personas and wallpapers. Because you use them I create them!!!!

Thanks for stopping by today. I actually feel better now, getting some stuff out!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Trees of Winter
Today is an absolutely beautiful autumn day, but we all know what comes after the fall. Winter!!  I don't care much for winter as my body doesn't like the cold, but I am submitting some winter Personas because when winter is in full bloom with snow, it is beautiful.
I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day week end and enjoy the last summer holiday.


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...