Coffee Cafe by M♥Donna



 Well I had really bad luck with the new computer I got to replace my good old standby that my grandson built and kept updated. But he had said he couldn't update it anymore for Windows 11. It just wasn't worth it. I lost tons of themes, wallpapers & even all of the cell phone wallpapers I was going to submit.


Back to the new computer. I could not get it set up, so I finally did a factory reset and took it back. Got a cheaper one, same brand and had no problem setting it up, getting my programs in, etc. Plus I saved $800! I had been saving up for years knowing I would have to eventually replace it, plus I had sold all my old gold jewelry! So it is paid for and everything is good! 


I am beginning to feel like my old self after the stroke, dehydration, etc. But my memory is still off. I try to think of a word and it won't come when I want it to, but eventually I get it. It amazes me that I haven''t had a problem with Photoshop because it is kind of a difficult program. I got it in the new Dell, after I remembered my code, etc. so I didn't have to buy a newer version. There are still a couple things I can't remember how to do but "search" is good. I go tomorrow for a new blood test and hope my iron level is back up to at least a low normal. I hate taking iron pills! 


I would like to thank the people that have recently sent me Amazon gift cards. I didn't want to set up an account for people to put money in so several months ago I added on my profile that I would accept Amazon gift cards for any amount and a few wonderful people have seen it and done so. I appreciated it so much because we buy all of our supplements from them and we take quite a few so there is always money going out. So thank you again, from the bottom of my heart!


If any of you want me to continue to add cell phone wallpapers to my blog, please let me know and I will make some more. Luckily I had added the ones I liked to use to my phone gallery so didn't lose them! I am continuing to work with AI for my themes and have a lot of fun with it. I hope you have got to see some of my new Halloween ones as they are quite different from the old style. I still have to put them through Photoshop and re-do them for a theme because I can't make them that size. Not that talented or smart enough!


I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and get lots of goodies. Or give lots of goodies out to the little ones. 

Till next time!


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