
Showing posts from June, 2024

📱Latest Fun Cell Phone Wallpapers📱

         Sleeping Mouse                                                           Sisters                                                      Ethereal Beauty These are a few of the cell phone wallpapers I have been working on. The themes for each are or either will be available soon. I am sure you are all aware of how to put them on your cell phone.  Enjoy!  

📱📱More Free Cell Phone Wallpapers📱📱

                                           Mystic lion                                                 Garden Pond                                                    Dolphin Still not a lot of sunshine but better than all the rain and floods! Still working on themes, wallpapers and cell phone wallpapers. Hoping you...

😎Hoping for a warm June!😎

Some of my newest Cellphone wallpapers. If you need instructions on how to install on your phone, please email me!   Bright Path CP Rest Awhile CP                                                   Bright Falls CP                                              Neon Rose CP Very hard to believe 2024 is practically half over! So far we haven't seen any warm weather in the Pacific Northwest but at least we aren't having hurricanes and tornadoes.  I had my yearly physical and found out I am severely anemic, so am eating a lot of spinach, etc. Plus iron...