Monday, February 28, 2022

Marching in Support of Ukraine

                                        Supporting Ukraine

   Wow...February went really fast, didn't it? But is a short month. Lots have happened since I last posted. Ukraine has been invaded by a crazy man! Yes, crazy man! I turned baby sister is 70 and our oldest great grandson is 17! Time flies so fast. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine. They are a very brave people and I hope they come out of this all right. The world seems to be backing them and that is wonderful. 

Have you discovered WORDLE yet? I am addicted to it and actually do very well so far! The word Vivid had me, though. Couldn't get that one. My husband does word puzzles every morning and he is pretty sharp so I want to keep up with him! 

Our oldest grandson and his family are in Mexico right now on a mission doing some building. What a great experience for the kids! Very proud of them. Hopefully they will be safe and sound. 
My husband is 86 and has never been interested in computer stuff at all. And has only used a flip phone. Well a lot of flip phones, (maybe most) won't work much longer so I am switching his phone over to my old Samsung S7. He is kicking and screaming about it but 3G is going away. The only time he needs a cell phone is when he goes somewhere without me. I always have mine with me but I don't want him going up in the mountains, etc. without a phone so wish us luck! I think he will do just fine.
  Going to sign off for today!  But before I do, I would like to thank Caitlin from Mozilla. She has been my go to person for several years for any problems I had or if I found a bug in Firefox! I wish her luck in whatever she decides to do in her future. She was a treasure and I will miss her. Have a great March and who knows I may get back on and so some posting before the month ends!
Prayers for the Ukranian people

Saturday, February 5, 2022

πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸŒΉValentines and BirthdaysπŸŒΉπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸ’–πŸ’–

                                                                    Love Lilies                  

January went really, really fast! Omicron was pretty bad around here so we didn't go anywhere except get groceries every other Saturday morning at 6:30 and to a Dr. appointment. We did get our free Covid tests from the USG and some free ones from WA state. So far haven't had to use them...which is good. I had ordered some KN95 masks from Amazon but they are not near as comfortable as the 3 layer cotton ones I had made. But we will wear them...probably for the rest of our lives! I sure hope not, but if it isn't one variant it is another one. Our daughter got us a few of the free masks the government sent out but we haven't gotten them yet. I hope everyone out there continues to wear masks so the elderly, the very young and immune compromised will be safe. I know it's hard, but think how much you save on blusher and lipstick!


Wow...we had a big storm that started Christmas day and lasted for 2 weeks...super cold with a strong NE wind coming down from the the Frazier River in Canada. My husband had gotten a lot of firewood in so we "thought" we were prepared. But my husband woke up with Gout in his ankle in the middle of one night and could hardly walk. The woodpile was getting a bit low and I was worried about getting the wheelbarrow through the snow drifts to get to the woodshed and back. I didn't want to bother the boys since they were having a hard time getting to work, etc. But we lucked out and the snow started to melt and I didn't run out of wood and my husband got over his first bout with Gout! What a weird thing that is! I kept telling him he must have sprained it and he swore he didn't so I got to thinking about it and got on my computer and figured out what he had. I had been telling him to stay off it, etc. and that was the worse thing he could do. Gave him Ibuprofen and he started walking on it and by that night most of the swelling was down and he could walk on it. Strange thing! He woke up with it in the middle of the night. Just like it says happens. 


Superbowl next Sunday! I was glad it was these two teams, if my Seahawks couldn't play. But I really don't have a team I want to win. I was just glad Tom Brady nor Aaron Rodgers aren't playing. I have reasons for not liking either one of them! Brady tried to cheat against my Hawks by tampering with the footballs so that is the reason I don't like him. Rodgers made a fool of himself about the virus and probably caused a lot of disease to spread and that's why I don't like him. Petty I know...


My 83rd birthday is later this month. It is hard to believe how fast the time goes. I can really tell that age is catching up with me. My body aches all the time...but I keep moving. So it is harder to do specific chores and I don't think I am as quick catching on to something new on the computer. I know I don't like changes and it is harder and harder to keep up with all the new technology! Yesterday I did a really stupid thing on my cell phone. I went to delete one contact (a business we don't use anymore) and instead of deleting it...I deleted all except that one. Luckily most of them were backed up but I have a photo or logo for each and every contact and those didn't come back so I had to get all of those back and download the logo's etc. again. 


Still working on updates! Doing my Winter and Valentines Day Collections now. I know I won't finish Winter until it is time to start Spring and Summer! I really don't need to make any new ones but I love making them so much I do make several each day...and just keep storing them!


I want to wish you all a wonderful February and all of you that live in the cold parts of the country keep warm! Stay safe and be kind!



                        A Cute Panda    


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...