As you can see my blog has changed and I don't like it but I have to go along with the go along! I haven't figured out how to use the new blogger. Someday I will take a day and try to figure it out.
Thought I would let you all know that there will be changes for us in Firefox 89 that will come out early next week. Theme looks will be updated and I guess the Home Page or New Tab Page also. I don't know exactly what the New Tab Page will look like but hope it doesn't change too much. I have all my saved sites that I go to all the time pasted on it. And I have noticed that the background on it is now black...which is something I have been asking for. I honestly don't know if my Dark Night Mode extension is causing it or not but it is dark now...I know many of you have asked for that.
I would like to recommend a free Office type program. I have to watch the budget to I can't afford to pay for Microsoft Office. I have been using LibreOffice for many years and it does everything Microsoft does. So you can save yourself some money by trying it at least. You can find it at: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download/.
Someone posted that they had decided to get the vaccine after reading my blog. That made me feel so good. If I can encourage just 1 I will be pleased but if I can encourage more to do so....so think about it. If you have already gotten yours, try to get a friend or relative to get one also. We are not going to get back to normal and actually feel comfortable going out until we have reached herd immunity and have a 75% vaccination rate. If you decide not to get the vaccine, please continue to wear a mask in public. Think about your parents or grandparents. Most of us have been shut up in our homes for over a year. We are still not going into stores until the daily rate gets way down in our County. There are a lot of people in the north part of the County that don't want to wear masks or get a vaccine so they are keeping the numbers up. And they aren't wearing masks in shops so no one is safe.
Just thought I would pop in and let you know about Firefox 89 that is updating June 1st.
Good luck and have a wonderful holiday weekend.