πŸ‘Œ Everything is Great

F-fox Gumball Bright

I have some time to catch up on my blog and it is all good. My almost 84 year old husband came through a very serious 4 1/2 hour surgery with flying colors. And everything is going very well. He just came in and said he was going on a hike! He has to get his blood count back up and his strength. In a month we go back and will see about getting the small cancer in his kidney removed. I feel so grateful and happy. If someone would have told me we would be in this place last July, I wouldn't have believed them. But he is an amazing man and I am happy and proud to be looking ahead to our 63rd wedding anniversary.

I have actually found time to make some new designs using some of the newer Firefox logos. And I so enjoy making the fall themes because of the bright colors.

 Thanksgiving Farm

Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away and I will be having our usual Thanksgiving dinner. This will be the 61st Thanksgiving dinner in a row I have made. The first few I made were not turkey but venison that my husband had shot. As you know (if you have been reading my blog for awhile) we lived up in the mountains east of Everett, WA. My husband worked for the United States Forest Service so we lived close to the work! We loved it up there, over 11 miles from town and our nearest neighbor was over a mile away. So our kids were raised in a far different life style than most. But they learned how to play with each other, work together and not have to be taken to ballet, fancy birthday parties, dance, and every other thing that kids have to do now. They learned how to be without electricity after a snow storm. And we had a lot of those. My husband would pack water in buckets from the creek for our water supply because the pump wouldn't work if the electricity was out. And we had a lot of snow storms, but it was a beautiful soft snow that didn't drift like it does up here close to the Canadian border. 

Wow, I got off on a tangent there, didn't I?

Back to Thanksgiving....I have used the same menu and cooked the same things from the same old family recipes. I don't make near as much food anymore because aunts, uncles, and cousins came to dinner, and my parents and grandparents. Most of them are gone now, and missed. So it is a much smaller group. And I get much tireder when it is all done!

We have been having great sunshiny weather for November. Which is unheard of. November is usually our wettest month...and it sounds like we will be getting some rain this weekend.  

I am still working on theme updates and actually removing some of the old ones that weren't very good and no one uses. I should probably remove even more. So many of the new themes are made in Firefox color and are all so similar. I can't use Persona Plus to test my themes anymore and I really am upset about that. Using Firefox Color to test themes is not very user friendly. Plus you can only test so many and then I have to either delete the storage of remove FC and re-install it. They are supposed to be updating it soon so it may get easier.

Going to sign off for now. I hope you all a very good weekend and don't spend too much money Christmas shopping!

Thankful Thanksgiving Owls


  1. I am so glad to hear your husband is doing well! You know, you should write a book about your life. It sounds so interesting and I would read it!

    What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? I am not good at choosing favorites, but a couple would be a Greenberg turkey (they are made in Tyler, TX and shipped all over! They are smoked and covered with all kinds of peppery goodness.) and then homemade cranberry sauce. This was the first year I actually pre-made it and canned it. I hope it tastes okay. Ha. I used to love chess pie (like buttermilk pie...kind of) but now it's so sweet to me, it makes my teeth hurt. Lol.

    Hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I am so happy to hear things are going well. :)

  2. Hi, mylittlecountry.....you sound like my kind of gal. My favorite Thanksgiving food is my Grandma's candied sweet potatoes. Not yam....sweet potatoes. So many people don't know the difference. They are simple to make but you never know exactly how they will turn out because her recipe is so simple and the timing of cooking the sauce (sugar, butter and a bit of water). If you cook it to long it gets too thick and if not long enough...it is too runny. I make it every year since my Grandmother passed away. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving in our family without them...and the dish I dislike the most (and luckily my husband does, too)is that green bean casserole that so many people like.

    Hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your turkey.

  3. Oh, no....I accidentally deleted the last two comments. I am so sorry and they were such nice comments. I will answer them anyway...I am happy you both like my country themes. The reason I don't have a wallpaper for many of them is because they are from paintings and since I don't "own" the painting I don't feel I should post a wallpaper. Many of my themes I actually found the wallpaper on DN and used it, so if you go to Desktop Nexxus and did a search...you might find the wallpaper to go with it.

    Everything is going very well right now with my husband and we are looking forward to Thanksgiving. It won't be a big one this year but I have so much to be thankful for.

    I wish you and yours a wonderful, loving Thanksgiving.


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