1 Fall Country Farm
Well, everything was going along soooo sell and then last Thursday my dear husband starting bleeding so I took him to the ER first about 6:00 AM. They took tests, etc. and we got to come home. He stopped bleeding on his own and was taking it a bit easier. He had been splitting wood, etc and shouldn't have since it had only been 3 weeks since his surgery. Then yesterday the hospital called and said the culture had shown bacteria growing so he had to go on antibiotic and hopefully that will clear everything up. It just seems like we start thinking everything is going to be over soon and then you get kicked in the butt! We will overcome this, too.
I found a new extension I am liking. I have sensitive dry eye syndrome so light hurts my eyes and I had been using an extension that darkens websites. I tried another one last week called Dark Reader. So far so good. If the brightness bothers your eyes, give it a try. I will keep you informed on which one I like best.
I don't know why I keep working on new themes. I guess it is therapy! I have so many farm, country, cottage themes made so I should stop making them. They really aren't very popular because I think the younger users are into gaming, etc. and many have probably never set foot on a farm!
I am sure you have noticed that when you go to your Add On/Themes they are listed in alphabetic order, which I do like. BUT I wish they would leave the theme you are using on the top until you disable it. I have to test every theme I make after it has been accepted and on line. But then I would like to be able to go back to the theme I was currently using but you can't. So I am putting a number 1 or 2 in front of a title so it will be at the top of my list. Because lets face it, we all have at least one theme, we really, really like.
My Fibromyalgia has really acted up lately. I don't know if it is stress or cold weather since both aggravate it. I am trying Tumeric to see if that will help the inflammation. Most of the pain is caused from inflammation they say. So we shall see. I never found anything that ever really helped in all 30 years I have had it.
I am finding it hard to get into the spirit of Thanksgiving. I am so thankful that my husband is here and doing pretty well. And thankful that our family is doing well and are so close. It isn't that, it is just that I am so tired...the thought of doing all that cooking, etc. is kind of hard to get excited about. But have to get into the spirit of it by the week end because I have to really get to work...
Well I had best get to work. Almost time to figure out something that is very healthy for dinner. I would be satisfied just having a smoothie but have to cook for my husband. I find it hard to think...
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather and is happy and healthy.
If I don't get back before Thanksgiving...have a great one and hopefully you have family to share the day with.