
Showing posts from July, 2017

~~Some of My Favorite Firefox Add-Ons~~

Purple Passion Decided to take a break from housework and theme work. I enjoy the theme work so much more than the housework! But I have so many themes made I really need to slow it down some. So I thought I would take a half an hour to promote some of my favorite add-ons. One I just found over the week end. Since I had my cataract surgery my eyes are more sensitive to light and as I am sure you are aware the computer screen doesn't help that any. So the Mozilla home page highlighted Simple Night Mode. So I installed it. I liked it because I didn't have to restart Firefox and it was easy to put to use. If you are on your computer at night it may be very helpful. You can find it at: This is a before screen shot. This is an after shot.  You can see that it changes the background from white to black and the text is most...

Checking in with Amazement!

Sleeping Lion I have been amazed at all the emails, etc. I have been receiving since the article and video came out. Thank you all for the support. I didn't know they had put the link to the article on the Firefox Home Page until someone commented about it on this blog! And almost 10,000 views on the video.  And then I had a wonderful email from David from Virginia asking me if I had found it! At first I couldn't figure out what I lost and them he mentioned my pocket angel. I had forgotten (old age!) that I had even mentioned it on this blog. So he did a bunch of research trying to find a replacement for it. I had ordered it out of a catalog (paper!) over 35 years apparently it isn't made anymore and asked me if a round one could take its place! So I think I am getting a replacement for my good luck charm! I doubt very much if I will carry it for another 35 years, though! It ...


Floral Exotica Another beautiful day in NW Washington. I love this weather. It isn't too hot nor too cold. Just perfect! Been real busy working on themes and wallpapers. The above theme I made with just using Photoshop brushes. I was pleased with the muted look. It is easy on the eyes, too. Which makes a big difference to me right now. I have to wear my glasses when I am doing close up work but they really don't fit my eyes since the surgery. I can't wait until I can get new lenses for my glasses! Today is the last day I have to put drops in the first eye that was done.  My husband hasn't been feeling very well. He just can't seem to get over the last session with AFib. He is on a new medication to try to keep his heart rate even but hasn't been on it long enough to know if it is working. And we don't know if that is causing him to feel so low. I told him it just might be ...

Midweek Plus 1!

Blue Mountain Beauty Busy day so far. Sheets washed and on the clothes line, house cleaned and a Dutch Apple Pie baked. July seems to be flying by.  Had a nice week end. Weather still pretty good. No rain for 3 weeks they are saying. It doesn't seem like that long ago but I won't complain. Been a busy week so far. Had two little ones here on Monday and Tuesday mornings and they keep you busy. Reminds me of the old days.  My eyes are getting better all the time. I will just be glad when I can get the new lenses in my glasses. Right now I can't wear them unless I am doing close up work. I still have to put eye drops in one eye twice a day and the last one I had done, 4 times a day. I was surprised how much better I can see, though.  The news stations are very interesting right now, aren't they? I think the Trump truth will finally come out eventually. I just hope I live long enough to se...

All is Well!

Owl at the Beach The weather is absolutely beautiful and I got good news from the Ophthalmologist this morning. My husband is feeling well also, so all is well in MaDonna Land! I had the cataract in my right eye removed last week and can actually watch TV without glasses but will be glad when I am all healed up and can get new lenses in my glasses. The hardest part of this whole thing was managing my severe dry eye syndrome. I couldn't use any of the drops for that and each day got worse and worse. This morning I even tried to make myself cry so I cold get some moisture in my eyes, but after my appt. this morning he said I could start using my Xiidra and the moisture drops. He said he could actually see the dry spots on my right eye this morning. Hope you all of you in the USA had a nice 4th of July and it wasn't too noisy. Ours was pretty quiet. Our daughter came over in the afternoon a...