
Autumn Buck and Doe

September is here so I guess we all have to hunker down and get ready for winter. I put the fall door decoration on the back door this morning. And got out a fall arrangement for the dining room table. I guess I might as well brighten things up even if I can't brighten up my mindset. My husband took a great grandson grouse hunting this morning. He was afraid he wouldn't get to go out with great grandpa this year because school was starting, but he doesn't have to start until the day after Labor Day. He spent the night so they could get an early start. I feel so thankful that we get to spend time with our great grandkids.

I spent yesterday pickling with our daughter and granddaughter. We spent as much time laughing as we did making pickles. Got 80 pounds of cucumbers processed. And one bottle of wine gone!  Last year was the first year my granddaughter did pickles so I gave her the old family recipe. My Grandma Joe's dill pickle recipe..the recipe my grandmother, my Mom and myself used for years. The recipe has to be over 100 years old but that was the dill pickle that all of her friends liked best. She made several different recipes, marked them and blind tested. So I guess my Grandma Joe knew what she was doing. She didn't have a lot of recipes. She just did it! Her buttermilk biscuits couldn't be beat and she made them every morning, without a recipe. She would add stuff till the texture was right and rolled them out on the kitchen table to cut out. They were so good...with fresh honey. She had another recipe in her head that we tried to get her to write was something our family called Hot Stuff! It was shredded cabbage and some kinds of hot chili peppers, etc. that she canned every year. It was a family favorite but not one of us could manage to copy it so Hot Stuff died when Grandma did. We all tried!

I just read a series of books I enjoyed very much. They were The Laramie Series by Karen J Hasley. They were so good. You can read them book by book but it is better if you start with Lily's Sister and read them in order. I am hoping there will be a 7th. I get all of my books from Amazon so I can read them on my tablet. And I get a lot/most of them free. I subscribed to Book Bub and they send you a list of books in categories you choose that are free or lower priced. I think I managed to get every one of them free over time. I just save it on the Amazon Cloud until I get the entire series. The author manages to bring members from prior books in the series to be the main character in the new one, so it is mainly all about a family. The first one starts right after the Civil War and the last one was early 1900's. 

Well, I should get back to work. I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day. And thanks for taking the time to read my silly blog. 

One Leaf Fallen


  1. I really like these Firefox Themes. They are splendid. You really have a lot of talent.

  2. Thanks so much, Amara. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog.


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