
Showing posts from December, 2015


Happy New Year to everyone that reads my silly little blog. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thanks for writing the wonderful reviews on my themes at Mozilla. I am taking a little rest today from designing because I am upgrading my desktop computer to Windows 10! I really hadn't planned on doing that today but I thought I would at least download it and do it later like it says BUT after you get it downloaded it only gives you a few days to choose from to install it. I didn't want to do it over the week end, etc. so figured this morning was the best of the worst! I am just hoping all of my programs, etc. will work with it and it doesn't give me any problems. So I am typing with my fingers crossed! We had a very nice, very quiet, warm, loving Christmas day.  All of our kids were here and my husband had picked up Papa Murphy's pizzas so I didn't have to cook. The kids all brought snacks so the table was full of snacks. We snacked until time for pizza....


I just wanted to stop in and wish a Merry Christmas to everyone. Hopefully you are not on your computer today but having a day with family and loved ones.  Our kids are coming today and we are having pizza!  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL

Hubby's 80th Birthday Today!

Winters Bright Birds Today is my husband's 80th birthday and of course he is working on an old car for someone! He shouldn't be because he had a very bad night and didn't get much sleep. But this guy needs his car fixed. I worry about him so much.   We had his birthday party Sunday and all of the kids, grandkids and great grandkids were here. It was so special and we took a lot of pictures. Everyone (21 of us and 2 little dogs) were sitting in the living room talking and laughing and my husband started talking about his life, growing up during the depression with 9 kids and no money, his years working for the US Forest Service, fighting fires, etc. Everyone was listening and learning. Our oldest great grandson came over and sat between us and at one point put his head on his Great Grandpa's shoulder. I feel so very blessed that we have this wonderful family surrounding us with love...

Christmas M & M's

Christmas M & M's from Google Store I just noticed my M & M Christmas New Tab Theme design was on the Google store now so am posting it. I took this morning off from designing and worked on our County Comprehensive Plan again. The County Planning Commission didn't accept the City's recommendation to leave our area out of the City Urban Growth Area. Which didn't surpise me when I saw the names of the Commissioners. They are known to be Pro-Growth. I can't understand why people think that growing big is something good. Pretty soon there won't be any farm land left. Cities have to start growing up, not out. I will fight being put into the city till my last day on earth and may come back and haunt them after that! Mozilla still hasn't fixed the user count yet, either! Oh well, no one is perfect. Have a good week and take some tim...

Can't Believe it is the Last Month of 2015!

M & M Christmas I decided since I had taken so many hours putting Santa hats on Minions I might as well take some more time and put hats on M and M's so that is what I did most of the day yesterday. Oh, I did go out and help my husband in the shop put a transmission in a car he is working on for a lady. He wants to retire from cars, but these women call him that can't afford to go to a shop to get their car fixed and he can't say No. He doesn't have heat in his shop anymore. He has a big old wood stove our son made for the shop years ago, but we don't have enough wood left to use it for the shop, is cold out there.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to be with family. Our was very small this year. So we had tons of left overs. My daughter in law made up a left over casserole from the bigger dinner a couple weeks ago, so she did it for me on Thanksgivi...